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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Vertexspline

  1. Rich--- First off you made much improvements with this version, but Sebastian has a lot of good comments that i would agree with. But still keep the thing as much how you like as well......I think if you try some of the suggestion on tempo and length of scene you may develop a slightly different style and find that what you thought was cool maybe was not so much----happens to me all the time. smiles.
  2. I had let my version 16 expire back in november and had to use my version 12 cd version these past few months . So I had forgotten how nice 16 was. Today I finally got version 17 and have to say --wow its so much nicer than 12 --by light years. ANd renders seem faster than 16 . The render speed seems very fast indeed. My only thoughts for anyone with 12 or older for sure ....just toss that aside and upgrade asap ----you will be very happy indeed . Its AM yummyiness. Nice job developer(s). Smiles . Now on to having some fun.
  3. Pretty Nice Steve---thanks for sharing your work.
  4. Yes happy Birthday to both of you .Best Wishes.
  5. Bravo Marcos -----your speed is amazing ---thanks---
  6. Its a start ---anyplace anyway one can spread the word is a good thing for sure for all. (Teeshirts)
  7. Awesome Marcos ----yes if you could slow it down a little would help otherwise you have to stop and go a lot to follow. But this is great none the less. Thanks .
  8. Welcome back Tore-------- Its such a testiment to what is the charms of Animation Master that we see folks return to dable in it once again time and time again. Good luck on your AM project -----Looking forward to seeing your first glimpse you show us. Smiles
  9. the goat stares and thinks..................."silly humans.............." looks pretty cool Simon.
  10. Steve........ That looks mighty awesome. I would say a fine leg to stand on for sure.
  11. Douglas --I can say from one who has come and gone and returned------ if your interests is to tell 3d animated stories --------this is the place to be and I have ventured into many different options before.
  12. oh I thought you might say have a button that leads you to a tutorial on how to make a dragon. But your solution is even easier ---then we can move on to make animated movie button ----dial up characters , theme and story and boom 10 minute short.
  13. For some yes ---i would imagine some go to school where they may be forced to use something like Maya or some go on to just go to other things. There are certainly a lot of options out there. AM is definitely a niche product as it were ---but in many ways for what it does --------it does so well...that I think many folks return as well once they try other things.
  14. Come on Rodney -------keeping the secret Dragon button hidden from us. You mean we have to make our own ......gheez.
  15. thanks for googling like Crazy----nice to see some more of AM in action.
  16. Looks like a very nice facade so far rodger------And yes that sign seems fine for me vis a vis the painting and what you may want to acheive.
  17. Terry---- that's a fine job indeed. ready for battle.
  18. well Tore----- if you peek in again. Just have to say Kudos -very cool stuff indeed ----I read the other thread thanks David for unearthing it. Always so interesting seeing how folks go about telling their story.
  19. Douglas ---you are like the super sleuth of AM uncovering more and more amazing users who go unnoticed at least here. So thanks for rooting out yet another wonderful AM artist using this amazing software to tell stories.
  20. smiles......well hopefully a few folks have signed up and hopefully a few speak up. Come on folks.............jump in .....the waters great.
  21. Always nice to recall the good ole days but even better to make these days as good. If we get lucky and continue to move things forward ---who knows you maybe be able to look back and say ---oh yeah------2013/2014 the good old days. Smiles.
  22. Sean - ---Bravo ! For a one man 10 minute plus short ---you have done very well. I watched and enjoyed the whole thing from beginning to end. As Rodney points out there is a lot of impressive things going on here --especially for one person. I agree with Rodney on credits with one person -----One time one place one name --not unlike a painter might sign the canvas. That said I liked the credits anyhow. Also ---although Rodney referenced the vocals --I was impressed with the overall sound and music !! Very nice indeed. One of the strengths of the short for sure. But visually --There really are a lot of stellar shots in the film. I just have to say you certainly showed what Animation Master is all about. One Man One computer One pretty amazing Short Film .
  23. Mark --your models are awesome indeed. I would say you should have no fear of buildings----at least it does not show if there was any . You are on a roll man keep it going.
  24. Mark---that slight adjustment worked really well---nice image indeed.
  25. Mark, I liked both images. The second one if I may make a suggestion. It would seem her hair and horses mane is blowing a little too strong considering the apparent gait of the horse. Now one frame shots of even horses at full gallop can catch them in some remarkable poses as it were but the normally for a horse to have its tail blowing and the riders hair blowing from the wind of the gallop their legs will either be very extended outwards or pretty tucked together underneath and curled as they gallop. but that's maybe just me.....I see a lot of horses where I am from - and they are very beautiful creatures indeed --so that's why I liked the image too.
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