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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. That's a fine looking character. When you animate him you may find something that's awkward. save versions so you can retrace your steps and change things easily.
  2. have other (smaller) decals worked? It's possible your graphics card doesn't have enough memory. try rebooting to clear it up. Also try switching OpenGL
  3. hey, don't miss the Stereoscopic AniJam (anaglyphic version)
  4. It also occurs to me that V11 had a somewhat confusing way of choosing between the render settings you made in the preferences tab and the render settings you made on the camera. It's possible you are setting one and unknowingly rendering with the other.
  5. The deeply colored version is what "Pure" is supposed to be, but if "gray" isn't getting you a more conventionally colored anaglyph something is wrong. V11 wasn't written for vista but I doubt that's the trouble. V11.0 was dropped pretty quickly for V11.1, but I'm not sure either one ran on the Yeti disk. My 11.1 runs on the Orangutang disk. different thing to try: -help>reset all -uninstalling and reinstalling. -try v11.1, available on upgrade server. as a workaround you could render to "cross-eye" and combine the separate images in Photoshop as you are accustomed to.
  6. those are wonderful images. You should make some sort of a 1 minute short with this kind of artwork. I bet you could get it on a festival. Filling in the solid shapes sounds like a hassle, that's where I'd be tempted to start with a 2D app and import from there.
  7. Those are wonderful looking characters! The legs on the wolf bother me. The addition of a human heel to a dog leg is too many bends.
  8. You know... you can modify materials to make them do what you want to do. Show us a render with a material.
  9. Looks like a promising project! I hope you have fun working on it. I really think you should make a horse in the same style as your hero character. That A:M horse looks like he's a visitor from another painting.
  10. If you used a material you could get the grain to relate properly on all sides of a piece of wood.
  11. Charming models! Is the wood grain from decals or a material?
  12. I guess I thought there was some sort of parent child thing involved. maybe not.
  13. Or possibly a material effector could be used for irregular area blending.
  14. those look like effective poses
  15. Just looking at that I'm wondering if his thigh bone originates too low in the hip area? maybe it's just the shadow.
  16. That's a very odd problem. I'd suggest posting a test PRJ with every essential element embedded that exhibits the problem and also state exactly what version you are using.
  17. If you'd like a more classic B&W lighting appearance put a light behind and somewhat above him to light his top edges. This is sometimes called a "rim light". The "rim light" in the default A:M lighting is completely misplaced.
  18. Hey I think I voted for that guy! You're B&W model would be more B&W if you didn't hit him with colored lights. Sure looks like he's got the default brown light on him.
  19. example bubble tga with alpha channel bubble.zip
  20. alpha channels. add an alpha channel in phtoshop to your decal to make the background transparent;
  21. for swirls you'd have to engineer something with a particle effect and maybe forces to mess it around a little. I think you can squash the dust effect but it's basically a semi-transparent ball.
  22. since the rooms don't affect each other you could make a decal that puts that lighting pattern on the floor and walls of each room. might have to leave lights on the ground floor for the spill, but the rest of them could be ambience map decals
  23. well, anyway.... I don't think there's a way for A:M to identify and store non-changing image elements from one frame to the next. I'm not aware of any compositing program that would. I don't think After effects even works that way. After effects will quickly skip thru frames if nothing has changed from one frame to the next, but if anything changes, even in a small corner of the screen, it rerenders the whole frame.
  24. That worked pretty well. He even makes a reflection in the picture behind him. I notice the shadow on the floor and the shadow on the wall don't quite connect. Are there different lights for each surface?
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