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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by bighop

  1. Right click on Objects, and goto wizards. There is a font wizard. You can create text and animate it.
  2. It looks good to me. I have a question about your Mac. I'm getting ready to upgrade my old Mac to a new one this year. I have a 733 G5. How is the rendering time on your new one? I know it take forever and a day on what I'm running now. I'm debating between the iMac and Tower type. The Towers are nice....but very expensive.
  3. Check out the plugins on this pages: http://www.sgross.com/plugins/ I know one of them will shatter a model, and text is a model. I don't remember which one. Hope that helps, Andy
  4. Not abby....just normal. I can't count how many mistakes I've made working on this stuff. But by trying to show everyone the problem, you solved it...good job!
  5. Ok...green house....fine....take a look at this: http://www.weatherquestions.com/Roy-Spence...bal-warming.htm Dr. Spencer is a professor at the University of Alabama, and offers some good information about the green house effect. I also recommend watching the "Plant Earth" program on Discovery Channel. After watching one episode, it is very hard to question if us small mortals are able to harm or fix this planet. As for oil, how do we know if there is any in the US if we're not allowed to look for it? The "Get rid of oil" chant sounds good, and makes everyone feel warm and happy, but it's not realistic. An everyone group that talks about the green house effect totally blames humans. There have been volcanic eruptions that have put more gases into the air then us humans could if we tried. http://volcano.und.edu/ http://www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/volcanoes/facts.asp I do agree that water will be the next gold mine. Keep in mind that many States have a lot of taxes based on gas, so get ready for law that tax water.
  6. Well gas is supply and demand. Does anyone know the last time a company was allowed to build an oil refinery in the United States? The late 70's. It has been outlawed because it's so bad for the environment. Keep this in mind when we're paying $4.00 a gallon some day. So we have the same amount of refineries pushing out gas as we did almost 30 years ago, most likely hundreds of thousands more cars then in the 70's. Supply and demand, it is that simple. This country is not allowed to produce to its fullest capability, and people wonder why gas is so high? Thanks Liberals!
  7. A tutorial on the 2005 training has you create trees. One thing they did was use two wind forces on the tree. One was constant wind, the other was a gust. Otherwise, looks good!
  8. I wish I could help with this problem, you may want to post this in problem in the "Rigging" section of the Forums, or email Hash support directly.
  9. That doesn't surprise me at all. I've worked in public education for 15 years now. We had a bond many years ago, one item that was added to our inventory of technology was a Casablanca video editor. I set it up to find out that the thing was 3 years old, and sold to us as new.
  10. Thanks for the picture Gerald. I found a book today, Chris Webster "Animation: The Mechanics of Motion". This should do it. Thanks again
  11. Thanks for the replies. A running cycle is easy to find. A walking cycle is not. That is the one I need. I'm just going to have to buckle down and do it! Thanks Again.
  12. Hello all, I need to use the horse from the 2006 CD, but I need a walk cycle. There is a run cycle, and other items. Anyone have any links, resources for creating a walk cycle for a horse? I have the CD, and the model. I need to figureout the walk. Thanks
  13. That tutorial is good. I bought this CD and found it helped a lot for combining CD with live action. http://www.rafhashvideotapes.com/aminliaccd.html
  14. You may want to use a decal. I know you can tile your decals. This may be an easier way to go rather then making a material.
  15. Ok, I know this can be done but I can't remember how.....I have several lights and cameras set up. How do I turn off the direction lines or what ever they are called, so my work space is not so cluttered. I don't mean turn off the camera, but the lines that show where it is pointed.
  16. This is odd. I have version 13. I haven't tried the new download system yet. However today, every time I start the program I have to enter my registration. This hasn't happen to be before. Anyone had this experience?
  17. THANKS! I didn't know these sites were around!
  18. Well on to the next project....I'm working on my basement and I want to create the space in AM. Does anyone have any suggestions for creating a poured cement wall material. This is a little too much: Any suggestions would be great, Thanks
  19. Here you go! http://www.hash.com/2007web/vm.htm I found this very useful. Also, if your model is carrying and moving around, you want to use two constraints: Translate to and orientate like. I learn that one the long and drawn out way.
  20. In the model window you can add a light, just like a bone. You should be able to make an on and off for the light in the pose sliders. I think you have to render the file to see the results. I have not make an on an off light, that is what I have read.
  21. Thanks for the feedback. That is a good point about the books looking too light. Of course these are our Math and Social Studies books.....don't know how many copyrights I messed with here. But I wanted the books to be visible, at least as a reference for the kids. The guy is made up of a chalkboard eraser, chalk arms and legs and eraser head, hands and feet. I was able to put the 2001 rig in him. The sound at the start is a door sound. I was looking for a stage light sound. I found a door, and added reverb. I like the idea of the camera panning as he walks away, and the sound of the door when the lights go off. Thanks.
  22. Will this is my first (somewhat) finished project. I teach 4th grade, and each year every class does a short, three minute, video about Christmas from a different country. Many of the teachers just tape something quickly to be done with it. I always turn it into a production, and produce a more edited product. So with that, this year I created a "Bug" to introduce our production. We always call the move from my room: "112 production".....because my room number is 112. So this 30 second video is about 60 hours: modeling, rigging, animation, rendering, and editing the final. It may not seem like much, but I learned a lot from doing this. Any feedback would be great. I also have to thank the many people that responded when I had a problem. This Forum was a big plus in completing the project. Final_112.mov
  23. Thanks for all the help. I am on a Mac, and I ran OnyX. I wanted to back up all my data just in case. OnyX seemed to help. I re-installed the program, added the update and this time all the files in the "Folder" section of the preferences were pointed to the correct program. Everything is opening up. So far so good. I got my project done. Thanks, Andy
  24. Ok, I repaired my disk, ran OnyX, a utility. Re-installed A:M, did the update and now it's working. My files and projects are working. I have A:M 12 and 13 in my applications folder. I put 12 in the trash and I got this message when I tried to open up a file: All my files under the "Folder" preference are now pointing to V13. They weren't doing that before. I think I'm just going to belly up to the bar and order V14. Do I have to keep the old application folder?
  25. Ok, I just finished a project. My program was acting very buggy, crashing a lot. I'm using a Mac with 10.4 I have A:M2006 and I downloaded the V13ot I go to open the program and I get this message: My project won't open. All my projects, models, etc are stored on a separate drive, in one folder. So the data is not lost, it just won't open. Do I have to create paths in all the folder preference for V13? Will upgrading to 2007 resolve this? Any help would be great!
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