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I consider myself 98% finished with the McLaren (puh...), and therefor I post it i showcase. Still to do is some playing with materials (carpaint and rims), and choreography. The paint on this following renders are colins carpaint (the enivronment map should probably not be there?!?). Ifanyone feel like helping me or have ideas withe materials and choreography I'll be happy


*edit* updated the image


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hmmm. the material on the steering wheel disappears on the finished render, but it shows in shaded mode... why?


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Beautifully modeled!


The lighting looks a bit stark but brings out the detail nicely.

Maybe it's the solid coloring...


Great just the same.


Congratulations! That's a gorgeous model.


I wonder if the real car comes with a warning about cutting off your head, the way that door functions. Yikes!




Hey...how about posting that on the CGTalk forum? See if you get onto the front page!

Also, if you want to show wireframe shots it'd be great.

how about posting that on the CGTalk forum?

Never used CGTalk forum.... hmmm


Thanks for your nice replies :) *blushing*

I just realized that I have forgotten the windshield viper... *LOL* I don't want to drive this car at 240Mph in a rainy day for sure :lol: Here is a wire



What a great model. It's kinda strange how the steering wheel is in the middle but obviously that's the design of the car.


Maybe you could add some interior lights so when the doors open up you can see a little more detail. Especially in the back when the truck opens up.


All in all a very nice job!! :D

Maybe you could add some interior lights so when the doors open up you can see a little more detail

Thanks for a great tip... that i didn't think of :P


*edit* arghh... I dont have any good reference photo to show me where the interior lights are..... need to improvise a bit then


Go out and look at your car.


Maybe one overhead, a couple under the dash where your feet are. Perhaps a couple of map (spot) lights coming down.


Also, if you do another rotation render consider raising the camera angle on one of the revolutions so we can see some of the upper body detail too.


I liked the higher angle you had before.


Woowh! Nice movie. You don't need to use the other forum much to post. It'd be good press for AM if nothing else.


One thing that bugs me is the mirrors and how they're not part of the body. Maybe that's the design, I don't know. But if you want to do that, you can do it with four five point patches round a cp on the body. Doing that doesn't cause creasing.


PS Another thing might be the thickness of the glass in the front lights. They just seem to be thin. Maybe abit more refraction would rectify it.


the mirrors are actually not a part of the body... but I see your point..


PS Another thing might be the thickness of the glass in the front lights. They just seem to be thin.
thanks... I'll look at it


here are a few ref photos of the car for those that are interested



I noticed on one of the real car images that there was a fuel cap but I don't think there's one on yours. Also, for the headlamps, I think they might just need rubber sealer round them to complete the effect.

I noticed on one of the real car images that there was a fuel cap but I don't think there's one on yours. Also, for the headlamps, I think they might just need rubber sealer round them to complete the effect.

I have been wondering in how to add that rubber sealer.. have been thinking of decaling it on (probably a bad way to do it).. also the backwindow have kind of a black "halftransparent" frame around it. I made a decal for that but the decal gets affected by the glassmaterial. any idea?


It looks like you could just make the seal in 3D and place it in by eye. It's hard to tell.


They don't need to be real lights--with a source. All you really have to do is falsify bounced light for the interior. I recently modeled a maquette of a sculpture I did--the angles made no light inside th model. So I just stuck a sunlight there and it falsified bounce radiant light--without photon mapping--thus no real increase to render times when I did my 360. You could of course add the real lights--but don't hesitate to use fake lights--that's the beauty of CG we can add lights anywhere and noone even knows they're there. We can even make lights that don't cast shadows. Heck we can even make blackholes--how many lighting directors would love to have that capability?


edit: sorry forgot the reason for my post in the fist place. It looks wonderful. I wish the render wasn't so dark. I don't but for me whenever I see a dark render I wonder what the person is trying to hide. I'm sure you're not hinding anything--just a natural response. The doors look fabulous. I would like to see a little camera movement to see inside the trunk though.





1 question, where do you put the groceries? :D Excellent job, I have to agree with everyone else that the render is too dark. You have a great model, put some lights on the bugger and show it off.


Are you using any Fresnel reflectivity on the paintwork? It might need some to sell the car paint look. You could also do what professional car photographers do and set up some light panels behind the camera to provide something to reflect. These would just be single rectangular patches with a gradient that goes from white at the top to black at the bottom.

Are you using any Fresnel reflectivity on the paintwork?

ehhh... I might do not know what that is.... hrmf...

The carpaint is made by Colin, and the only thing I have done with it is to flatten it down a bit (the environment map is in use, and should probably not be..)..


Anyway.. have done a new render of the 360', where the camera moves a bit up so you get a better view.. Also I have added a rubber sealer around the headlights, and a windshield wiper are added. the refill cap is for the moment just a decal, but will be redone with splines.. interiorlights is also to come.




and a screencapture:

*edit* hmm, should I do the windshield wiper a bit thicker?



Not sure what you mean with the wiper....maybe make it longer to cover more of the window?

Whatever....it's looking just swell now!

is there a material on the exhaust pipes?


Thanks for noticing... one more thing that I have forgotten...


That will make it extra cool! I notice there's no red lights at the back. Maybe there's not meant to be....can't get the real car pics working.


