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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Hey Steve, I'm liking the torso so far. Where do you start when making a body. I usually start with the waist, hips and top legs and work my way up. I'm wondering which you start with just out of curiosity.

  • *A:M User*

I usually start in the middle and work my way out. then from the bottom and work my way up the body. This one has been a challenge.



  • *A:M User*

I have been struggling with lower legs but feel ok now. Reduce the size of the chest and pull into lower mid section. I happy now with the overall shape. I have started on the hair and clothing and should have a update shortly.







He is looking great. Makes me feel better for gaining a little weight after quitting smoking, haha.

  • *A:M User*

Thanks Paul and Jeff.


Rob this character reminds me of my coach Sellers at North Oaks Jr High in Haltom City Texas

  • *A:M User*

Ok here is the shirt in place and with the logo for the hotdog stand. Pants coming this weekend.




Ok here is the shirt in place and with the logo for the hotdog stand. Pants coming this weekend.




He's looking good, Steve! The one suggestion I would make is to relax the shoulders.

Hi David and thanks. Do you mean drop them downn?




Yessir, at the moment he looks like he's shrugging his shoulders. If you model him with his arms raised as high as the shoulder with his shoulders relaxed, then you won't have to relax them before animating each time and will have an easier time with your CP Weighting.


I changed how Squetchy Sam and Bertram's shoulders are modeled and posted some images in this post...the last version of Bertram with his shoulders shrugged that I posted is in this post.


Hope that helps, Steve.

  • *A:M User*



Pulled the shirt down to the arm as it was straight out from the middle. However the character, Tony, does have a bit of a hunch at the top of the shoulders. I have added the pants and will add the hair and facial hair. Complete the tennis shoes and he will be completed. I may change my mind on all of the characters as far as the clothing if I can not get the cloth simulations to work.





Looking great. Are you going to model in clothing folds or use textureing to do it or leave it like it is for a more cartoony look? I'm really bad with clothing folds so I'm a little interested in others' proccesses.


Haha I don't know why but "Lip Hair" is really funny, haha.

  • *A:M User*

I thought I would give a go with the cloth simulation. If not I have started on some folds and will rely on other means for the movement of the cloth. My dad has always called it lip hair. So when I grew mine he was right on que to call it as he saw it.




Edit: I added the crease on his khaki pants



  • *A:M User*

Here is a shot of Tony with his cart. I see I got to change the red color in the umbrella to match Tony's shirt.





  • *A:M User*

With Jeff's help, I have uploaded a test for your review. The half of Tony with sss is on the left and the skin shader on the right. Any Preferences?





Here is a shot of Tony's face with sss. It took 10:12 to render 5 pass. If all the characters have sss I can imagine a lonnnnggg render time.




Yeah SSS isn't the most ideal for animation right now, but it does look nice :). Oh, I updated the info on how I do my skin in my topic. (my last post)

  • *A:M User*

The new settings, Jeff took 11:03 not much of an increase.


Steve I will try that in a few minutes. So you just say no multipass?



  • *A:M User*



Here is a side by side. The multi pass is the one on the left. SSS looks good in both however, you can see the lines in the right for sss. The hair looks better in multipass.




  • *A:M User*

Here is a quick shot with sss and 3 pass and it took around 5 minutes per frame


SSS created some anomolies. In the belly area that was from hooks. The hand area near the nails are darker? And then on the face at the nose it was darker?


If I can work the time down a little bit more I will go this route.





To be honest I can't tell much diferance ,its probably my eyes ,I can see the hook problem on his sides but I don't think Iv had that problem /or not noticed it anyway .It looks good to me with or without multipass


The darkness is because the color values of the SSS are really too high for realistic skin, but I get the best look with that amount. If you go lower the rendering time will increase dramatically. I try to fix some of it with my color decal. If you look at my image you will notice that darkening on the Satyr's nose and lips.


Yves once posted the correct number values for the color of SSS it's like 1, .50, .25 (i just made up those numbers :)), but it is really low.

  • *A:M User*

Ok since I was happy with the sss test on Tony, I thought I would try the female. Here she is with no multi pass render and sss




  • *A:M User*

Less than 2 minutes. If I remember it 1:45 to render her at this level




Edit: This one took 2:15



Steve what are you going to do with all these models ,are you making a street scene or do you have something in mind ,just currius or nosey lol

ps are you allso using the skinn shader

  • *A:M User*



Plans are to do a short of about 5-7 minutes. It will have three sets, - office, park, and street scene. It will be based on cupid's efforts to get two people together and mixed in with a bumbling super hero.


So far I started in late March and want to have all the models done by the end of summer. (not going to make that date)


I have voice talent already and have music as well. I just got my nephew a copy of AM in hopes he can help (going to School of Visual Arts).


I was using the skin shader but pulled it out to see SSS by itself.




Sounds a LOT of work but youv got a real good start ,thats good going since March.

I only mension the skinn shader as I use it with 10/15 % strenth but if I try to change the blood colour AM crashes on me for some reason,just wanderd if you or anyone had that problem

  • *A:M User*

Steve I was using the skin shader and had changed the blood without any problems.



  • *A:M User*



I am having trouble grasping feathers for cupids wings. I have the basic structure of the wings and now want to start laying in the where the feathers need to go but not sure where to start



  • *A:M User*

Thanks Gene. good tutorial! I got the basic shape and muscle completed. It is more of the creation of the feathers and how they are applied in AM. I was looking at crow from SO and understand the small feathers on the wing but is is the larger feathers and the way in which the image of a feather was used.



  • *A:M User*

I grabbed the crow and was wondering how the large feathers are plaecd on the model. Are they cookie cut decal? How are they applied?





  • *A:M User*

Figured out the sequence and just wanted to post a quick update on cupid. Got a lot of work to do.




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