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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. That is odd! It looks like it just tastes it, then gives up.
  2. I've been to Copenhagen, but never to Menifee Valley. But Happy Birthday, none-the less!
  3. That works well. On your Youtube page you said you could keyframe that. Photoshop has a timeline now?
  4. Wow! That looks wonderful! Is that fast DOF or multipass DOF?
  5. Here's my entry. Two main strategies here: -Show user work and user comments -This isn't something they'll be reading while they walk around a show, it's something they pull out of their pocket after they get home and are interested in details. The images I've used are not necessarily the ones that would have to be used, i grabbed them because they fit. It's a bit experimental. This is more of a mock-up of a concept than an actual finished, ready to print thing. But if you want to pursue this, I could do more on it.
  6. The major reason for a fan bone rather than 50-50 weighting is that it won't collapse at extreme angles. CP weighting is my first gambit in most cases, none-the-less. I've used smartskin mostly to fine tune the deformation of face rigs that are mostly CP weighting and fan bones.
  7. Thank you for being around! Best New Year to you too!
  8. Not a preference really... each method is best for certain needs. CP weighting... for joints that don't bend much or clouds of CPs that are weighted all differently Fan bones... for groups of CPs that all move together like the middle ring of an elbow. SmartSkin... any motion not easily obtained by the above two.
  9. Works great. TSM Geometry bones are plain old bones like all others.
  10. Yes. Each smartskin is based on one bone's rotation so it's easy to do them before you run TSMRigger while all the geometry bones are still visible. This is also true of CP weighting and fan boning which you should do before you run Rigger. This avoids attaching fan bones or CPs to control bones. There's no case where you need the full TSM rig running to test out the rotation of one bone
  11. This isn't quite on topic for the flyer, but... would it be possible to make the download license work so that Mac users can use the same license to run A:M for Windows on the same Mac when it's running Windows? I dont' know if that's even technologically feasible.
  12. Check ON "Show Advanced Properties" in the Tools>Options>Global tab.
  13. Is this flyer something that will possibly be mailed? Does the layout need space for an address label?
  14. I'm still hoping he'll come back and do a tut on how he did "Froggy Boxing" Happy Birthday, Mr. Borruso, where ever you are!
  15. list? This was done directly in the model, its not part of an action or pose. You can also set these properties in a pose, but Poses are saved with characters and only indirectly transferable to another character. However, I believe you can also set these in an Action which can be saved separately and dropped on a different character.
  16. "Euler" is a way of representing rotation with XY and Z Axis ("Quaternion" and "Vector" are others) and the Euler Constraint can limit rotation to the XY or Z axis. However, there's an easier way for your Tank Turret situation: TankTurretManipulatorLimits.mov Note that you must have "Show Advanced Properties" ON in the Tools>Options>Global tab for the Manipulator Options to appear in a bone's properties.
  17. Bones have the "Manipulator Options" you can set to limit the available axis of motion.
  18. thanks. I'll keep a space to mention it. Including NetRender with A:M is pretty big news. Definitely want to plug that.
  19. Jason, I'm taking a stab at writing a flyer. What will the situation with NetRender be when v16 is released? How many cores will the standard license permit at once? Will you be able to deploy the render slaves on computers other than the one A:M is licensed on? What's the plan?
  20. I know this woman! She was the Chyron operator at my old job. She seems to have lost a little weight but that's definitely her. I once tried to explain to her the need for a proper alpha channel on the graphics she was trying to import but she didn't believe me. "Well, I'm going to call my friend at THE CBS AFFILIATE in Phoenix," she said, "he'll know what's wrong. He's a professional graphics artist."
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