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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • Admin
Posted (edited)

The Software Tutorials Forum is constantly adding new resources.

Thanks to all contributors! We couldn't do this without you.



Recently added to A:M Tutes: post-7-1097519707.jpg

Realistic Edges (Bias) Subject: Modeling - Level: Basic - Author: Ken Heslip

Changing a Cartoon Horse into a Zebra Subject: Materials - Level: Basic - Author: JohnL3d

Quick Videos (Qvids) Subject: Various - Level: Basic - Author: LarryB

Animation Bootcamp and related Tutorials Subject: Animation - Level: Basic - Author: Alonso Soriano


FACE Rigging Subject: Rigging - Level: Basic through Advanced - Author: Mark Strohbehn

Using The Squetch Rig Subject: Animating - Level: Basic - Author: David Seymour


Alonso's Tutorials and Bootcamp Subject: Animation (TWO Certification too) - Level: Basic through Advanced - Author: Alonso Soriano


A growing list of tutorials can be found at The A.R.M and a basic list of A:M Tutes hosted resources can be found at: A:M Tutes Index


A:M Features Created and compiled by Matt Bradbury


2005 Extra CD Content (Online) The A:M Community donates project files and models for your use. Grab 'em... and don't forget to say thanks!


Useful Searches

Forum Search

Technical Manual

Search for Tutorials on the A.R.M. Just change the last word after = in the URL and you can find other useful resources

"Example#2: Search for ""Rigging"" on the A.R.M."


Search for an Authors on the A.R.M.:


Colin Freeman Character Tutorials and More

William Sutton UV Editor and More

"Jeff Cantin Basic Splinemanship, Font/AI Wizards and More"


HASH INC Support and Services

Always maintain the most current release of your subcription to Animation Master. Updates are Free! Upgrades are just $99!

Hash Inc: Contact Information



Resources for A:M in Spanish *This is so cool I wish I spoke Spanish! :)


Information and Training Resources

A:M Resource Matrix (A.R.M.) Search here first!


Tutorials Resources

Animation:Master Tutorial Forum



A:M Features Created and compiled by Matt Bradbury

New Dynamics Settings

That little Green Tick Mark in v11?

Locks of Hair Don't forget to hold the shift key down to create v10.5 locks of hair when creating your material.



Playrange Settings

Startup Choreography & changing default Choreography

Keyboard Shortcuts

Adjusting the Rotate Manipulator (Incremental settings)

Customizing - CP Size and Color Use this example to learn more about customizing



Setting up Libraries by Heath Hash

Lots and lots of Information on A:M Libraries Dig deep and you'll eventually see something you find useful!



The Reusable Motion Forum

"Reusable Motion Information, Projects and Examples "

" Key Model, Key Branch, Key Bone (Troubleshooting/Understanding Key Branching)"



Multiple cameras - Camera changing

Infinite Scale Camera Matching - Controlling a camera via Pose



Radiosity Forum

Lighting (Radiosity) Tutorial by Yves Poissant

Rendering those white models on white background



"Numeric CP positioning - ""Show Manipulator Properties"""

Aligning CPs

"Scaling, Rotating or Moving CPs with Bones"

Deleting a spline and attached CPs

Selecting and Unselecting Groups and Making them Pickable/Unpickable - by Various Authors

Advanced Lathing Methodologies


Adding CPs to a Distortion Cage (Basic)

Creating a Magnifying Glass post-7-1097519707.jpg



"Fonts, 3D Text, Logos and Automated Mechanical Modeling"

"3D Text, Logos and Automated Mechanical Modeling in A:M with the Font and AI Wizards"


Render sizes for print

Converting Sequential TGAs to an AVI/MOV file

Rendering with sequential numbering (Options)

The Best Rendering Codecs *Partial discussion - Note the relation to rendering to TGA.

Getting rid of the 'fringies'

Rendering those white models on white background



Colin's Tutorials Look for the Rigging Tuts

Kricket's Anime Page Look for the rigging section

Search for rigging tutorials on the A.R.M.

More of Dem Bones by Raf Anzovin (Note: Link to Dem Bones is broke on the A.R.M.)

Interesting discussion on Fan Bones etc.



Applying Constraints to a model - Poses


Materials and Texturing

"A search for ""Animation:Master materials"" at www.google.com"


Materials Laboratory in the A:M Forum

Flattening *To prepare for decaling

Applying multiple images to the same Decal

Textures vs materials vs decals vs image maps (Distinctions)

Jim Talbot Decaling Tutorials:

Flatten Tutorial (Zip file)

Features Tutorial (Zip file)

Eyebrow Details Tutorial (Zip file)

Eyelashes Details Tutorial (Zip file)


Special Effects

Handwritten Notes with Particles by Darrin Mossor


Import and Export

Importing 3DS files

Smartsaga's Plugin List


"Programs, Utilities and Plugins"

3D format converters/plugins - compiled by Smartsaga


Sound and Music

Music Makers (Software and More)


Troubleshooting / Solutions

Terrain Wizard - Watch that Mesh Density!

"Foot Twisting / Possible Problem with Nulls, Constraints etc. with Library Characters"

Does my CD have to be in to run Animation:Master? - Pengy

Importing Multiple Choreographies can double up lights and cameras Find out more.

"To use the ""Autobalance Feature"" in rigging or not - The experts weigh in! You might be surprised by their answers."



