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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hey guys, I mentioned in my diary topic that I was working on a new audiobook project called Breckridge. It's a ghost story for anyone who's interested and takes place in and around Breckridge Secondary School in the fictional town of Southedge in the North of England. I also mentioned I was working on making Breckridge School to use as a visual aspect to the audiobook. Below is what I've got done so far.




This part of the building is a geography classroom in the schools' south block, flanked by a girls bathroom on the left and a boys bathroom on the right. I know this because I'm basing the overall layout of the school on my old high school. The major difference being that I'll be adding a second floor to south block that doesn't exist but is necessary to accommodate the sealed corridor.


Once I've built the second floor for this particular wall I'll add some gutters (Eaves trough's in North America) and then will have enough school to use as a photo in the first episode, which will be released over on Blip.tv/aceco.


Thanks for looking



I went to look at the two chapters but the view was static, with the narrative voice continuing? Pardon my question but, is that a fault at my end ?

I do like the shot of the figure standing at the window with the rain coming down.





apologies. I just read the first entry in the thread. I misunderstood. My mistake.


Hey Simon, yeah so long as it's stopping after the logo has finished and the chapter number has been displayed then it's meant to do that.


I'll add more visual elements as and when I get them done. Currently sketching out designs for the central ghost character. The shadow in the window is meant to represent her but at the moment its a stand in. It's actually a 75% transparent model of an anime character called Mikuru Asahina made completely black to hide the fact that the model is a mess of tri poly's and then the arms quickly rigged to get her out of the T-pose.


I'll replace her with the actual character when I've built her.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys.


It's been a while since I've posted something that's actually model based. So here's my work in process model of Annie Johnson, a key character from Breckridge.




Whether she's friend of foe I'll leave you to surmise. But in case you're wondering, yes she's very much dead.


Annie's pretty much done, just need to rig her fingers and eyes/lids and toy with making her transparent. Really happy with how her top turned out.




Thanks Nancy by the way coming from you that's high praise.

  • Admin

Ooooo. Very nice.

Despite her pretty looks she is nicely designed to create a feeling of unease.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is that you've expertly hinted at the girl's history by suggesting she has not always looked this way.

O yes she fits perfectly ..wildsided..ghostly weldone :)


Thanks Kathryn, very kind of you :)


Been toying around with a new intro for the Breckridge Audiobook. Built the sealed corridor along with a stormy set and made the sequence below. Sorry it's so low res, Don't wanna render it out in HD until I'm totally happy with it.




Still tweaking and sound to add but there's always something else to do right :D



Wildsided (Dan) where are you recording your voice? It sounds like there is an echo and too much treble and no bottom end.



In my home home office, it's by no means a professional recording space. Just my USB mic hooked up to my laptop on a tripod in front of me. Plus aside from normalizing and noise removal ( not that there's a ton of noise, my mic is pretty good where that's concerned). I'm not a pro when it comes to audio.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys Breckridge update time. Just finished the new intro so thought I'd post it. Episode 4 is recorded (with a recording box as per Tony's suggestion) and will be out soon.




Thanks John and Kathryn :)


Happy to announce that Chapter 4 is now available to view (Well listen to I guess for the most part) at http://blip.tv/aceco/chapter-4-6712496. As I mentioned before, this episode was recorded using a recording box so hopefully the audio quality will be better.


Thanks for watching if you decide to. This chapter was one of my favourites to write and to record so far.



  • 4 weeks later...
  • Admin

You have a way with words Dan.

I can easily see where a hard copy version of 'Breckridge' would make for a good read.


As far as commentary/feedback there is a bit of wandering in the narrative style of 'Breckridge' that makes me wonder if it lacks a bit in the focus area but I confess that I haven't read many mystery novels (recently if ever). I assume this is a necessary construct due to the structure of the story and even as the story unfolds reveals as much about the character telling the tale in the first person as it does the progression of the tale itself.

As it has been awhile since listening to the early chapters... and I'm pretty sure I missed hearing Chapter 4.... I'm going to have to go back and listen to all the chapters up this point again!


Having the words read to me is a new experience as I haven't listened to many audio books.

Perhaps that's something I should do more often... especially when traveling.


Thanks for the feedback Rodney, I have no problem with and welcome constructive criticism.


You should definitely check out chapter 4. As you can probably guess having listened to chapter 5 there's a death scene in that chapter and based on some of the feedback I've got from other places it worked out exactly how I planned it to.


As for wandering, I'd say Max is somewhat of an unfocused person, right in the first chapter he reveals that he has no idea what he wants to do with his life. But that will change as the story progresses, let's just say he has a lot left to go through before he comes out the other side...If he comes out at all.


As far as actual writing goes I'll take your feedback on board and do my best not to meander. I'm probably wrong but I don't think anyone else is doing what I'm doing. I've found written stories people have released chapter by chapter and I've seen people recording short stories as audio that tell an entire story in one go. But I haven't found anyone else doing an episodic audiobook. At least not on the internet, I know there are audiobook specific radio shows. Plus most audiobooks don't have music and sound effects it's probably closer to the old style radio plays that the BBC did before TV.


Much in the same way as some things that happen in a book don't translate well visually, that's probably true audibly. Do I need to say "There was a loud bang," if I'm going to put in a sound effect? Or do I just play the sound and write the reaction. I'm sure I'll refine the style as I go along.


For now though I'm just grateful that there are people like you and the others around here and elsewhere online that give my stuff a fair chance without immediately tearing it to pieces and writing it off as 'shit' and 'pathetic'.

  • Admin
an episodic audiobook


I like the idea of eposidic audio for a number of reasons.

