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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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T h a t w a s A w e s o m e!

(Not the bug silly... the video!)


All bug reporting videos should be this entertaining. :)


Das iz gut.




(I have recently discovered all my favorite animators seem to have something of a gift for learning foreign languages)


Wow, that's a GLITCH! So, you are speaking German to demonstrate to Stefan the dilemma? Cool! At least we get to see a little of your Bus Stop animation...

Auf Deutsch! B)






I don't know why it happens, but this is the first time I've been able to repeat it.


I think you did very well! (one of the best native english speaking german videos I have ever seen :) )

Some pronouciation-problems (where German and English words are the same) but all in all VERY well done!


So the problem is, that Animation:Master creates channels for you which werent there before (sometimes I would like that to happen for the filters selected).

Did you test to unselect the translate-filter-key (first blue button at the toolbar under the timeline)?


See you



Oy vey ist mir!


To narrow down:


1) Have you determined if problem happens with just that particular filter set? or using filter sets in general? ie, Have you tried to select that subset of bones, without using the filter set to make a keyframe?


2) does problem (bone position channels) only show up after saving the project? if so, does problem still happen if you save the chor only, instead of saving the project?

  • Hash Fellow
I think you did very well! (one of the best native english speaking german videos I have ever seen :) )

Some pronouciation-problems (where German and Englisch words are the same) but all in all VERY well done!


Danke sehr! Four trips to summer German Camp were not wasted!



So the problem is, that Animation:Master creates channels for you which werent there before (sometimes I would like that to happen for the filters selected).


The immediate problem is those "bone position" channels which may be useful for something but in this case are really making a mess. Pasting rotate and translate keys shouldn't be creating those.


If I delete them all, the animation will return to normal


Did you test to unselect the translate-filter-key (first blue button at the toolbar under the timeline)?


You're on to something here! If I turn off the Translate filter before I do the paste, i don't seem to get Bone Position channels.


However, I need to have the Translate filter on because I need to paste translate keys.


The work around for all of this is to have "Key Bone" on when you do the copy of several bones (as i did in the video) THEN turn on "Key Model" before you do the Paste.


This will paste the keys correctly without creating the problem Bone Position keys. yay.gif


It's possible this is the correct workflow anyway, but I haven't checked to see how previous version handled this.

The work around for all of this[/b] is to have "Key Bone" on when you do the copy of several bones (as i did in the video) THEN turn on "Key Model" before you do the Paste.


This will paste the keys correctly without creating the problem Bone Position keys.


I typically just use the "key branch" mode for both copying and pasting subsets of bones. Try that as well? Then you don't have to change mode.

  • Hash Fellow
I typically just use the "key branch" mode for both copying and pasting subsets of bones. Try that as well? Then you don't have to change mode.


Key branch will key not only the bones I select but all the bones that are lower in the heirarchy than the selected bones so that won't do for what i want to key in this situation.


However, i tried it and still got "Bone Position" keys.

Posted (edited)
Key branch will key not only the bones I select but all the bones that are lower in the heirarchy than the selected bones so that won't do for what i want to key in this situation.


Ah yes, of course. Silly me. But curiously:


If you set a key frame with "key branch" it will set keys for lower in hierarchy (in my testing). However if you copy, paste with "key branch" with a subset of bones it will only paste and create keys for those that were selected (not the hierarchy).


It seems to work the same as "key bone" for copy/paste, in that regard.


I am trying in my current model to get the bad channels (with key bone), but am not sucessful. I haven't tried making a filter set in my test.


I don't typically use the filter set thing as I have noticed in the past weirdness, but never pursued, nor tracked it down. I thought it was me and not understanding how it worked. The filter set feature looks like it can be mighty handy dandy.


EDIT: I also haven't tried saving the project to see if it only pops up after a save.

Edited by NancyGormezano
  • Hash Fellow
If you set a key frame with "key branch" it will set keys for lower in hierarchy (in my testing). However if you copy, paste with "key branch" with a subset of bones it will only paste and create keys for those that were selected (not the hierarchy).


In my test i got keys on on all the lower bones too.


EDIT: I also haven't tried saving the project to see if it only pops up after a save.


For me it wasn't apparent until after the save.





The Filter sets are VERY handy. I put a video up on them in the Enhanced Selection Filter thread.

In my test i got keys on on all the lower bones too.


yup - true, my bad. I had thought I had selected a bone that had others lower on it's hierarchy, I hadn't, it didn't.

  • Hash Fellow
....und ich kann sie auch noch verstehen.


Klasse gesprochen!


Wo zum Teufel hast Du nur ein so gutes Deutsch gelernt?


;>) Jake


I do best when i put on the Kaiser Helm and the monocle.


I, too, have had this problem (e.g. when working on my Bus Stop project). I've never used enhanced selection filters, so I don't think that's a factor. I usually have KEY BONE selected, and try to copy and paste by selecting specific bones.


I too understood all but one word of what you said. (Native English speaker.)


Comment on prior comments: English is a Germanic language.

Comment on prior comments: English is a Germanic language.


Exactly... that (and some other reasons) is why germans have much less trouble learning English than for example french people.



  • Hash Fellow
Comment on prior comments: English is a Germanic language.


Although it is sometimes said "half of English is mispronounced French". Thanks to William the Conqueror and 1066.


I recall being in a cathedral in Germany in the 70's and seeing an inscription on a wall that was not in modern German but "old" German (according to the tour guide). It surprised me that that somehow resembled today's English more than "old" English does.


I had German in school from the 7th thru 12th grade but aside from the first year the teachers were not very rigorous so not much was learned.

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