Ken H details how you may be able to save some render time in Windows OS

Hash Inc's Graphics Card - 3D Marks page

Keyboard Shortcuts


Did you find a dead or outdated link in the list. Email me and we'll get em fixed!


Edited by Rodney
  • Replies 75
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Top Posters In This Topic

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  • Admin

Animation:Master Keyboard Shortcuts post-7-1097519707.jpg


Please let us know if you have other keyboard shortcuts or find errors or useful links that complement or explain more fully any of the following keyboard shortcuts.


Introduction to Animation:Master Keyboard Shortcuts - Submitted by Sam Buntrock


I didn't use even the simplest of the keyboard shortcuts when I first started with A:M. I personally think that the following 3 (default) keys are the first thing a new user should learn.


To alter your view of A:M's 3D space:


M - Move tool (or pressing down the mouse wheel if you have one)


T - Turn


Z - Zoom (or the mouse wheel up and down if you have one)


Once you've got these learnt, and can find them without looking at the keyboard, you'll find yourself working a whole lot faster.


And then you'll be ready to learn more shortcuts



Modeling Keystrokes- Submitted by ZachBG


Click on a control point or group, then when you translate it:


Hold down 1 (above the letters) to only move it in the X axis

2 to only move it in the Y axis

3 to only move it in the Z axis


Combinations of the above to constrain it to XY, XZ, etc.


And the lesser known constraint keys:


4 to only translate in the direction of the selected spline

5 to translate in the direction perpendicular to the selected spline

6 to translate in the direction of the surface normal--EXTREMELY useful when attempting to make models smooth.


These work anywhere, actually, not just modeling mode, and when working in camera or bird's eye view in Choreography, there's an added bonus: if you want to move something in screen space, as opposed to along the ground plane, hold down 1, 2, and 3, and you've got it.



If you have a wheel mouse:

scrolling it zooms in and out

hold it down and drag to pan

hold it down+shift to turn the view


Use the numberpad to switch views. Starting in the center with 5, as though the sides of a cube had been unfolded:








7-birdseye view (the last view you had when using the turn tool)

1-camera views (keep tapping it to cycle through all of the cameras in your choreography)

3-light view. (tap it to cycle through the other light views)


Also see: Tech Ref info on the Modeling Toolbar



Shearing - Submitted by John Keates


It is possible to do a sheer by holding down 1,2 or 3 whilst rotating. The cps are prevented from moving in a cirdle and can only move in the direction that you allow.




Camera Keystrokes (Use when looking through a camera) submitted by Will Sutton


Holding down shift while using the hand/pan tool[M]will dolly forward and backward

Hold down control while using the hand[M] will shift the camera sideways and up and down.

Holding shift with the zoom[Z] tool will adjust your focal length.

Holding shift using the Turn tool[T] will aim the camera.

Holding control while using the Turn [T] tool will tilt the camera.


or in the words of Mike Stamm:

The shortcut keys are 'T', 'M' and 'Z', just like in the modeling window. But here's the trick: If you don't hold down a modifier key, it'll just move the Bird's Eye view, as you probably already know. These are the modifier keys.


For 'T'


Hold down Cmd: The camera rotates along its own axis, like the hands of a clock.


Hold down Shift: The Camera swivels to look in different directions, but without moving.


For 'M'


Hold down Cmd: The camera moves side to side or up and down with the mouse.


Hold down Shift: The camera moves forwards and backwards.


For 'Z'


Hold down Cmd: The camera simultaneously zooms out and moves in, or vice versa.


Hold down Shift: The camera zooms in (changes focal length), but doesn't move.


Note: For this process use the 'Cmd' key on the Mac and 'Ctrl' key on Windows



Bias Manipulation submitted by Holmes Bryant and Rodger Reynolds


Adjust Alpha - Ctrl+Alt – Drag

Adjust Gamma - Ctrl+Alt+Shft – Drag

Adjust Magnitude of only the selected handle AND adjust BOTH Alpha and Gamma of BOTH sides of the spline. - Shift+Drag

Adjust Both InMagnitude AND OutMagnitude without changing Alpha or Gamma. Makes the Magnitude opposite the handle you are dragging the same as that of the handle you are dragging so the BOTH Magnitudes are equal. - Alt+Drag

Adjust In and Out Magnitudes while maintaining their percentage ratio in relation to one another. - Ctrl+Drag – Note: Similar to alt+drag but does NOT force them to be equal values

Adjust ONLY the Magnitude of the handle you are dragging.( Either the InMagnitude OR the OutMagnitude but NOT both.) Does NOT alter Alpha or Gamma. - Ctrl+Shift+Drag

Adjust ONLY the Gamma and nothing else. - Alt+Shift+Drag or Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Drag





Animation:Master Keyboard Shortcuts - Most of these taken from Mark Oxley's excellent complation here: A:M Keyboard Shortcuts


By Name

Add Lock Mode SHIFT+A / Add Mode A (Current versions default to Add Lock Mode)


Back View NUM 8

Bird's Eye View NUM 7

Bone Visible J

Bones Mode F6

Bones Visible Branch Shift+J

Bottom View NUM 0

Bound B

Bound Branch SHIFT+B

Break K


Camera View NUM 1

Choreography Mode F9

Collapse/Contract/Expand (PWS Tree/Branches listing): * (asterisk key)

Constrain-X 1

Constrain-Y 2

Constrain-Z 3

Constrain Along Spline 4

Constrain Along Intersecting Spline 5

Constrain To Perpendicular To Surface 6

Curved C

Curved Branch SHIFT+C


Decrease Subdivisions PGDN

Default 7


Detach Point SHIFT+K


Edit Mode ESC

Edit: Compliment All .

