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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

2 new swimsuit renders

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Her eyes seem a little starey in the first one


I'll take a look at her eyes again. I've got to rotate her feet to the side a bit, anyway, so I'll fix the eyes while I'm at it.


You HAVE to put up a huge tutorial


More than anything, I would recommend studying human anatomy and practice lots of life-drawing. Having good reference makes a world of difference in making 3D humans. But I may make a few specific tutorials sometime if I can think of something helpful.



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Beautiful work, as usual. I kind of like how she isn't looking directly at the camera in that first one. There are some odd specular highlights on the hair and there's a bit of an 'extruded cylinder' thing going on at the top of her left thigh - you can see it in the side pose. All in all, she's a phenomenal model.

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Is it possiable to see her with no clothes on ? smile.....very nice, very very nice...and I'll never get tired of looking....I'll have to agree you are the master...


Mike C

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Thanks for all the comments, everyone! I will address the issues with the hair and legs eventually; Depending how lazy I am feeling, it could be sooner, or later : )


Oh, I didn't realize that A:M Stills was so advanced now! I just uploaded 10 of my renders, so they will be availabe there now, as well.


Well, I'll be shifting gears back to animation now, so it will probably be a few more weeks before I make any new stills. I'll post some animations as soon as they're worthy... : )



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Okay, here are the wireframes:






how do you model the clothes to fit on her?


Sometimes I'll start by copying and pasting geometry from the human model itself, but it's always a bit of sweat and pain to make clothes look like they're conforming to the body correctly.


I did notice the lack of contact with the seat in the side view


Yup, the cushion has a mind of its own; Its just afraid to touch her : )


Oh, and I turned her feet a little to the side in the front view image. (You may have to reload the image on your browser.)


Thanks, guys,


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i've always been stuck by the number of longitudinal splines in your model's limbs. did you try to 'hook off' some of them, and were unhappy with the results; or did you simply leave all of the splines from the original extrusions?


this isn't a 'too many splines' assertion... i'm just trying to see if my own minimalist tendencies are costing me some surface control.




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Awesome as ever!


I do have to say though that the foot against the wall in the following image looks entirely too big. Hmmm... maybe it's just the shoe...*




*Why is it that I'm looking at her foot... :huh:


P.S. Noah... you are being paged in this thread> Haruwo - An amazing feat by one lone Japanese animator

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Is it possible to see her with no clothes on?


I will probably post a nude image in a couple months. I have to think of an appropriate pose first.


i've always been stuck by the number of longitudinal splines in your model's limbs


I used to have hooks in the hands and feet, but I decided to just go ahead and run them up the arms and legs to gain more detail in the knees, elbows, and neck. I made this change at the same time that I started using the porcelain material.


the foot against the wall in the following image looks entirely too big


Yeah, the more that I see this image, the more I don't like it. I will replace this image as soon as I make a new pose : )




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these are really masterful but I have one comment and one question.


Comment: In the second one, the foot against the wall doesn't seem to have the necessary weight to it. It seems like either the ball of the foot should be pressed harder (flatter) against the wall, or there should be a hint of tendon showing in the ankle joint, or both. Picky picky! :huh:


Question: Are these completely rigged, or are you just modeling them in the final pose? i.e., do you rig her and then put her in the pose, or are you modeling her in the pose?


Great work!

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the foot against the wall doesn't seem to have the necessary weight to it


I agree.



Are these completely rigged



My brain may be shaky at times, but undertaking images like these in 3D without a skeleton is not something even I would attempt...


Just take a pose from some painting that was considered "appropriate."


Painting? Are you a historian? I don't think I'm that cultivated :)



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Is that an image map or materials?


Thanks. Yes, there are no materials for the skin. There is a VERY subtle bump map, and the skin color map (which aligns exactly to the bump and specular maps) does a very subtle hue shift from red to green.


I don't recall if I used a blue specularity color on the skin in this render, but I do on all of my skin textures now.



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I don't recall if I used a blue specularity color on the skin in this render, but I do on all of my skin textures now.

Blue? Interesting!


What's the resolution on your skin textures? They look fairly big.

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i think i can see the blue-tinted highlights in the render, as well as alpha blended textures that run along the length of the thigh.


unwrapped front and back textures? or segements for each major body part?


inquiring minds want to know!



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Yes. If you look at movies and photographs, human skin specularity tends to look bluish, rather than the orange-yellow color that 3D apps produce by default.


What's the resolution on your skin textures?


I have a map for the front and sides of the head (about 1000x1000), a map for the front and back of the body from neck to toes (about 1500x700) and a map for each side of the arm (about 400x900). I use a higher resolution map for the face, since it's usually closer to the camera.


I actually have a lame gradient for the back of the head, but I will probably decal that area as soon as I need to see it :)



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The specularity colour of skin is dependent on the light source and not the colour of skin. If there is a bright blue sky with the sun behind clouds then this would lead to a blue highlight. Often though the highlight would be an orange (in aritificially lit scenes).

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