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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Probably not, but I just thought I'd through that in there.
  2. that does make it work! However, that discrepancy from the 0 axis is within the mirror mode tolerance (0.05 on mine) and v15 is able to deal with it while v16 is not. It looks as if anything with a hook is a problem.
  3. In my sample PRJ I put in the AMReport it's as zeroed as zeroed can be and it still doesn't CFA properly. Works in v15, doesn't work in v16
  4. Now an AMReport... http://www.hash.com/reports/bug_view_advan...php?bug_id=5960
  5. This is not a problem with mirror mode not working. This is a problem with CFA not working. On the left is the model CFA'd in v15 and on the right in v16. Obviously something is way out of whack there. I'll AM report that.
  6. Welcome back! Looking forward to your updates.
  7. Can you post an example model that won't mirror after you CFA?
  8. That's good news, you found it. -put the cursor in front of the first in that set -scroll down to the last in that set -hold down the SHIFT key and put the cursor at the end of the last one -all the ROTOCONTAINER tag pairs should be selected now -press delete -save under a new file name and try loading it back in to A:M
  9. yup. Open up your file in a text editor, and see if you see some crazy pair of tags repeating.
  10. The fix is easy in a text editor. Check out this thread and ignore my contributions... http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=344625 Are you on v16?
  11. "not seeing a whole mode?" 1) have the whole model visible 2) edit on one side with mirror mode on until that doesn't keep up 3) copy your edit side 4) delete everything 5) paste back what you just copied 6) do a CFA on it 7) resume editing on one side with mirror mode on as in step 2
  12. It looks like the essential elements are there! I suppose for most A:M users the scripting part of it would be the biggest unknown to conquer.
  13. ah, the old rename-the-folder trick! Yes, that looks promising. Does this engine have any options for lighting such as shadows?
  14. Implementing what you want in software sounds daunting. Some sort ofnew data would have to be stored to selectively associate CPs that were once true mirrors but are no longer. From the screen shots you're showing, I don't understand what you are trying to model that can't be achieved. however... My suggestion for a work flow would be... 1) model a mirrored form as long as possible using mirror mode or CFA 2) then work from that basic model to make the unique non-mirrored alterations
  15. that's where you lose me. Don't you want them identical?
  16. hmmm... I unzipped the zip and there is a data folder now but I still get the same error.
  17. when I run the exe I get something is missing from the zip?
  18. Happy birthday and may you have more time to A:M in the future!
  19. Back in 2004 I got an "Employee of the Month " award which took the form of a small gargoyle sculpture. I thought it would be a fun A:M modeling exercise so i began splining it out but hit a few road blocks and put it aside. The plan was that the recipient would get to have it on their desk for a month and then the next month's awardee would take it over but by the time I got laid off six months later no one else had done anything anyone wanted to talk about so I still have the trophy. Now I have some time, I think I'll try to finish it and see if I can rig him, possibly without straightening him into a T-pose.
  20. We get worried when when people use features that aren't there
  21. most people modeled something for BUS Stop, anyway. Just brain storming...
  22. "Monster Audition" Everyone makes his or her own monster. It can be ANY kind of monster. Each monster walks on stage, does his audition then walks off. The stage could be some sort of castle/dungeon looking location. Perhaps this could be done in time for Halloween.
  23. An Aim-at constraint. There's no such thing as a kinematic aim-at constraint. There's an Aim-at constraint and there's a Kinematic constraint but they are two different constraints.
  24. I see that as a Weimar-era pink flamingo.
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