Edit: Compliment Spline ,

Edit: Copy Keyframe CTRL+C

Edit: Deselect All ENTER

Edit: Group Connected /

Edit: Paste Keyframe CTRL+V

Edit: Redo CTRL+Y

Edit: Select All CTRL+A

Edit: Snap Group To Grid '

Edit: Undo CTRL+Z

Expand/Contract/Collapse (PWS Tree Branching listing): * (asterisk key)

Extrude Mode E


File: Open CTRL+O

Flip Normals F

Front View NUM 2


Grid SHIFT+3

Group Mode G


Help (Buttons, Menus & Windows) SHIFT+F1

Help (Task or Command) F1

Hide CPs H

Hide More SHIFT+H


Increase Subdivisions PGUP

Insert Y

Invisible Branch SHIFT+I

Invisible Mode I


Jump To Frame CTRL+F


Lasso Draw Mode SHIFT+G

Lathe L

Left View NUM 4

Light View NUM 3



Modeling Mode F5

Move M

Move Down DOWN


Move Left LEFT


Move Right RIGHT


Move Up UP


Muscle Mode F7



Next Frame =


Next Keyframe +


Next Object TAB

Normals SHIFT+1


Onion Skin SHIFT+5


Patch Group Mode SHIFT+P

Peak P

Perspective \

Play Range END

Previous Frame -


Previous Keyframe _


Previous Object SHIFT+TAB

Project: Save CTRL+S


Render Lock Mode SHIFT+Q

Render Mode Q

Right View NUM 6

Rotate Group Images CTRL+R

Rotate Mode R


Scale Mode S

Select Deeper ]

Shaded (for selected model) X

Shaded (for current view) 9

Shaded Branch SHIFT+X

Shaded/Wireframe 0

Skeletal Mode F8

Smooth O


Toggle Backface Culling SHIFT+6

Toggle Decals CTRL+D

Toggle Interrupt SHIFT+2

Toggle Particle/Fur SHIFT+8

Tools: Options CTRL+P

Top View NUM 5

Translate Mode N

Turn T


Vector V

Vector Branch SHIFT+V

View Settings SHIFT+4

View: Community ALT+6

View: Libraries ALT+5

View: Pose Sliders ALT+4

View: Project WorkSpace ALT+1

View: Properties ALT+3

View: Refresh SPACE



View: Timeline ALT+2


Window: New Window ALT+W

Window: Tile Horizontally ALT+H

Window: Tile Vertically ALT+V

Wireframe (for selected model) W

Wireframe (fir current view) 8

Wireframe Branch SHIFT+W


Zoom Z

Zoom To Fit (Object) CTRL+SHIFT+Z

Zoom To Fit (Scene) SHIFT+Z


By Key



' (Apostrophe Key) - Edit: Snap Group To Grid

* (Asterisk key) - Collapse/Contract/Expand (PWS Tree Branching)

- (Dash Key), NUM SUB - Previous Frame

, (Comma Key) Edit: Compliment Spline

. (Period Key) Edit: Compliment All

/ - Edit: Group Connected

\ - Perspective

_ (Underscore Key), SHIFT+NUM SUB - Previous Keyframe

+ , NUM PLUS, SHIFT+NUM PLUS - Next Keyframe

= (Equal Key) - Next Frame

0 - Shaded/Wireframe

4 - Constrain Along Spline

5 - Constrain Along Intersecting Spline

6 - Constrain To Perpendicular To Surface

7 - Default

8 - Wireframe (fir current view)

9 - Shaded (for current view)

A - Add Mode

ALT+1 - View: Project WorkSpace

ALT+2 - View: Timeline

ALT+3 - View: Properties

ALT+4 - View: Pose Sliders

ALT+5 - View: Libraries

ALT+6 - View: Community

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Drag is same as Alt+Shift+Drag

Alt+Drag: Adjust Both InMagnitude AND OutMagnitude without changing Alpha or Gamma. Makes the Magnitude opposite the handle you are dragging the same as that of the handle you are dragging so the BOTH Magnitudes are equal.

ALT+H - Window: Tile Horizontally

Alt+Shift+Drag: Adjust ONLY the Gamma and nothing else.

ALT+V - Window: Tile Vertically

ALT+W - Window: New Window

B - Bound

C - Curved

CTRL+A - Edit: Select All

Ctrl+Alt - Drag for alpha

Ctrl+Alt+Shft - Drag for gamma

CTRL+C - Edit: Copy Keyframe

CTRL+D - Toggle Decals

Ctrl+Drag: Same as alt+drag BUT allows In and Out Magnitudes to maintain their percentage ratio in relation to one another. Does NOT force them to be equal values like Alt+Drag does..

CTRL+F - Jump To Frame

CTRL+N - New

CTRL+O - File: Open

CTRL+P - Tools: Options

CTRL+R - Rotate Group Images

CTRL+S - Project: Save

Ctrl+Shift+Drag: Adjust ONLY the Magnitude of the handle you are dragging.( Either the InMagnitude OR the OutMagnitude but NOT both.) Does NOT alter Alpha or Gamma.

