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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I'm looking at the shot that I posted in "Oz in 3D" yesterday. That pretty much shows the shot from start to finish. That's what appears in the movie after the title. It's not the very first shot in the movie, but that's what's labeled 1_01_01 in my TWO archive.
  2. If they aren't red-blue glasses they won't work with that format. That's a "half-color" anaglyph that attempts to present a an impression of full color while reducing the ghosting that a full color. there are several different schemes for creating anaglyphs, all have advantages and drawbacks depending on the images: Gray Color HalfColor DuBois Ghost Reduced The original right left pair in cross-eye format: These were all made with "Stereo Photo Maker"
  3. How to do that is a recurring question around here so next time it comes up... you're the explainer guy!
  4. He looks good! My one thought is that the splineage around the perimeter of the eyelids (bottom lid mostly) is irregularly spaced and may make eyelid shaping difficult.
  5. Nancy, I can't find a particle cloud material in that scene. Are you sure you looked at 1_01_01? And don't Dynamic Options need to be On or the hairs will just stick straight out like there was no gravity?
  6. Here is a brief test of rendering the aerial flyover of Winkieville from TWO in 3D. You'll need your red/blue glasses to view this 1_01_01__Stereo.mov I'm not sure who all was involved in creating that set but it's a nice looking opening shot!
  7. Clouds... I haven't seen those yet. I'll investigate this some more. Thanks for your tips.
  8. I don't know a lot about the scene since I didn't make it. My interest in re-rendering it is to do it in 3D and to see how much more res or passes is needed to fix the texture sparkling. It does have the trees made of hair. Whether they are dynamic or not I'm not sure. It's possible that baking isn't necessary, but again, I was advised to bake it. At this moment I'm having success with having baked it in V15 and rendering in V16 Netrender. 3D Frames are getting rendered and much faster than V15 was able to do. But for some reason, baking in 16 was unsuccessful. Fuchur's suggestion to turn off display dynamics seemed to fix that on a baked scene.
  9. I would have thought there wasn't a need since the hair won't be moving but I was never able to start a render unless it started a frame 0. I was never able to stop, pick up at some middle frame later and continue. Steffen said it would need to be baked to do that. So that's why I'm baking
  10. Instead of one emitter for the flower they could be coming from a bundle of small emitters and those could be made to fall and scatter perhaps. EDIT: just watched the clip, you already did that!
  11. I can render that scene fine in V15 and V16 if it isn't baked So I regard it as functional scene that shouldn't need additional fixes. I'm pretty sure I've restarted A:M at least once in these experiments but I'll try it again when the current bake is done.
  12. that's a scene from TWO that has been rendered successfully before. So the scene should be correct in itself. But i need to bake the hair to re-render it with NetRender for TWO 2.0 Nancy, have you generally been able to load and render scenes that you have baked hair in in V16? So far this scene from TWO has not survived a baking in V16.
  13. You could use an animated material or texture to give the cable the appearance it is moving. I did something similar on my tank treads animation.
  14. As I sort thru it with a text editor it looks like "unbaking" has left some debris that makes for unsolvable filenames. I've backed up to a version that was never baked and am retracing my steps.
  15. Fucher is the .x expert around here, perhaps he will catch this thread. There were no 5 pointers and hooks prior to V5 and lots of models got made (the car in TAoA:M is an example) but I wouldn't want to give those things up. It can be done however. Since few other formats supports such things in their topologies, making an exporter to them is tricky. Exporters were relatively low priorities for Hash because they weren't needed to use the program for it's intended purpose, character animation in A:M. But I recognize people will want to use it to make content for other purposes. As Paul mentioned, the SDK is out there, if this is a compelling need for you definitely think of recruiting a programmer to investigate making the plugin you need. OR... convince a programmer of whatever other program you are trying to export to to support the relevant A:M format. It's true, A:M is being programmed by just Steffen right now but he's made huge advances. Between v15 and v16 A:M got twice as fast at rendering!
  16. As always, a sample case that will reliably provoke a crash is gold in these situations. Absent that, if you are having trouble with it, I'd suggest forcing a save immediately before you do a CFA. Aside from safety it may be that things need to get restacked inside A:M occasionally. Just a crazy theory.
  17. I discarded any previous baking then I consolidated the project. Now I want to bake it again so i can have the whole deal wrapped up in one place for a bug report. But now i can't bake it.
  18. Here's a new wrinkle... the baking process isn't able to access the dir where the PRJ was saved. Anyone have this before and know why? I was able to at least bake this before. Now however it is a "consolidated" PRJ but that change of location shouldn't make any difference. I am otherwise able to save and load this project from the consolidated location.
  19. If you dragged A into B and B then kept referring to A, what would happen if you dragged B into A? You'd get some sort of time warp or black hole and the universe would be over I think.
  20. btw, you can rename those numbered poses to something more meaningful by RMBing on them in Properties>User Properties.
  21. To make sure I understand... You made Model A and dragged that into model B. Then you added a decal to model A but this change doesn't show up in model B? That is normal. The stuff you dragged into Model B becomes part of Model B and no longer looks back to Model A for information.
  22. Welcome to the forum! If you ever have a question, this is the place to ask! that looks wonderful!
  23. He needs a bit of backlight to make him stand out more.
  24. If you're creating a decal by painting on a Photoshop "layer" (which appears to be transparent) and then saving to a TGA, that won't create a proper alpha channel. Post #2 has a tut on the proper workflow in Photoshop: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=241122
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