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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. What you really want is to make an Action the rotates the bone once. Drop it on your model, Then set it to repeat in the (in its properties) as long as needed.
  2. It looks good, but I don't understand pasting 120 times in every frame.
  3. I honestly have no idea what you tried to do from that description. You can copy a keyframe from anywhere to anywhere. You got to have the right filters turned on. But there's no way for me to know from that description what you might have not had set right. Did you do the rabbit sidestepping example exercise that's in that video? Do that before you do anything else.
  4. Those look good. I remember one of the very first CG images of "motion blur" was some billiard balls. I suppose if you wanted to pursue more realism, the depth of field effect looks undersampled. And maybe some wear on the balls, they look a bit too shiny.
  5. I don't think you'll want to animate without the timeline for very long. Kyle, try this... put your jumping animation aside for just a moment, and do the rabbit sidestepping exercise exactly as I did it in the video. It may not work for you the first time because you'll forget some button. watch the video again and try it again. Getting something to stay in place isn't hard, but it's hard to get right if you aren't managing keyframes in the timeline.
  6. Didn't we cover this stuff back here... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=260184 ?
  7. I like john's fog. We need to find some way to keep the sprites from making that hard edge at the water line.
  8. Before you jump into that, make sure you've done the tuts in "The Art of A:M". Most beginner questions will be answered there. the render to file button at the top. set your frame range to 1 frame and pick an image format like JPG.
  9. "default" bone positions are always going to be the positions the bones were modeled in. If you want a quick way to set a character up in some position, you can create a new ON/OFF "Pose" in the character model that puts the character into that shape. Then , instead of turning the Pose "ON", drag the pose from the pose slider window onto the character inteh chor window. It will directly keyframe all the bones that were keyed in the pose. This is not a complete explanation. There are many things you can get wrong the first time you try this.
  10. It turns out that flour sacks are very hard to rig satisfactorily in CG, I think because the "body" is so big in comparison to the "legs" and "arms". So while animating a sack is almost a beginner exercise in 2D, it's quite an advanced topic in 3D. That said, I think your sack needs to scrunch down (anticipate) before he leaps up. That's how he gets his mass moving to toss himself into he air.
  11. that looks wonderful. Were you doing these Lorentz things before or was that another forum member? Is the color driven by the equation or is that manually decided? if you can figure out how to recover the Hollywood budget, in a time when everyone thinks it's fair use to copy anything for "educational purposes", that might work. But I'll admit I learned a lot more about jazz history from the Ken Burns PBS series than I did from the lame class I took in college. And I guess PBS has found a way to pay for it somehow. On the other hand I doubt many students today will sit still for a program that consists almost entirely of pans across still photos.
  12. Vern is right. Just select the whole thing and manually move it to where you want it to be. Snap doesn't do what you are trying to do.
  13. you better show a screen capture. I have no idea what you are trying to do.
  14. Euler Limits allows you to set min and max rotation movement for the X, Y and Z axi. Set Y and Z to 0 and the bone will move only on X.
  15. Most of them will be very poor candidates for import. Small items that you do not need to rig can be imported as "props" Character models are generally unusable since they will need extensive and skilled editing to fix their meshes. Unless, of course, the item says it was specifically made in and for A:M.
  16. I particularly like the boolean with beveled edge.
  17. I think to make the paper burn more realistically you will need to get the fire coming from the edges of the paper you intend to be burning, rather than just from the motorcycle. Is it possible to use an animated image map to control where particles are coming from? I'd look into that. The hand gestures don't seem to be very "George Bush". Look at some news conference footage and see what he does.
  18. Great! Do the relationship folders still get the weird "Error loading String" tag on the end of their names? I tried looking at the strings in a hex editor and I coudln't see any difference between the ones that were ok and the ones that weren't.
  19. Has anyone tried TSM2 in V15 yet?
  20. That looks promising! Bevels are good. I'd wish the images were somewhat better lit so i could more clearly see what's going on.
  21. Not much to go on. Remake the constraint or reload the last version you saved.
  22. That looks nice. It's reminiscent of the the opening scene in Snow White. Why did you have to render the trees separately?
  23. I think you have the editorializing roach market cornered.
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