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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Posted (edited)

Note: Some of these are old posts... please post at the bottom.




I was just noticing the front page ticker. It states:

We have 3,014 registered members


That is simply awesome!


There are a lot of that 3,000 though that I have yet to meet and greet.

So, if you are new to Animation:Master or discovering the A:M Forum for the first time... WELCOME!


It's good to have you here!

Edited by Rodney
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Hi Ken!


I'm Rodney.


I'm a A:M Forum user otherwise known as #1010.

I logged in for the first time back in November of '03 although I lurked on the animaster listserve for many a year before that.


I fear there may be no cure for my current addiction to Animation:Master.

But I can safely say that I have not yet been to SIGGRAPH so there may be hope.


Still, I'm happy to be here! :)


Wow, 3014.

I was looking at the top posters in this forum, and i whent to the last page then went backwards through the pages. There were more than 100 pages with 10 users on each, that had no posts at all, that meens that more than a 1000 users havent posted since they signed up :blink:


Just some useless information.

I was bored ;)

  • Admin
Wow, 3014.

I was looking at the top posters in this forum, and i whent to the last page then went backwards through the pages. There were more than 100 pages with 10 users on each, that had no posts at all, that meens that more than a 1000 users havent posted since they signed up  :blink:

That is true...

Sure would like to see 1 or 2 of them take the plunge and post in the New Users Forum!


I think maybe we could get 10 of them to post... what do you think! ;)


It would be good to get some of them to post, mabe all ;) . All they need is at least 1 post each, and that would mean that there would be no one without a post on these forums.

  • Admin

As extra incentive to post... I'll up the stakes...


One lucky A:M Forum User will recieve a free upgrade to Animation:Master courtesy of (the yet unpublished) A:M Digest and the current moderator of the New Users Forum. That'd be me! ;)


Since we are a little way away from v12... that seems a bit far off to wait...

Hmmm...... what to do... what to do....


Fine Print

Basic rules of eligibility for a free Animation:Master upgrade(a $99 value):

- Only owners of Animation:Master are eligible

- The poster must post at least 2 posts between the date stamp of this post and the drawing. The drawing will not be conducted later than 31 December 04.

- One of the posts must be an introductory post introducing the user via a problem solving type question or regular introductory post to the forum (this requirement will be waived for anyone who is already a known quantity in the A:M Community (i.e. If you are Brian Prince you're in. Chill.... it's only an example... Brian's posted more than once already.. okay?)

- One post is *recommended* to be placed in the same discussion as this message to ensure the poster is actually interested in recieving a free upgrade. Who knows... maybe someone doesn't care to recieve a free upgrade. It could happen!

- The sponsor reserves the right to give away the free upgrade at the release of v11.5 although this will not be required. If a drawing for the prize is conducted upon the release of v11.5, the sponsor reserves the right to conduct a second drawing at the release of v12.

- Current owners of v11 may have to wait until v12 is released to claim their prize.

- Once the drawing is conducted the winner will have 30 days to collect the prize. On the 31st day an alternate will be selected from the same pool of entrants. Failure to collect the prize within the 30 day limit releases the prize to the alternate.

- The sponsor is not required to spend more than $99 to terminate the intent of this promotional opportunity. What do you want Netrender!!! Go buy it!

- If this promotion is terminated for any reason the names of *identifiable* persons will be added to a similar promotion for a free upgrade to Animation:Master. (i.e. A:M Digest's potential Starving Artist contest)


*** This promotion is not sponsored by Hash Inc and no endorsement, support or requirement on their behalf is intended.***


Questions, comments, recipes?


Hi #1010


I'm #240. I lurked for many years on the mailing list and the forum for a while too, but once I posted for the first time, I just couldn't stop. Getting answers to questions or helping someone with theirs. No matter how simple or hard the question is, someone will be there to answer it. Ah the forum, such a wonderful place. :D



P.S.....3025 and counting....

  • Admin

Looks like I'm gonna have to waive this one for those that are already introduced to the forum:


- One of the posts must be an introductory post introducing the user via a problem solving type question or regular introductory post to the forum (this requirement will be waived for anyone who is already a known quantity in the A:M Community (i.e. If you are Brian Prince you're in. Chill.... it's only an example... Brian's posted more than once already.. okay?)


Obviously, the intent of the contest is to get A:M Users to participate in the A:M Community... so if you are already participating... you've met the criteria of posting an introductory post in the forum.


Make sense?


Sorry Rodney. Wasn't looking for an upgrade. I was just posting my opinion on the forum and how well it works. Trying to break the ice for the non-postees.

  • Admin

Not to worry Mark. The chances of you winning are only something like 1 in 4 at this exact moment... so... what are the chances you might accidentally win? :D

  • Admin
Did I mention your the greatest moderator ever?


Nope. I don't think you ever did mention that...