CTRL+SHIFT+Z - Zoom To Fit (Object)

CTRL+V - Edit: Paste Keyframe

CTRL+Y - Edit: Redo

CTRL+Z - Edit: Undo

DELETE - Delete

DOWN - Move Down (SHIFT+DOWN multiplies increment)

E - Extrude Mode

END - Play Range

ENTER - Edit: Deselect All

ESC - Edit Mode

F - Flip Normals

F1 - Help (Task or Command)

F5 - Modeling Mode

F6 - Bones Mode

F7 - Muscle Mode

F8 - Skeletal Mode

F9 - Choreography Mode

G - Group Mode

H - Hide CPs

HOME - Loop

I - Invisible Mode

J - Bone Visible

K - Break

L - Lathe

LEFT - Move Left (SHIFT+LEFT multiplies increment)

M - Move

N - Translate Mode

NUM 0 - Bottom View

NUM 1 - Camera View

NUM 2 - Front View

NUM 3 - Light View

NUM 4 - Left View

NUM 5 - Top View

NUM 6 - Right View

NUM 7 - Bird's Eye View

NUM 8 - Back View

O - Smooth

P - Peak

PGDN - Decrease Subdivisions

PGUP - Increase Subdivisions

Q - Render Mode

R - Rotate Mode

RIGHT - Move Right (SHIFT+RIGHT multiplies increment)

S - Scale Mode

Select Deeper ]

SHIFT+1 - Normals

SHIFT+2 - Toggle Interrupt

SHIFT+3 - Grid

SHIFT+4 - View Settings

SHIFT+5 - Onion Skin

SHIFT+6 - Toggle Backface Culling

SHIFT+8 - Toggle Particle/Fur

SHIFT+A - Add Lock Mode / (Current versions default to Add Lock Mode)

SHIFT+B - Bound Branch

SHIFT+C - Curved Branch

Shift+Drag: Adjust Magnitude of only the selected handle AND adjust BOTH Alpha and Gamma of BOTH sides of the spline.

SHIFT+F1 - Help (Buttons, Menus & Windows)

SHIFT+G - Lasso Draw Mode

SHIFT+H - Hide More

SHIFT+I - Invisible Branch

Shift+J - Bones Visible Branch

SHIFT+K - Detach Point

SHIFT+P - Patch Group Mode

SHIFT+Q - Render Lock Mode

SHIFT+TAB - Previous Object

SHIFT+V - Vector Branch

SHIFT+W - Wireframe Branch

SHIFT+X - Shaded Branch

SHIFT+Z - Zoom To Fit (Scene)


T - Turn

TAB - Next Object

UP - Move Up (SHIFT+UP multiplies increment)

V - Vector

W - Wireframe (for selected model)

X - Shaded (for selected model)

X 1 - Constrain

Y - Insert

Y 2 - Constrain

Z - Zoom

Z 3 - Constrain



Windows Hotkeys - Not all tested for A:M Compatibility/Conflicts


Windows Standard

Alt + Escape: Send active window to the bottom of the z-order.

Alt + F4: Close active window; or, if all windows are closed, open shutdown dialog.

Alt + Shift + Escape: Activate the window at the bottom of the z-order.

Alt + Shift + Tab: Display CoolSwitch; go in reverse.

Alt + Tab: Display CoolSwitch. More commonly known as the AltTab dialog.

Ctrl + Alt + Delete or Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDel (Both NumLock states): Invoke the Task Manager or NT Security dialog.

Ctrl + Escape or Win: Display start menu.

Ctrl + Shift + Escape (XP Only): Invoke the task manager. On earlier OSes, acts like Ctrl + Escape.

Shift + F10 or AppsKey: Display context menu.

Shift while a CD is loading: Bypass AutoPlay.

Win + B (XP only): Activate system tray. Arrow keys select, Enter double-clicks, and AppsKey or Shift + F10 right-clicks.

Win + Control + F: Open Find dialog. (Computers)

Win + D: Toggle minimize all windows.

Win + E: Open Windows Explorer.

Win + F or F3: Open Find dialog. (All Files) F3 may not work in some applications which use F3 for their own find dialogs.

Win + F1: Open Windows help.

Win + L (XP Only): Locks keyboard. Similar to Lock Workstation.

Win + M: Minimize all windows.

Win + Pause: Open System Properties dialog.

Win + R: Open Run dialog.

Win + Shift + M: Undo minimize all windows.

Win + Shift + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons in reverse.

Win + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons. Enter clicks, AppsKey or Shift + F10 right-clicks.

Win + U: Open Utility Manager.


Menu Commands

Alt + Space: Display system menu. Same as clicking the icon on the titlebar.

Alt or F10: Activate menu bar.

Ctrl + A: Select all.

Ctrl + C: Copy.

Ctrl + F: Find...

Ctrl + F4: Close tab or child window.

Ctrl + N: New... File, Tab, Entry, etc.

Ctrl + O: Open...

Ctrl + P: Print.

Ctrl + S: Save.

Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste/Move.

Ctrl + X: Cut.

Ctrl + Z: Undo.

Escape: Remove focus from current control/menu, or close dialog box.

F1: Open help.

F11: Toggle full screen mode.


General Navigation

Alt + (Letter): Activate item corresponding to (Letter). (Letter) is the underlined letter on the item's name.

Ctrl + Down: Move cursor to beginning of next paragraph.