On the surface I, like many, just like to be engaged if not entertained. And when the story is compelling it really draws us in.


Other aspects that appeal to me are more theoretical (from my perspective) in that the effort to tell the story in audio form really fine tunes a storytellers approach to storytelling.

This cannot help but make you a better storyteller.


In line with that last thought is that of the pacing and beats that play out during the story that ebb and flow and (in a good mystery or suspense story) glue us to the edge of our seats.


There is an aspect of this linearity that gives me reason to believe that the analytic review of the story by the author will really pay off big dividends.

An example of this might be to review where long portions of text are read quickly versus where silence is inserted into the play.

It occurs to me that quite often immediately after the silence the audience is brought back to attention via a new environment or shock that alters their mood or comfort level.

You've got several of those moments in 'Breckridge'.


And yet another reason to like audio stories is the art of creating visual imagery for films where in many ways the audio carries the story more than the visual imagery.

The images may suggest one thing while the audio another.


In this effort I don't think you know the benefit you are providing for our community in that images without words aren't enough to tell most stories.

And yet while many of us may know what we want to see visually few of us know what to incorporate audibly.


Much in the same way as some things that happen in a book don't translate well visually, that's probably true audibly. Do I need to say "There was a loud bang," if I'm going to put in a sound effect? Or do I just play the sound and write the reaction. I'm sure I'll refine the style as I go along.


I agree that you'll refine this along the way. As there is more than one way to proceed the path you take will be one more of your own style and artistic approach.

Of course there are ways to enliven the words to bridge the gap as well. An example of this would be:


"Then with an ear piercing bang (gun sound inserted that mostly drowns out the word bang) the horses where off and on their way."


There is an element of anticipation in the reading of it that might set up the reader for the onamonapia to play.


Similarly, the sound can be followed by expository dialogue:


(Gun sound) And with that ear piercing blast the horses were on their way.



You've given us much to consider.

It's much appreciated.

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Been doing some more work on the 3D model of Breckridge. The ground floor is almost done. All The rooms, doors, windows etc are in.



Looks sharp! Are those decal bricks or material bricks?


Thanks Robert


They're a bitmap Plus material and all one group. I had been using a darksim before but this way renders a heck of a lot faster.

  • 2 months later...

Haven't been here in a while. Thought I'd post a pic of the Current state of Breckridge. This is the disused Quadrangle.


looking out at the quad.png


That floating white thing is the roof of the old gym. I haven't finished building it yet.


breckridge from the frontend0.png


Here's a much more complete looking Breckridge. You can see the South Hall to the right and the place now has a roof! Need to add some chimney's and gutters (eaves trough to Americans)

  • Admin
gutters (eaves trough to Americans)



Hey, I'm old school... and midwestern.

As such I prefer 'gutters'.

'Eave trough' is too rich for my blood. ;)


Added some chimneys and photoshopped in some smoke and fog...Oh and the T.A.R.D.I.S showed up. Didn't think things were so bad the Doctor would be involved. Wonder how he'd deal with Annie.


Breckridge and tardis0 copy.png

  • 6 months later...

Hi everyone,


It's been ages since I posted here. Been busy moving and working on Breckridge. I'm 15 chapters in and just over halfway through (Things are hotting up). Because I hope to get this published eventually and Ace.Co Entertainment has been dissolved, the links to the audio book chapters are no longer active.


Although I've been focusing on writing recently I haven't abandoned A:M and instead of using it to make stuff for my webshow I'm now using it to make promo materials for Breckridge. Below is the beginnings of Main character Max's bedroom. It was nice to find a use for all those models I made for Epic Gamin'


Max room0.png


Thanks guys. Sorry about the audiobooks Doug. The original plan was to release the story episodically on my Blip.Tv channel and hopefully make a bit of revenue through their ad scheme. But when Blip was bought out by Maker Studios and then they were bought out by Disney, it was decided I wouldn't be part of their plans going forward.


Now the plan is to self publish through the Kindle store and I'm considering doing a promo where you get the audiobook free on MP3 with proof of purchase. Also looking into the potential of doing a deluxe edition with concept art and the Audiobook on CD. But gotta finish writing it first lol.


Happy to report that the exterior of South Block is just about finished. I still need to add a couple of details but the main chunk of work is finished. That building on the left is the old gym and unlike the building it's based on it has a big clock on it. I had toyed with the idea of having a clock tower instead of the gym but thought it would be a bit cliche.






I'm planning on making a trailer for the book using the stuff I'm building. I tried making a fully animated show before and the time requirement was way too high for a one man band running an I5 laptop. between modelling both the sets and characters, rigging, animating, rendering and post production I think I managed 4 minutes of footage in about 10 months. As it was gonna be a webshow it just wasn't feasible. Believe me though I'm a very visual person. Everything I write has to pass the mind's eye test. If you can't read it and actually see it happening in your mind's eye then it's not good enough.


How's it going everyone. Hope you're all having a terrific Saturday so far. Been doing some more Breckridge related work. Happy to say that aside from a fire escape at the back of the building that nobody is ever likely to even see. The exterior of South Block is done. I finally installed the fire escape doors on the 2nd floor and an escape ladder. Did some landscaping and added a pebble dashed, concrete waste bin out side. Also, the rain gutters are up all around the building and there's an illuminated fire escape sign above the escape door.


Breckridge in the rain30 copy.png


Speaking of things no one will ever see. Do you guys find yourselves adding details to your models even though you're probably the only person who'd even notice or care? Like I don't even know how much of the building will be in the trailer or for how long. But details like the gutters and fire escape ladder would bother me eternally if I hadn't done them. Even though the average viewer wouldn't even notice it or give a crap.

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