Come to think of it... that really irks my cat!!! Or... it would if I had a cat... :huh:


hehe! ;)


I've lost count but I know there are still a bunch of people that need to participate in the A:M Forums! Not so much for the chance of a free upgrade but because you'll be glad you did! :)


...okay boys... when will we archieve world peace? *gg*


I was wondering if it would be possible to count the A:M-Users all over the world?


Would be very interesting to know how many there are...

Dont know how, so... it would be possible to count the ips which download the updates or so....




PS: I dont know which number i have, but i am here since 19. September 03...

  • Admin


According to the data just below your avatar you are member #215.

We've heard from several members in the 200 series so far... :)


As far as how many people use A:M, I must say that although I'm endlessly curious and would love to know. I'll leave Hash Inc.'s secrets safely with them for now. It's current and emerging *A:M Forum Users* that I'm targeting here.


Quality over quantity! The elite of the elite!

Those that don't want to let there copy of A:M gather dust on a shelf.

New users who have recently joined the forum.

Old users who support Animation:Master and have something to say.

Artists and Dreamers like you and me!


Giving away an upgrade to A:M is just something I've wanted to do for a long time now. I've talked with many A:M Users that for one reason or another cannot upgrade and yet wish they could. This is one way to give them a chance, however small, to get it done.


Thanks for chiming in! :)

  • Admin

Mark said he:

lurked for many years on the mailing list and the forum for a while too, but once I posted for the first time, I just couldn't stop.


Wanted to quote Mark here as that was certainly my experience and I bet it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to say there are many A:M Users who are doing the same even now.


My memory recalls that I went into lurk mode after I posted a crash related "me too" post. It was (and still is of course) against list rules to do so and I probably got told as much... shocked at the brutal honesty of such helpful strangers I turned to lurking and learning. Having a dial up modem also gave me an excuse to keep from joining in. Isolation in a foriegn country made sure I kept my distance too.


The Forum is considerably different than the old listserver.

The A:M Community is different now as well.

There are resources available now that weren't before the advent of the A:M Forum.


For example:

A:M Films gives us a place to share (and collect) animation created with A:M.


The WIP section of the forum lets you start a Work In Progress, set goals, and work toward a finished product. You can solicit feedback from peers... and they answer!


The New Users Forum lets us ask those really really basic questions and get answers back! The answers rarely fail to educate and entertain too.


What is holding *you* back from actively participating in the A:M Forum?

When you bought A:M what stories did you want to create? What is holding you back from that goal?

What obstacles can we (collectively) help you overcome?


Being a part of the A:M Community exposes people to a world of opportunities.

Join in and share your experiences and interests.

You'll be glad you did!

  • 4 months later...

Hey this is a great idea Rodney!, i'm pretty new to the forum and have been helped out generously by many users about question I have posted, I just cant understand why somone would not want to post in this forum :blink:. Also i'm user 4,303 so how come there is only 3,000 registered? Or do some people unregister? Anyway i'm just posting about what a great idea this topic is because, the more people we have posting the more efficient this forum will become. To be honest I joined this forum a month before I actually purchased AM and couldnt wait till I got Animation Master and could start posting real questions! :P



I have been posting for awhile so I am not looking to recieve the upgrade.

  • Admin
Also i'm user 4,303 so how come there is only 3,000 registered?


If you look at the date stamp of the start of this discussion you'll find the answer.

We've gained just over 1,000 registered forum users since then. ;)


I did want to make sure the maximum possible number of people got a chance at the free upgrade.


Hi Rodney,


I'm new, but have already posted a couple of times because I am somewhat clueless and all the nice people here answer my questions. :D


Please, add me to the drawing.


And once again, thank you to all the experienced users here that help us new guys.


Mal (Member 4,821)


I smell a contest a brewing.... Or maybe it's my roast beast!




Rodney Rules! Rock On! :D


Most people that have been with A:M for a while have at least ran into me once or twice. For those that haven't, come visit the chat room #hash3d, and you'll get to know me real fast! :-)


Oh yeah, I'm Agent 22.

  • Admin

Refreshing the rules a bit here:


One lucky A:M Forum User will recieve a free upgrade to Animation:Master courtesy of (the still unpublished) A:M Digest and the current moderator of the New Users Forum. That'd be me!


Contest Rules/Fine Print

Basic rules of eligibility for a free Animation:Master upgrade(a $99 value):


- Only owners of Animation:Master are eligible


- The poster must post at least 2 posts between the date stamp of this post and the drawing. The drawing will not be conducted later than 31 December 04. Edit: Ohoh we are almost out of time! :blink:


- One of the posts must be an introductory post introducing the user via a problem solving type question or regular introductory post to the forum (this requirement will be waived for anyone who is already a known quantity in the A:M Community)


- One post is *recommended* to be placed in the same discussion as this message to ensure the poster is actually interested in recieving a free upgrade. Who knows... maybe someone doesn't care to recieve a free upgrade. It could happen!