Ctrl + Left: Move cursor to the beginning of previous word.

Ctrl + Right: Move cursor to the beginning of next word.

Ctrl + Shift + Down: Highlight to beginning of next paragraph.

Ctrl + Shift + Left: Highlight to beginning of previous word.

Ctrl + Shift + Right: Highlight to beginning of next word.

Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Cycle backwards through tabs/child windows.

Ctrl + Shift + Up: Highlight to beginning of previous paragraph.

Ctrl + Tab: Cycle through tabs/child windows.

Ctrl + Up: Move cursor to beginning of previous paragraph.

End: Move cursor to bottom of a scrollable control.

Enter: If a button's selected, click it, otherwise, click default button.

Home: Move cursor to top of a scrollable control.

Shift + Down: Highlight from current cursor position, to one line down.

Shift + Left: Highlight one character to the left.

Shift + Right: Highlight one character to the right.

Shift + Tab: Backward one item.

Shift + Up: Highlight from current cursor position, to one line up.

Space: Toggle items such as radio buttons or checkboxes.

Tab: Forward one item.

  • Admin
Posted (edited)

Test of Automated System - This is only a Test (Pardon our Dust)



Welcome to Useful Links The Software Tutorials Forum is constantly adding new resources. Thanks to all contributors! We couldn't do this without you.



Did you find a dead or outdated link in the list. Email me and we'll get em fixed!


AM Users (Example Search via the A.R.M.)


Colin Freeman http://www.lowrestv.com/arm/search3.asp?So...&author=freeman



Jeff Cantin http://www.lowrestv.com/arm/search3.asp?So...c&author=cantin



Will Sutton http://www.lowrestv.com/arm/search3.asp?So...c&author=sutton








Matt Bradbury

Import and Export


Technical Referencel http://www.hash.com/htmlHelp/v12/Technical_Reference.htm

Animation:Master Technical Reference




Resources for A:M in Spanish



*This is so cool I wish I spoke Spanish! :)




Materials and Texturing


Changing a Cartoon Horse into a Zebra - JohnL3d



Realistic Edges (Bias Manipulation)


Ken Heslip

Bias, Realistic, Detail

2005 Extra CD Content (Online)


Volume I: Free Models for use with Animation:Master


Programs, Utilities and Plugins



Sound and Music

Contact Information

Hash Inc: http://www.hash.com/support/contact.asp

Contact Hash Inc

HASH INC Support and Services




Always maintain the most current release of your subcription to Animation Master.

Upgrades are just $99!

Information and Training Resources

Tutorials Resources

A:M Resource Matrix (A.R.M.)



Animation:Master Tutorial Forum


A:M Tutes


Troubleshooting / Solutions A:M Tutes


Troubleshooting / Solutions

Edited by Rodney

Heya, this question always seems to come up from new users so maybe it should be front and center. Because of the copyright protection Animation Master uses it is neccessary to have the cd in the drive to start the program. After it loads you can remove the cd and spline away.

  • 2 months later...
  • Admin

I thought it might be fun to explore some of the hidden features of A:M.

There is certainly a lot to explore.


Here is a new look at a feature you might find interesting: Custom Keyboard Shortcuts.


Most people know that you can assign shortcuts to functions to help with workflow.

But did you know that you can create a list of Shortcut Keys including your custom set keys?

Did you know you can do it with the click of one button in Animation:Master?


You can.


Steps to produce your own Shortcut Key List:

Go to TOOLS/CUSTOMIZE on the menu

Navigate to the KEYBOARD Tab

Find and Press the EXPORT Button

The Keyboard Shortcut List will be generated in HTML format.


  • 5 months later...
  • Admin

A warm welcome to Ken Heslip (the world's fastest modeler) and now moderator of the Software Tutorials Forum.


Welcome aboard Ken!


There are a lot of projects in the works in the A:M Community and the Software Tutorials Forum is one to watch. Some exciting projects are in waiting in the wings...


Keep checking in and let us know how we are doing. K?



  • 1 month later...



I was looking for A:M information about modeling an ear, which led me to Frank Silas' ear tutorial, which led me to a search for A:M Loft, which led me to your "useful links" thread. I'd somehow missed this thread previously--useful indeed, thanks.


Still looking for A:M Loft though. All links seem to be broken. Is this application still available? Is it still useful, or have the features been included in more recent versions of A:M?


Thanks again,


  • Admin

Thanks Curtis,


Useful Links is due for an update. We've let it slide just a bit...


It looks like the A:M Loft site is down. It would be sad if it is permanently down.


A:M Loft is still useful but it gets less useful every year as plugin creators add additional functionality to A:M.

Most of what is in A:M loft can be made with plugins such as the Extruder and Duplicator wizards... and need I mention Emilio's Sweeper plugin?


I don't think the skinning feature has yet to be brought forward. With that you could set a group of splines in 3D space and A:M Loft would connect them all in a mesh... pretty neat.


It is still useful and a nice little program (IMO).




Just when I needed help on camera placement and switching on the fly, you post this, what luck on my part, didnt have to do any actual searching...LOL




  • 2 weeks later...
  • Admin

The A:M Community is full of talented people... but you knew this already right?


Over the years many A:M Users have contributed their models to the community.

Here is a sampling of what is available if you take the time to look:




...and a lot more where they came from!


