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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. I dont' know what all you have in it.
  2. I presume the feet controllers are not children of the hips and that is the correct arrangement if you are doing something like my simple leg. With IK legs you will need to manage the feet so they are appropriately placed. If you've posed the hips so that the legs don't reach the feet anymore... move the feet so that the legs can reach them again. On a rig like TSM2 the feet will stay attached to the legs if you move the hips too far away, but this still leaves the foot controllers behind and causes the legs to be unnaturally pulled tight. You would still need to properly position the foot controllers so that the legs are appropriately posed. There is no animation situation where you would ever allow the legs to be pulled tight by a too distant foot controller... because it looks odd.
  3. First guess... you don't have the pose that contains the constraints turned ON Best option... turn it on in the model and resave the model. Then it will be on by default every time you use your charcter.
  4. You may find this discussion of another forum member's jump tests useful... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=352251
  5. The jump motion looks better in the context of the scene. By itself it's hard to tell when he's jumping. I, too, think he should be pushing off harder since he is jumping so high.
  6. Smartskin could do that.
  7. Add that as a "note" to the AMReport. I think it's the Hooks that are getting messed up.
  8. fireworks.mov ChrysanthemumBoomFireworks08.prj It's 235 years old, out of money and parts of it keep catching fire but somehow the USA has stumbled through yet another year. For those of you not in the US but thirsting to be part of our aging, insolvent fire hazard, be sure to know the answers to these key questions: -Who is buried in Grant's Tomb? -Where was the Boston Tea Party? -When was the War of 1812? -Why did Washington cross the Delaware? Nail those and you'll be ahead of most Americans.
  9. Probably not, but I just thought I'd through that in there.
  10. that does make it work! However, that discrepancy from the 0 axis is within the mirror mode tolerance (0.05 on mine) and v15 is able to deal with it while v16 is not. It looks as if anything with a hook is a problem.
  11. In my sample PRJ I put in the AMReport it's as zeroed as zeroed can be and it still doesn't CFA properly. Works in v15, doesn't work in v16
  12. Now an AMReport... http://www.hash.com/reports/bug_view_advan...php?bug_id=5960
  13. This is not a problem with mirror mode not working. This is a problem with CFA not working. On the left is the model CFA'd in v15 and on the right in v16. Obviously something is way out of whack there. I'll AM report that.
  14. Welcome back! Looking forward to your updates.
  15. Can you post an example model that won't mirror after you CFA?
  16. That's good news, you found it. -put the cursor in front of the first in that set -scroll down to the last in that set -hold down the SHIFT key and put the cursor at the end of the last one -all the ROTOCONTAINER tag pairs should be selected now -press delete -save under a new file name and try loading it back in to A:M
  17. yup. Open up your file in a text editor, and see if you see some crazy pair of tags repeating.
  18. The fix is easy in a text editor. Check out this thread and ignore my contributions... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=344625 Are you on v16?
  19. "not seeing a whole mode?" 1) have the whole model visible 2) edit on one side with mirror mode on until that doesn't keep up 3) copy your edit side 4) delete everything 5) paste back what you just copied 6) do a CFA on it 7) resume editing on one side with mirror mode on as in step 2
  20. It looks like the essential elements are there! I suppose for most A:M users the scripting part of it would be the biggest unknown to conquer.
  21. ah, the old rename-the-folder trick! Yes, that looks promising. Does this engine have any options for lighting such as shadows?
  22. Implementing what you want in software sounds daunting. Some sort ofnew data would have to be stored to selectively associate CPs that were once true mirrors but are no longer. From the screen shots you're showing, I don't understand what you are trying to model that can't be achieved. however... My suggestion for a work flow would be... 1) model a mirrored form as long as possible using mirror mode or CFA 2) then work from that basic model to make the unique non-mirrored alterations
  23. that's where you lose me. Don't you want them identical?
  24. hmmm... I unzipped the zip and there is a data folder now but I still get the same error.
  25. when I run the exe I get something is missing from the zip?
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