I have been updating the car a bit. added a rubbersealer in the doorway, added a refill cap, logo on the hood, one interiorlight, fixed some materials on the steering wheel and exhaust pipes.


updated the movie:

the movie (.mov)



She's perfect now. When can I test her!? ;)


You coud pose it now....when you press the brake peddle, the break lights light! :lol:


Thanks Ken :D

hmmm. I did my first toonrender ever, and I think the resault became a bit cool.. I did't adjust any settings, this was just for fun/testing!


*have now played a bit with the settings. updated the image



Hey Stian,


Nice work. I'm working on getting that chrome to you. I'll post it in the materials section when I get a chance.


My only comment about the paint is that the specular hiLite is pretty big. and washes out the under paint. I'd make the spec size a little smaller. or try a Multipass render to see if the specular softens.


Looks awesome as is!




Thanks Colin :)

I have tried out a new render, but i'm still not satisfied (have the feeling of this being a never ending project... it will end pretty soon i promise :P ). New in this render is;

*Colins carpaint is almost untouched (decreased the amplitude to 25, but should probably be less to avoid the "dots")

*Yves skylight dome (8) instead of spotlights

*Added a light in the dashboard



*The car still looks like a toy

*The rims looks like porcelain

*Could probably use a better lightsetup (settings on the dome)?


If anyone could give me some tips about the mentioned problems or have any other tips related I would be glad to hear


additional information:


The car:

*15.598 patches


The render:


*9 passes

*2 hours to render



Hmmm....yeah it almost looks like a sketch. I definitely don't like the rougher paint work.

I think a rim light might make it less flat looking.


you are right Ken.

My knowledge in making materials is very poor... :( If anyone have tried Colins paint and knows what settings to change pls let me know (or knows how to make one from scrap)..


Actually red is not my favorite carpaint (metallic grey, or black, or dark brown with a tint of red is).. This is what im looking for (ref images):




grey metallic


LOL... or something like this.. It has/had a nice color (Rowan Atkinsons crashed his £800.000 McLaren)


How about this render?



I have been playing more with Yves skylight and Colins carpaint, and I'm wondering if this new render is better (less or more toyish than the others)..

Also if anyone have a idea for an environment to put it in, tell me

Thanks for any comments (your probably tired with this car by now.......)



This is why I think it looks like a toy--it's too clean.


The floor is all polished and reflective with no dust. The car is crystal clear. And, the image itself doesn't have the tell-tale signs of a photo of a real object (grain, dust, etc.). Therefore, if you're really looking to try to make this thing look real I would work as follows.


First, try to tweak the render either with post effects from AM or in PS (or wherever) so that it really looks like a photo--even if it look like a photo of toy.


Second, muck up the environment. The dead giveaway to something being digital is that it is too clean--specifically the environment. Life has too many variables to have settings for. Plus, you are working in the only true clean room in the world.


Third, you can do the same to the materials on the car but, I don't know much about the materials you are dealing with so, I don't know how easy it will be.


Hope that works out for you. Looks wonderful. The model itself doesn't look like a toy. The materials don't look too toy like. Like I said--you just have to muck it up to make it look real.




I would say that one of the main reasons for this looking toy like is that the camera is set up to be quite telephoto and the car is viewed from quite high up.


I would place the camera closer and lower and use a wider zoom.


Maybe you could experement with different specular shaders also. There are some here:


Here (ish)


I don't think this is the right page - you have to find the v10.5+ version. Strangely many of the pages are not working for me. I have the shaders on my HD but I don't know if I am allowed to post them.


There is a nice glossy shader and some others for subtly different effects.


Thanks for your replies :D

I'll try to lower the camera, what would be the best hight for it? something like 170cm (something like the hight where we have the eyes)? For the environment i'm wanting something like an salt lake or a desert. Or do you have any other suggestions?


When I look in car mags(you should too, if you want tips), I often see cars from the front wheel, camera pointing a bit upwards to make the car look studly and large. Cars that are suppose to look cool are VERY often photographed in that angle.

When I look in car mags(you should too, if you want tips), I often see cars from the front wheel, camera pointing a bit upwards to make the car look studly and large. Cars that are suppose to look cool are VERY often photographed in that angle.

Thanks for the excellent tip Jaqe :D off and away to buy a car mag


btw.. did this testrender, where I placed the car in the city I created for my short "the revenge of the gull"


note: tested depth of fields for the first time


*edit* updated the picture



oooOOOooo! Nice! and shiny too. If I didn't know better, I would've asked who the heck afford that car when living in that building. :P




That second to last render was superb. The Colors and paints looked 99% there. The wheels looked much better. I was going to post my car for you to dissect.. but I don't think you need it now. You look like your handling it fine on your own.


Lets see a wide angle shot up close. right up on the bumper. PLEASE!


I might tone the reflection down on it just a little.. depending on what you are reflecting and make sure the reflection falloff is a lower number, so the car doesnt look like a mirror. Leave it high on the chrome.


Oh and one "cheat" I did on my car.. you see it allot in the mags.. is to airbrush a "fatter" spec on the windows. Smooth glass doesnt show up well in dark lit scenes.. but you see it like crazy in beauty shots (just seems to look better) Try giving your glass a really large spec size and make it brighter on the glass. Just to see what it looks like. You might like it.



Great work man!



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