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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • Hash Fellow
Thanks guys.


that's promising.


The spray off his dorsal fin is too straight-line.

I tried to make it less straight, but all my attempts failed. I could make them less streaked looking, which would make them look less in a straight-line.


they are too long, but I was thinking more of how they look like they are shooting all parallel to each other rather than falling in a parabola kind of path.


I'd try animating that whale in an arc out of the water into his final position, emitting drops from his skin all along the way. the animation doesn't have to be great because you're just going to render the last frame. But that would be the way to get the drops to take their right place.


Thanks for the idea Robert, but that doesn't work fo what I was trying to do. I was using motion blur to give the sprites the streaked look, the whale also blurred if animated.


Here's the render with motion blur turned off.



Looks great, and it's really fun to see your tweaks along the way. I would just lose the drops around the fin of the one on the left. He looks more passive to me, and the drops in the air seem unrealistically suspended. I also wonder if the white horizontal lines where they're breaking the surface is too white -- it looks a bit like it was drawn on in post without accounting for the lighting in the scene. Which I guess is kind of how sprites work, although I don't really know because I've only ever used them once, in a limited way...


Thanks. I haven't had much time to work on this.


Here's a hires render with very minor tweaks. I still haven't found a solution to the spray yet.



Very nice stuff! with a very nice mood...I love the overcast look & I can hear the silence, except for the water, and faint whale moans and groans...


I still haven't found a solution to the spray yet.


Ummmm....dare I say: Photoshop? That is, if you're not looking for an animatable/dynamic solution, nor a static image purist's solution?


It's the resultant image that counts - not how you got there, from the viewer's perspective.


If you are going for static image, A:M solution only - have you tried decaling photo of foam/spray (or some noise pattern) onto a shape/grid, messing with surface & decal properties (color, transparency, spec, reflection, roughness), positioning & deforming the spray "object/grid" in the chor, based on camera ?


Thanks Nancy.


I wouldn't know where to start in painting something in a paint program. In fact, I wouldn't know how to paint something for a decal. So my options are limited with my skills.


Did some more work on the orca model. Attached the flippers and added the mouth, next is the teeth and tongue. The patch count is pretty low (290), too low in fact, but it will have to do for now.


[EDIT] rendered with new perspective.



Hello awome work on the wales you ought to send that to the discovery channel to the whale wars steve irwin ship.


OH yah I set the pic as background and that a awsome job you did.


Thanks, I haven't had much time to work on this. I have added the teeth and tongue and textured the inside of the mouth, but I'm not very happy with it yet.

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