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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Looks like you've put good thought into it. I'll be eager to watch your progress.
  2. yup, I think there's a future in that "cloth" thing!
  3. Increase the damping, I think. I was looking at some movie dinosaurs last night thinking that all that sliding and sagging skin might be doable with cloth.
  4. Mike Sanderson hasn't been around for a while but he helped quite a bit on TWO and was nice enough to give me a tour of DNA here in Dallas while they were working on "Ant Bully". He showed me a shot he was doing layout on and noted a problem that was crashing their software and their support crew couldn't figure it out. We both agreed it would not be a problem in A:M but, unfortunately for them, they were using Softimage. I don't know where he landed after DNA folded, but Happy Birthday, Mike, where ever you are!
  5. Is... that a green banana in your pocket- or are you just happy to see us...? Seriously tho--- cool test... BOTH objects are cloth, right? Yes, both are cloth. Half the battle was getting it to fall into the pocket
  6. I doubted it, but it is possible to create a cloth pocket and drop something in it. PocketDrop000.mov Further R&D would be needed to get the look right.
  7. TSM2 lives to rig another day! Great test. Can do a Shaded render of that with the bones showing? People would find that interesting.
  8. Whenever you try something like this, start with a simplest possible case like dropping one hard object on one soft one. For cloth hard objects choose Springs for stretch type and bend type and set the stiffness very high, at least a thousand.
  9. there's a spline problem at the corner of the lip.
  10. Briefly.... Make a few different position keys on an object in the chor Go into the curve editor and move them out a few seconds there should be dotted lines leading to them and away from them select one or all in the curve editor and >Curve>... Interpolation method will set the default behavior for splines between the keys Pre-extrap method sets the behavior of the dotted lines leading into the first key Guess what Post extrap will do? Try all the choices and watch how the lines change. Pre and post extrap help create other than flat line behavior in non keyed areas. Repeating a motion ad infinitum is a common use.
  11. Hey I like that! For some reason it reminds me of those weird British 60's horror movies.
  12. What do i need to do to get this to play? I did press the play button.
  13. That's the "collision tolerance" setting. I believe it's in cm. you can change the default 3 to very low numbers like .1
  14. OK. I guess I'll submit that as an AMReport. thanks for your attempts!
  15. It seems to have something to do with my project. If I delete everything in those tags i can save the PRJ again.
  16. Try loading this prj in v16... cloth_tower08_taller.prj cancel out of the requests for images and models, then try to resave it under a new name. Are you able to save? It fails for me, even when the images and model are available so it's not their absence that is the problem.
  17. Strange result! I'd start removing material or groups one at time until something changes, then you know what might be doing it.
  18. That is odd! It looks like it just tastes it, then gives up.
  19. I've been to Copenhagen, but never to Menifee Valley. But Happy Birthday, none-the less!
  20. That works well. On your Youtube page you said you could keyframe that. Photoshop has a timeline now?
  21. Wow! That looks wonderful! Is that fast DOF or multipass DOF?
  22. Here's my entry. Two main strategies here: -Show user work and user comments -This isn't something they'll be reading while they walk around a show, it's something they pull out of their pocket after they get home and are interested in details. The images I've used are not necessarily the ones that would have to be used, i grabbed them because they fit. It's a bit experimental. This is more of a mock-up of a concept than an actual finished, ready to print thing. But if you want to pursue this, I could do more on it.
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