Here are a few links to these valuable resources both past and present:


2005 Extra CD (Volume I)





Proxy Characters (2001 Rig)

Sci Fi Actors

Semi Real Characters




(More to come... check the index!)


Buildings (Modern)





Project Files/Scenes:

Sci Fi / Fantasy (Image Contest)


Note: More to come... others can be found via the index on the site.

You can also download the entire CD contents HERE! (Warning - Over 230MB Zipfile)


2005 A:M CD -(Not currently listed) You have this one in your CD Drive right!?!?


2004 (The old Freemodels pages from Hash Inc web site)







Note: The majority of these models (but not all) can be downloaded in one file HERE! (Warning Large Zip File)


2003 and before

Models donated to the community before 2003 can often be found on the Hash Inc FTP site. I'll post a few links here to get you started. Beware of possible missing links/graphics).


2001 Model Catalog


2000 Extras


Note: The older the model the more likely that it will not be rigged and/or smartskinned. You'll probably need to edit these models a bit. If anyone updates any of these to current standards please let us know. They would be great additions to future Extra CD volumes.


Update: Most of the content identified above can now be found on the 2007 Extra DVD:

The 2007 Extra DVD lets you explore over 3.5 Gigabytes of tutorials, projects, sets, models, actions, materials and more. The DVD is distributed with your 2007 upgrade so look for it there. See an exploratory walkthrough of the content HERE.




  • Admin

A recap: Trevor (Disco Fish), Dhar, Mike Stamm and Strohbehn discuss setting bones to hidden/unhidden in a pose.



How do you set bones to be hidden or visible in poses?


Strohbehn Answers:

I think this will do it for you.

Make sure you have "show more than drivers" icon clicked on your shortcut to model in the action relationship.


1. With your on/off relationship window open, go down to Action>Relationship:shortcut to model>shortcut to model>Bones>bone you want to hide or shown.


2. With your show/hide pose ON, click the eye icon twice next to the bone you want shown/hidden to set a key for it.


3. Turn the show/hide pose OFF and click the eye icon to turn off (hide) the bone.


4. Test the show/hide pose by turning it on and off to see that you have the bone shown or hidden correctly based on how you named your show/hide pose.


5. Close the relationship window


go have lunch.


Hope this helps

  • Admin

(Testing a new way to compile information)


Are you trying to improve your renders in Animation:Master?

If you haven't checked out the Radiosity Forum you really should! It's Forum 36 on your A:M dial.


Feature Examples



Radiosity and Lighting



Topics of interest:

Lighting Tutorial (53)

The Cornell Box Tutorial (68)

Making a room (11)

Room (30)

Flourescents (15)

Reflectivity Dulling (20)

personal lighting study (49)

Hallway (25)

Parthenon (17)

Radiosity Leak (9)

Cornell Box with Legos (38)

Diffraction (34)

No Light Radiosity (7)

Carshowroom"FinalRender" (11)

Another try (20)

A little test made with the Cornell Box lighting. (33)

My attempt (36)

My Own Try (15)

Whats Radiosity (4)

My Own Radiosity Room (32)

Radiosity not Rendering (4)

W.I.P. Robot Archie...of course in Radiosity! (22)

I don't get radiosity (or Radio City) (6)

Calc Surface...for Mac?? (2)

Z-Buffer Render (13)

methods for getting darker shadows? (8)

Light help again, please (20)

Different Lighting Set up for my Office. (9)

Lets keep this going! (56)

How to make a projector??? (7)

test your knowledge (12)

Image confetti (5)

Testing skylights (18)

Help me light this still (17)

Cabinet (14)

Meditation Room (20)

Glass-Best settings (6)

Fasten up your rendering (4)

My Trial and Error (18)

Modern Art (21)

more fun fun fun (5)

Shadow Darkness (2)

Render times (5)

A First Step (18)

What should be turned off for Radiosity (11)

Radiosity Still (8)

A thanksgiving scene (20)

Introduction to Photon Mapping (5)



The number after the Title indicates posts at the time of this listing.

Bold is an arbitrary indiction that useful information can be found.

  • 2 months later...
  • Admin

Useful Links now has a new home in the Tutorials Forum. :)


Please feel free to link to tutorials and information of interest to Animation:Master users here.

  • 1 month later...

How about making a pose slider were can I find one on that?


Ok After a 5 minute search I found two sorry for posting before digging :lol:

  • Admin
Ok After a 5 minute search I found two sorry for posting before digging


Hey... no smiling and posting without links allowed! ;)

What did you find?

  • 3 months later...
  • Admin

This is particulary for New Users but new and old forum vistors alike often miss some of the useful features found in the forum.


As the A:M Forum grows and more and more posts are circulated, topics can get lost rather easily.

There are a lot of ways to track topics down.


One of the easiest ways to keep up to date is to start from the top.


View New Posts


You don't have to search for 'Useful Links' to see new posts however.

The link is right up there on every forum page. Right next to 'My Controls'.


  • 4 weeks later...
  • Admin

Is it just me or did Rodger Reynolds reorganize his tutorials?

Maybe not... but great stuff either way.

Rodger covers:


- Using Rotoscopes

- Modeling Mechanical Surfaces

- Automotive Modeling

- Adding Bones to a Vehicle

- Modeling Bump Decals

- Adding Rivets: CP's or Decals?

- Modeling Edges and Corners

- Modeling Trees

- Modeling a Concrete Block Wall

- Examples of Hardware Modeling

- Miscellaneous models in progress


Check it out!


