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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. Good mane of hair!
  2. I got a look at MustangsRbtr's example movie. It looks like a particle effect, but i don't know how much that is like what you really want. It's hard to imagine that going on for two minutes; that's a long time.
  3. I'll just note that the child bones will normally follow the rotation of their parent... exactly... no expressions needed. You want them to wander more? An expression could add some randomness to their motion as they follow their parent. You want all of them to avoid each other? That would be tougher.
  4. I tried few basic flocking things and I find that after a few seconds they pretty much stick in one formation without much movement. I don't know if that's intended or not. Could one use Newton to swirl some balls around inside an invisible sphere?
  5. One case where you can't force a hook is if you are trying to attach it to a spline segment that is a hook itself. That will create CP instead.
  6. if it's an AVI it won't upload. Convert it to a quicktime in a standard codec and that will work.
  7. That's very impressive!
  8. Happy Birthday Paul! Send me an email, I lost your new email address and I couldn't send you a message via the forum.
  9. I've never seen "HDV" codec before in Quicktime. Nothing happened when i tried to open it with VLC.
  10. Do you have any image of what this might look like?
  11. Welcome to the forum! How long is the shot?
  12. I'm bumping this to remind people that there is an image contest coming due!
  13. Steffen mentioned to me that lower extinction values require more memory. That might be a clue.
  14. AFIK, there is no quick way to dupe a single bone that has children. However if you need to quickly delete unwanted children bones you can select the parent and press * to fully expand it, then shift-select the first and last bone of the set to select them all and then hit delete.
  15. Sometimes the SSS looks like a bruise, but maybe she's just fallen down too many times.
  16. And may your current ventures be happy and successful ones!
  17. Initially, test your SSS without any FakeAO, just to test it on its own, to see if the changes are causing any problem. If one had a pressing immediate need, you could render your SSS scene to an EXR sequence and add the FakeAO in post (the more meticulous way to do it, anyway)
  18. Ah, you cleverly hid the answer in plain sight Why, when I was a boy it was enough to just read the first sentence of internet posts.
  19. No, I meant the spiky creature in the center. My guess was hedgehog?
  20. Appealing as always! What sort of animal is he?
  21. Herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag!
  22. Here's a first attempt at using the derived map to create the meniscus effect that surrounds an object in a liquid. The match of the map to the object can be made much better, but the basic concept seems feasible... meniscus000.mov
  23. That's a good solution. thanks!
  24. That's showin' those polygon guys how it's done.
  25. I like those shoulders. Those look like thy would be easy to rig.
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