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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by bighop

  1. Well I have to say a big thanks to Hash tech support. After 10 emails it is finally working. I felt bad emailing more questions so I'll post this one here. I once saw a file on how to update your libraries. I thought there was a file for Mac and Windows. Does anyone have a link for that?
  2. Will I decided to sown load the new version of AM. I'm using V13. I pay, get the email, download the Mac web version, and I get this message after I enter the code: Any ideas? Thanks
  3. In other words, either animate with the constraint on or animate with the constraint off? The problem is I need to do both, and because I'm a Mac user The Set Up Machine doesn't work anymore. Or That's what I've been told. Maybe I need to just learn the Squetch Rig.
  4. Thanks for responding. This is the most hopeful advice yet. How do you eliminate the offset?
  5. Ok I tried this. I see that somehow I didn't rig my character correctly. The IK on and off work totally different. Any suggestions on how to correct leg constraints?
  6. I guess it's time to "UP" grade to V15. I just have a grasp of the 2001 rig...now onto another rig!
  7. Thank you for the reply. This is very helpful. I've been going nuts with this. So it can be done, I just have to do more posing then I thought. I thought I was going to have to invest in the set up machine. I thought that was the solution to this. Thanks again!
  8. I'm trying to get a character to do a somersault and or a back flip. When I turn IK off everything seems to move for the somersault, but having the character return to IK on for walking does not seem to work. (legs fold) I'm using the shaggy character, and it does the same thing as my character that I rigged with the 2001 rig. Would the set up machine help with this? or Version 15? I'm on 13 now.
  9. Looks good. I have been trying to get character to jump and spin, sort of like that. Was that rigged with the 2001 rig? also, did you turn the legs IK on or off? I've been messing with this and getting frustrated. Perhaps I'm making more of this then needs to be. I'm a mac user too. I was going to buy the Set up machine, but after reading about it, I don't know now.
  10. Hello, Just a quick question: Does the Set Up Machine 2 work on the latest version of AM? Also, does the Mac version still work on 10.4? I think this is what I need to solve my IK problems I posted earlier. Just wondering if anyone is using it, and working with a Mac. Thanks, Andy
  11. I purchased the "Animation Master in Live Action" CD's by Sam Buntrock. It contains everything you need to know to incorporate live action.
  12. I know with the "IK Leg Set Up On" The model won't go through the floor. But if the IK is off it will.
  13. Thanks for the info. So if a character is jumping and flipping, just leave the IK for the legs off?
  14. Ok, here is what I'm talking about. I took the rabbit character, and turned the IK leg set up on and off three times. The legs twist up. I would like to know if this is a program glitch, or a sign to either leave IK for the legs on or off when animating. Like I wrote before, I was trying to do some jumps and flips like I saw in the Jeff Lew DVD I bought. So if you're doing jumps, leave IK off and leave it on when you are doing walking and running? Does anyone else have this problem? Finally, does upgrading to V15 solve this? I'm at V13 now.
  15. I would email customer support on that. I know this doesn't do any good now, but do a "save as" and name the model_1, model_2, etc as you are working. So that way when this happens again....and it will....you won't lose so much work.
  16. Well I raised the character up in the air, and turned off IK. I then lowered the character and added a keyframe, and turned on IK. The legs twisted when I did this. I have to recreate this, the program quit on me, and I didn't save it. I turned the IK on and off in the rig set up in the pose sliders. I was trying what I learned on the Jeff Lew DVD. Of course it worked well for him.... I don't know if there is a new set up machine for AM? I've been reading about those, but they only seem for the older versions.
  17. I'm just messing around with a character that has a 2001 rig. I'm having him drop in, and jumping up. I started with IK off and keyed the IK to on so he wouldn't go through the floor. But no matter how I try, the legs end up twisted. Any ideas?
  18. Where was the playhead in the time line when you added the constraint? If it was in the middle of the timeline, then it may start constraining in the middle. Posting a file may help.
  19. I would say so, unless there is a "mesh wizard or plug in" out there that will do that.
  20. The new Photoshop CS3 (extended I think?) is able to apply decals to 3d models and export them to many model formats. I don't know if AM is one of the formats, but I know one of the formats AM can import.
  21. A USB 3 button mouse is cheaper, but if you use Photoshop to prep the graphics, you will love a tablet with a pen tool.
  22. Looks good....don't worry, no political remarks this time. I saw a demo of Photoshop CS3 Extended. You can model object in 3d, add decals, etc, and export back to Maya, 3ds, but I don't know how well it will go back to AM.
  23. Mac users will like a Tablet, it gives you a 3 button mouse.
  24. I don't if it will load, but I'm running a G4 tower with a 733 processer. I do most of my work (Actions, etc) in wireframe mode, everything works way to slow in shaded mode. Also, redering is a very slow process. I'm hoping to update this summer. I know this doesn't answer your questions, but it will give you an idea of what to expect.
  25. bighop


    Looks good. How did you do the fluid in Flash? Just key framed? or motion tweened? You could add a button for interaction, just a thought. Nice job!
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