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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Kamikaze

  1. Creeps me out....and thats a good thing..... Does Loons comes from Lunatic ? I wonder (sorry havent read the script...am in the process of DLing a text to speech program to read it to me.) Michael Wikipedia lunatic A lunatic (colloquially: "loony") is a pejorative term for a person who is mentally ill, dangerous, foolish or unpredictable. The word gains its stem from the Latin "luna" for moon, which denotes the traditional link made in folklore between madness and the phases of the moon. This probably refers to the symptoms of cyclic mood disorders such as bipolar disorder or cyclothymia, the symptoms of which may also go through phases. However, there is little evidence for any causal link between phases of the moon and the progression of mood disorder symptoms. In a 1999 paper, Raison et. al. put forward the interesting hypothesis that the phase of the moon may in the past have had an effect on bipolar patients by providing light during nights which would otherwise have been dark, and affecting susceptible patients through the well-known route of sleep deprivation. With the introduction of electric light, this effect would have gone away, as light would be available every night, explaining the negative results of modern studies. They suggest ways in which this hypothesis might be tested. Mental institutions used to be called "lunatic asylums" or "loony bins". In Russian, a lunatic refers to a sleepwalker, literally "one who walks under the moon" or "moonwalker".
  2. Nice modeling...some texturing and your there......... Looking forward to more, Michael
  3. GenMan is a great model and thank you for the use of it. Looking forward to your new Her model of Him....... Michael
  4. or control+ enter (on a PC) I think. Michael
  5. Very very cool.....ill msure have a blast with this plugin.. Many Thanks, Michael
  6. Noah, Love that model...and I love that she is in her birthday suit..... Michael
  7. Your correct.....Ive been playin guitar for over 30 years now and still cant play smoothly and of course its because of the lack of practice....smile...... Im going to have to find me a project that interests me enough to polish it up.... Michael P.S. getting anxious to view those contest entries regardless of the size or amount.
  8. Been watching the Jef Lew animation DVD and went a little crazy with my chicken model....of course he brakes every law of science/nature in the process. Not trying to accomplish anything with this just pass a night at work somewhat faster.... Chicken Flip the clip... Michael Chicken_Flip_3.mov
  9. Great model Dan....now I'll attach it to my chopper Im building for Biker Buildoff....(I wish) I am looking to start a new project though.. Michael
  10. Dan, Nice so far...Is that coffee in the cup? you might want a little reflection in the coffee.(specularity too?).but its a personal choice....and the shaddows are hard but if thats whats what your wanting then its just right......I find most thing so subjective..it all depends on what your going for, nothings set in stone.....not with 3D anyway.... some may disagree...LOL Keep up the good work and I look forward to more.. Michael
  11. Hello Hashers, Been playin with this idea for awhile as my normal disclaimer no real reason for doing it other than to help on my learning of AM this time "Pose sliders" (on/off and %) mainly. The same thing can be accomplished other ways. The lowdown on the Rig. File contents (zip) appx 30 KB 1- Sun Rig model (Sun Rig x9) 1- Sun Rig Constraints action Load model and action into your project. drag model into your Choreography and drag action file into/onto the Ssun rig model in the Chor. I used a Bulb light but can be changed if you want. Poses Sun position along path (position sun along sun path) Sun scale (small to big) Sun path tilt Sun path transparency (on/off) (to hide path after adjustments) (sun path is a guide showing the path the sun will take) Sun color (blue,orange,red etc) Sun transparency Sun path rotate (left to right ,forward to back, and inbetweens) Sun glow (on/off) Sun bulb width setting Sun bulb falloff setting Sun bulb intensity Sun Ambience (I think its in there too) Wanted a pose for Lens Flare but couldn't get it to do it. Set your rig up and keyframe, Also I lose my constrains if I hit "force keyfames" Take care Hashers, Michael If you have trouble with the files let me know... KEN, I didnt think of using a single spline....I like the idea.... Michael Sun_Rig_x9.zip
  12. Very nice.......Just what the scarecrow was looking for.....I think it was the scarecrow...... Looking forward to more updates,,,,, Michael
  13. Ken...Figure on the prob with SPec yet? have you tried saving the model then rendering? saving the project and model them reload AM? Some times I have to do this to get "some" materials to show up. Graet Character also Ken. Michael
  14. Looking good and looking forword so seeing the animation.......did you render in tga , avi, mov...? Michael
  15. Thanks John, Nice look on that whip.....also.....can you tell me is V12 up to par in most other aspects? its just that cloth isnt where Martin wants it to be! if so Ill be upgrading soon, even without my wifes Ok, Signed, Pussssssy"whip"ppped Michael
  16. Fits very well with todays cartoon look....I see it working well on the nick...toons networks....Smile very nice Michael
  17. Yea !! that was one of my favorites.....it sets the mood....and draws you in... Thanks for the HiRez. Michael
  18. Will be watching for the next installment......Keep it going... come up with a story and make an animation to enter into the animation contest on Pixelmech's site.....it's Michael Animation contest link
  19. If there is no rule specifically prohibiting showing your entry before all votes are in then smoke em if you got em, if you want to........and if it happens to be one of my fav's then Ill vote for it..if not.....I personally like not to, but..I have entered contests that if someone has a good memory and/or wishes to search the forum they my find that before the contest was posted I had posted in the WIP or Showcase with a certain model....but it would be when the contest is open for voting for until then no one knows (excluding Steve) what or if I'll enter. Michael P.S. Jr. Bush's gas price in Arkansas = 2.16 a gallon There are 52 million people in this country I'd like to send my petro bill to.
  20. Great job Jack, The animation did its job very well, and thanks for the tips....... I learned something about fish and animation...killing 2 birds with one stone.(Attn:PETA ..that's figuratively not litterally) Micheal
  21. Cool....it looks by the shape of it that it could possiably morph? into another look.. Michael
  22. Thanks, its a nice model and will be fun to play with.. Mike C
  23. Hey, that was intertaining.......Was the toon settings used the default settings? nice story telling also. Mike C
  24. Yea...that reflection has got to go...especially in thi murky water. The image used a light gel and volumetrics on one light, then DOF and Fog settings and a water plane with the same image used for the Gel.... thanks for the suggestions/help...and heads up. Mike C Oh yes and the shadows are not correct..not shure if there should be any..humm..
  25. Yea...that reflection has got to go...especially in thi murky water. The image used a light gel and volumetrics on one light, then DOF and Fog settings and a water plane with the same image used for the Gel.... thanks for the suggestions/help...and heads up. Mike C Oh yes and the shadows are not correct..not shure if there should be any..humm..
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