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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Kamikaze

  1. By the way these are low rez, mov files, Also reworked the nose wheel well doors/landing gear, here it is in operation, Nose_Landing_Gear.mov
  2. Ok, attachments pose to be working now, added more detail to cargo doors. Cargo Doors operation: Cargo_Door_Operation.mov
  3. Trying to post an update but I keep getting this message "The requested file upload failed. This is either because it was not in the correct format, or the file size was larger than that allowed. Please check the file you wish to upload and try again." the attachement is a mov file (anr't they allowed?) and well under the 1mb limit (140k) Ill try again later Michael
  4. Man, Thats stunning , Id kinda like to see a fly around the scene, (sorry I had to sak... keep us updated....the choive of color is super.. Michael
  5. Thanks John..looks pretty neat.. Michael
  6. Thanks Jason..models like these always come in handy, much apprciated Michael
  7. Yes it works again , but I did notice (I think) that Glow is not available with RAL like it was with 11.1.....still Im a happy camper. Michael Zaryin, sorry, I just replaced render as lines with RAL
  8. No updated pictures this time, been redoing the area where the engine and wing meet, instead of a transparency map Im trying to model the hole where the exhaust pipe is....also trying to improve the the back wheel wells, thats beeing a pain in the arse to model nicely...of course having doors that will operate makes the task even harder for me.... David, Mech modeling is by far my favorite, your work is always impressive and more pro than mine, when Im finished Ill make it available,I could even send you a copy when I think Im getting close to done and see what modeling etc improvements you think I could make,thats if your not to busy, still Id like to take a closer look at one of your models sometime, I believe I would probably learn a thing or two or three just by examining..... Thanks for the compliments/interest, seems the more I try to improve areas the less satisfied I am....LOL Take care, Michael
  9. Nice idea john, If one was doing a whole tree with leaves falling in the fall, it might be the way to go,i wouldnt want to individually animate every leave thats for sure...LOL Coool, Michael
  10. Hey thanks for the look see guys, I just switched this project over to V12 from 11.1 and looks like I need to adjust the lighting in the Chor, from the settings I had in 11.1.....It's red only for modeling purposes, I seem to see the splines (in shaded mode) better that way (in the modeling window), Ill try to do a camo paint, or two tone commercial when finished....still a long way off.... Stuart, Now that is a different look for a 130 than Im use to, that's trippy.... Take care, Michael
  11. Final pic for now a side wireframe, Bye... P.S. yes the side round windows are larger than they should be, I did this on purpose to have room for frames at some point.
  12. And another...believe it or not I still have along way to go on the modeling, yet mostly touchups, the onto more rigging, I do have all the bones in place though. Pic from the back, cargo area has most of the modeling left to do and decaled of course (bad lighting on this pic)
  13. PS I still have a slight wave look to the fuselage but mostly at the bottom and is kinda covered up by the main landing gear cowls. More pics
  14. Just a little update, I modeled in the side windows (but I do have a little black artifact around one of them), and redid the front windshield frames (not quite placed correctly though) still searching for a good surface property setting for the glass. I have the main landing gear pose slider now, also built in the GTC (gas turbine compressor) door on the main landing gear cowl (the doors also open) modeled in a top hatch in the crew cabin. . ....and still alot more to do.. Take care, Michael
  15. Thanks John Super useful......will keep it around fro when I "finally get to using this great PI. Michael
  16. I need to experiment more , you keep coming up with cool effects and I grow stagnant....... Michael
  17. Well Im sure looking forward to seeing your mini whenever you do finish it. looking very interesting and entertaining. Michael
  18. Newton and cloth...cool..I just hope I can remember all this when I need to put it to use on a project... Thanks, and don't stop... Michael
  19. Cool John, nice strobe like effect. Michael
  20. Looks like a good reason to be happy, I too like the character, and you did give it a likeable personality with the short animation..good job.. Michael
  21. Looks pretty real there John.....did you make the water sprite? Thanks, Michael
  22. Thanks for the hardware....I needed a screw, and a simple screw is all my wife will give me nowadays so this fits fight in.....did you use the sweeper plugin? it might do something like that, Thanks, Michael
  23. Looks pretty good....Id like to see the chain and sprockets from the side your rendering from.. Keep it goin, Michael
  24. oohhh!! I really like that look John, I finally got V12 and loving it even though I haven,t played with Simcloth yet, so busy on my 130 model, Im goina have to try this....Thanks Michael
  25. Very impressive...you sure know how to showcase your work/models...Dale.....look forward to more.. Michael
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