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Hi Frank, nice to see you again.


That's some excellent workmanship. Beauty & Brute is exactly what those characters portray.


Is this part of a short movie or stills?


Hi Dhar,

thanks for checking them out. I had not modelled characters in a long while so I'd been hankering to create some brand new characters from scratch. They are going to be part of a scene that combines all the stuff

I've learned about 3d in the last few years. Kind of like a personal technology demo. I'm almost done with the bodies so I'll be posting them shortly.


Hey Robcat,

no they will NOT have tiny bodies! LOL...thier bodies are reasonably proportioned. I've nearly gotten them done. I'll post them soon.


Frank Silas



Hey Frank, love the characters so far. The brute looks like he could use a little cp tweaking, but the female looks pretty good.


Here's my progress so far on the girl. I need to spend a bit more time on her so that

her muscle structure is more defined. Here's what I have so far. Any comments and crits

are welcome. (oh, and she's technically not nude...i did not model any detail in the unmentionable

areas...) This is right before the hair and clothes go on..


Frank Silas




Frank - Is she in a pose in the screenshot or did you model her with arms down? I'm just curious as I thought conventional wisdom was to model in the T pose. She's looking good.




Modern Horse,

You're right...I just hate that T-Pose so much that I didn't do it this time.

I took care when modelling the shoulder and underarm area to put in enough splinage so that it should be fine. We'll see.



thanks I'll tone it down a bit. ;-)


Frank Silas



Ugh! THis is one area I don't think I'd be much help with. I love where it's going though. Are you building eack lock and then putting them down, or are you placeing guide splines then putting the locks down?



I'm placing guide splines then modelling the hair into the guidespline volume of space. I can get the exact hairstyle I want that way.



I plan to fully rig it, but then make most of the movement automated. Kind of like the dynamics on the squetchy rig, but leaving me the ability to keyframe whatever I want.


I've always wanted to model and animate a girl with long hair.


Frank Silas



She's looking fine Frank. There is a little bump/swell at the far end of her collar bone that shouldn't be there, me thinks.


Love the hair. I hope I can get mine to look as well.


The breast area seems a little boxy right now. That could probably use a little smoothing.


Hi Zaryin,

thanks! I'm sure you can. I'll post some wire frames of it if that helps. I'll work on the breast area a bit too. Thanks for checking it out and giving me feedback.


Frank Silas


My first thought about the Brute's musculature, is that the area around the shoulder blades needs some definition as well as muscles leading into the neck.


I can't see the front very well because of the specularity... can we see a three-quarter shot of his torso from the front?



I agree with all your assessments in that last post. Here's the quarter view you requested. Thanks

for the feedback. I need to use some reference.


Paul Forwood,

Hi Paul...no it's not a parody on Beauty and the Beast, except maybe the title. I don't want to give

away too much as to what the setup is until I post the environment that they are in to this thread, but

I will say that they are Pirates!


Frank Silas




Yeah, get an anotomy book for reference...


First things I notice is there is very little definition to his abdomen area. Probably should build up that washboard more... get the six-pack going. :D


Second is that his 'pectorials' are not well defined. Again, refernce.


The biceps and forearms also need a little more defining...


If he's going to be shown without his shirt, it will be very important to convey that musculature.


Looks better in the three-quarter though Frank... excellent work so far.


I only hope that my first human from scratch can come close! :o



got some reference. Made the changes you suggested. I think I need some rib cage area detail now.



yep collar bones were comming. I still need to add more muscle detail. Any comments or crits are welcome and needed.


Thanks guys here's the latest screenshot,


Frank Silas




Looks pretty good Frank!

I was actually going to comment that I thought you had too many splines for the detail you had....

but I see what you're doing now that you've started to add the body muscle and detail.


Nice stuff.


Mike Fitz



Way better.... yeah, a hint of the ribcage and torso side musclulature and some shoulder tweaks and you'll be done... Great job!


love the progress you've been making...


one minor note: male nipples are usually further apart, more so on an idealized body like this.








I'll add that tonight. Thank for all the crits and input.



you are right! I'll fix that. I started using some reference of Arnold Schwarzenegger and your nipple width discription matches what I'm

looking at. Thanks. :-)


Frank Silas



Added the changes for more torso detail. Tweaked his body some more. I think I'm finally ready to do clothes for both Beauty and the Brute. I'll post progress for that also. I think the clothes may actually be harder than the body modelling, with the exception of the modelling the heads.


Frank Silas




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