Mechanical Modeling in Animation:Master by Rodger Reynolds

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Admin

I recently ran across this discussion and wish I'd had it handy when others had questions about keyframing animation, especially concerning the notorious keyframes on frame 0.


If you animate... and I know you do... you should find the discussion of use.

Note: The topic is from 2003 and is archived. As such you cannot add new posts there.


Animation Help (Keyframing etc)


For those with no extra time to go speLINKing here's something to note and press on with.


One tip from Noel Pickering in the discussion states:

Copy paste only copies bones with channels (at least one key).
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...
  • Admin

I saw Mark Skodecek post this little gem of a tip related to using Hair in the TWO character Chopfyt.

I'm sure it'll be useful to others.


Mark said:

Ok, did my experimenting. You can't import the skullcap into the model, hair material does not import with it. But, a good one though, YOU CAN IMPORT SKULLCAPS AS ACTION OBJECTS IN AN ON/OFF POSE ON THE MODEL. This works quite well, setup an on/off pose for Chopfyt, import the skullcap as an action object, constraint the skullcap with a translate and orient like constraint to the head geom bone using compensate mode. Now you have a pose to import the skullcap to Chopfyt already groomed.


Thanks to Mark for taking the time to test that out!


Can anyone tell me what has happened to the links to the A.R.M? I have used that site as a resource for more A:M solutions than I can count and hope it's up and running soon.



  • Admin
Can anyone tell me what has happened to the links to the A.R.M? I have used that site as a resource for more A:M solutions than I can count and hope it's up and running soon.


As with many (most?) volunteer projects they are generally a labor of love on the part of the creator(s)/maintainer(s).

I'm often amazed that these sites are maintained as long as they are... hosting costs money!

Inevitably these projects fade with time as those involved find less and less time and money to devote to maintenance.

Its takes a lot to maintain these resources!


Links to resources that are outdated eventually are removed as well.

Thats just the nature of the process.


Not many new users will know that the A.R.M. replaced 'Sherwood's Forest'.

As sad as it sounds, in time the A.R.M. will be replaced too.


To those that have contributed their time, resources and effort we owe our thanks.

To Jim Sherwood, Vernon Zehr and all those that have left their mark on A:M Users... THANKS! :)


When will the next Jim Sherwood or Vernon Zehr appear?

Excellent question.


Yes, thanks to all those with the knowledge to impart to we mortals - I finally feel like I'm getting a grip on some of A:M's abilities and am thankful for these forums as well. I certainly am missing using the A.R.M. at this juncture though!



  • 10 months later...
  • Admin

I'm ready to update our 'Useful Links' listing for 2008 how about you?


For those unfamiliar with the topic please check out the previous Useful Links listings.

Not all the links there will be current so if you have corrections or updates please feel free to post them here.


If you have a link of interest please post it here where others can benefit from the information.

If you found something useful its quite likely others will find it useful too.


Please read this fine print before posting!

Your posts may be edited for clarity and to ensure links remain current.

Only post here if you are willing to have this done.

  • Admin

Useful Links for New Users


Forum areas designed specifically to assist you:


Newbies Forum - The place to introduce yourself, meet other users and explore A:M.


The Art of Animation Master (TaoA:M) Forum - 20 guided lessons designed to get you up to speed animating, modeling and directing short films in the minimum time necessary. The TaoA:M forum provides links to video tutorials, expert advise and a clear path to success with Animation:Master.


You aren't a newbie for long so take advantage of these useful resources!

  • Admin

Locating Useful Links via the forum's 'Search' function

The best source of support may be the A:M Forum itself. It is like having a giant searchable FAQ available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.


Familiarize yourself with the Forum's Search function and you may find your questions have already been answered.


Look up to the right of the forum menu to launch a Search or Click Here.

Searches can be linked as well.


Search topic titles: Modeling a Perfect Sphere. (For more specifically targeted searches)

Search every post and every word in the forum: Posts where 'perfect sphere' was mentioned. (To retrieve maximum information)

The word(s) you use in your search will be highlighted in the text returned.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Admin

Animation:Master has Shortcut Keys that can save you a lot of time.

You can also assign your own shortcut keys to improve your personal workflow.


Access this option by going to TOOLS/CUSTOMIZE on the main menu on the KEYBOARD tab.

Attached is an example PDF file that was created by editing the list A:M generated. It lists only commands with assigned keys.


Click here for an online walkthrough of the process

Note: This link will be good for about 2 weeks from date posted.


or download the tutorial to view on your computer.


For those that want to skip the tutorial here are the steps to access the custom list:



Navigate to the KEYBOARD Tab

Find and Press the EXPORT Button

The Keyboard Shortcut List will be generated in the v15 directory assuming you have v15.



  • 4 months later...
  • Admin
Can we pin this one please? Lots of great resources here.


Consider it done.


(Steve Sappington has a theory and I think I believe him; pinned topics don't get read often) ;)

  • 6 months later...
  • Admin

Of course there are some Shortcut Keys that aren't listed.

These undocumented shortcuts can be great timesavers too.


Take the Shift Key for example.


Draw a spline.

Hit the Comma key to select it.

Now before you hit the Lathe Icon hold down the Shift key.

Note that the Tools menu for Modeling pops up.

Here you can easily enter the number of Cross Sections you need.


Try the Shift key with the Lock Icon as well.