I'm not sure how else to determine who is eligible so post in this topic/discussion!


- Current owners of v11 may have to wait until v12 is released to claim their prize. Edit: V11.1 (2005) CD is out so there is no need to wait.


- Once the drawing is conducted the winner will have 30 days to collect the prize. On the 31st day an alternate will be selected from the same pool of entrants.


Failure to collect the prize within the 30 day limit releases the prize to the alternate.


- The sponsor (thats me!) is not required to spend more than $99 to terminate the intent of this promotional opportunity. What... you want Netrender!!! Go buy it!


- If this promotion is terminated for any reason the names of *identifiable* persons will be added to a similar promotion for a free upgrade to Animation:Master. (i.e. A:M Digest's potential Starving Artist contest)


*** This promotion is not sponsored by Hash Inc and no endorsement, support or requirement on their behalf is intended.***


Questions, comments, recipes?


Oooooh - Yes please - I'm interested in the free upgrade :D


I assume the post providing assistance to other users can be to any other forum topic or do you want to limit it to just any topic in the New User forum?



  • Admin
I assume the post providing assistance to other users can be to any other forum topic or do you want to limit it to just any topic in the New User forum?


This can actually be a question too.

It doesn't have to be assisting others. I don't remember writing that at least.


The contest was (and is) just meant to encourage people to participate in the forum... to stop lurking and get involved.


There are benefits to getting involved with the community that far outweigh the value of a free upgrade. :)



I would like to be eligble for the contest. I have a question. I am getting AM for Christmas, so I will be an owner shortly. I have posted before (Gumby and Pokey models done in AM98 Demo). Am I eligible?


Counting the days till true splining.


Scott (aka Fishman)

  • Admin


You are eligible... but with caveats.


If you already own (just waiting on) 2005 then an upgrade isn't going to do you much good. You'll already own 2005 so it won't do much good to upgrade you to it. ;)


Not sure what a good method to resolve that issue is... as the contest is more or less designed to help upgrade someone who otherwise might not have upgraded this early or at all.


If you were to win I guess I could upgrade you to the next available CD.

How would that be?


You are eligible... but with caveats.


If you already own (just waiting on) 2005 then an upgrade isn't going to do you much good. You'll already own 2005 so it won't do much good to upgrade you to it. ;)


Actually (due to being cheap) I will be receiving AM2003 (EBay) for Christmas. Still has me tingling with anticipation though. Winning the upgrade would be a fine birthday present (January) don't you think? ;)


Good luck to all entrants!


Happy Holidays!




PS: I love my member number - 4321

If you already own (just waiting on) 2005 then an upgrade isn't going to do you much good. You'll already own 2005 so it won't do much good to upgrade you to it.

Yes, well, some of us are just impatient puppies and couldn't wait.


(BTW, Hash's mail order service was certainly fast - especially considering this time of year :D )

  • Admin

The drawing will be held on 31 Dec 2004!


As stated before the drawing wouldn't be later than 31 Dec 2004 so... it won't be.

Tic Tic Tic... The new year is coming...


Hey... what about you... yeah... You!

Bet you'd look nice driving a brand new version of A:M v12 into the New Year. :)


We're getting closer to the 31st. Thought I'd bump this up to the first page again.


Merry Christmas, hope you all got what you wanted, and Happy New Year!

  • Admin

Thanks Curtis!


Tic Tic Tic!


As a reminder, the only way I can tell if you are interested in the free upgrade is if you post in this topic area/discussion. It is possible that some have read and believe they are eligible and yet they are not.


On 31 Dec 04 at a time to be determined the names and forum user numbers will be smashed together from this discussion and from those that have posted in the Art of Animation:Master discussion. One name/number will emerge.


This is my way of encouraging people to participate in the forum and a way to say thanks for those that have supported my efforts in the New Users Forum this past year. Its also my way of saying thanks for putting up with me!


Thanks to everyone... you are all winners but only one can win the upgrade.


The time is coming and now is that someone shall win the upgrade! :)


This is a very interesting idea indeed. I wonder who'll win...


By the way, I'm Lewa11... recent A:M user and lurker (but now poster).


*Hurries back into A:M to work with skeletons*


Oh Boy! just joined today! my question was on how to upgrade from v8.5...but you will have to read my intro and question...

No response to my newbie post yet.....

but i have been reading some great information.

maybe I will win the new upgrade!


Diane & Raven :D

  • Admin
my question was on how to upgrade from v8.5...but you will have to read my intro and question...


That requirement was *somewhat waved... I just didn't see a good way to explain the change. Benefit of doubt goes to the community resident. The requirement was originally posted so the winner would be someone active in the community and not someone who just posted once to win an upgrade.


The principle remains the same... "It's your community... be a part of it."

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