Model something.

Select it all.

Press the Lock key.

Note that because everything was selected... nothing gets locked.

Thats not what we want so lets try that again with the Shift key.




Shift + Lock (Note that you get the same results at this point)

Click the Lock Icon again

Everything is locked


The Shift key is also the only way you can access some functions.

Older hair methodologies for instance.

  • Hash Fellow

While you're on this... is there a shortcut key to change the timeline from the keyframe view to the spline view and back?

  • Admin
While you're on this... is there a shortcut key to change the timeline from the keyframe view to the spline view and back?


I've never seen a shortcut key for that.

I don't think any of the icons in the timeline windows are exposed to keyshorting.


The closest functionality to that is probably having both views open at the same time.

To increase productivity I suppose one could open several windows to animate in with optimum views and Alt Tab between them. This doesn't toggle back and forth between spline and keyframe views though.



Good thread Rodney!


Here's one (and just one of many) though this might be more of a 'tricks and tips' thing:


As an example, if you want to lock (or unlock, or hide) everything in the chor (or a consecutive group) select the first item, then hold down and select the last item now click on the lock icon of any of the selected items -- all selected items lock. This works in most areas... want to hide or unhide bones in a model? -- works there too. As PWS lock icons work as toggle switches selected items will lock if they or unlock and unlock if they are locked. Using shift selects consecutive items but using selects non-consecutive items and this works as well!




Here's one from the Technical Manual I didn't know.

p48 [Roll-Method]

"Occasionally you may rotate a bone and find this default (Roll Handle/Z Rotation) behavior undesirable. To remedy it, simultaneously press the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard, or [Cmd] key on the Mac, (while dragging the end of the bone) to automatically compute a minimal visible roll ..."

I think this means if you hold down the [Ctrl] key while dragging the tip of a bone around, the bone will not rotate on the Z axis.

  • Admin

Great tips. Keep 'em coming! :)


Here's one that's only been available in the past few versions:


Sometimes people like to add their own programs and utilities into A:M's Menu.

This is accomplished via |TOOLS|Customize and adding the programs in via Tools tab.


This is nothing new... that functionality has been there for dozens of years.

But now we can assign shortcut keys to those Custom Tools. I happen to find this very cool.


This is quite handy for launching pre and post processing and other automated tasks with the click of a key or two on the keyboard.

...and of course you can minimize those programs and continue on working in A:M.


For instance you could run Rusty/Glenn Anthofer's Library Manager via shortcut key.

The next time you open that Library it'll contain the updated resources.


It might be handy to set repetitive tasks up via a 'Begin Session' script (batch file with PC or action script with Mac) then close out the day with a whack of another shortcut key to launch an 'End of Day' script.


I haven't used this functionality a lot lately but I really should.

Guess I haven't had that much need for automation of late.

At a minimum it can save a few minutes during the course of a day.


Other developments in this area are still classified 'Change Your Pants Secret'. (mostly because few really care for such things)



Thought of another one (I know there are lots of them but I can't think of them all on command). Many times I need to know what groups a portion of geometry (or even one patch) belongs to. Make sure you don't have any groups selected (as these won't show up), select the patch or area and right click and select 'Remove from groups' -- you'll see a list of all the groups belonging to that area (you don't have to remove any). Also sometimes I need to know what patches are applied to a certain area -- select the area... right click and select 'Remove decals' and again you get a list.




I thought of several more but this thread seems to have died. There should be a 'tips and tricks' thread that's made sticky somewhere.



  • Admin
I thought of several more but this thread seems to have died. There should be a 'tips and tricks' thread that's made sticky somewhere.


There use to be and may be again... but few visited those areas in the past.

This area isn't dead. Last tip posted (by you) indicates its only 5 days old.


Don't hold out on us. Post 'em if you've got 'em.

You are now officially stickied... so make 'em good!



To add another very useful shortcut key and tip to the mix:


Control S = Save


'Control S', Save As or consolidate your files often and be happier for it. :)

I thought of several more but this thread seems to have died. There should be a 'tips and tricks' thread that's made sticky somewhere.


There use to be and may be again... but few visited those areas in the past.

This area isn't dead. Last tip posted (by you) indicates its only 5 days old.


Don't hold out on us. Post 'em if you've got 'em.

You are now officially stickied... so make 'em good!



To add another very useful shortcut key and tip to the mix:


Control S = Save


'Control S', Save As or consolidate your files often and be happier for it. :)


Just testing. :-) Little or big time savers are hard to think of 'on command'... you think of them as you work and need to use them so I started making a list. Unfortuetly I'm still in bed working on my notebookl and the list is on my desktop PC waaaaaay across the room. But let me see....


The SetPosition plug-in:

Plug-ins are awesome time savers and, to my knowledge, I have every one made! What's hard, LOL, is remembering they're there and what they all do. There's one little plug in I find myself using all the time. Say you've just modeled the highly detailed all terrain tire for the 4x4 SUV you're modeling and now you need to mirror it on the other side. You copy it, then right click and go to the 'SetPosition' plug in where you set 'group mode' then select mirror on 'X' axes and there it is. The great thing is, this plug-in will mirror on any of the three axes!




To add another very useful shortcut key and tip to the mix:


Control S = Save


'Control S', Save As or consolidate your files often and be happier for it. :)


On this note, the auto save plug-in has saved my behind on more then one occation.

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