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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. BTW, that's me playing the theme song on my tuba.
  2. my Fluffy Clouds by material
  3. Try un-five-pointering the patch first by adding a CP to one side of the five-pointer. OR IF you want to send it to me I'll try to un attach it. OR... make a bug report of it.
  4. If you can post a PRJ that crashes or want to send it to me privately in a PM i'll take a look at it. IF SSAO is the problem perhaps a work around for now would be to drop back to v16 and use the FakeAOGPU plugin which is free for VGA resolution. How many frames do you have to render?
  5. Welcome to the A:M Forum! First, is it sure that the SSAO is the problem? If you turn SSAO OFF, the scene will render? I'm not sure about CPU-only SSAO. How are you turning that on?
  6. In the tuts link in my signature there is a demonstration of volumetric clouds with a material. However I think that is more complex than what you need. I suggest applying a map to represent your "matter" to a grid and then warp the grid into whirlpool shape.
  7. I wonder how the snail gets started on that very first segment with nothing to build it on?
  8. It won't be a problem of storing the image data because that is not stored in a project file, only a link. Just to try... try a different JPG and try a different TGA.
  9. We begin "It Can't Be Done", a tutorial thread in which we try to do the undo-able... with Animation:Master! Part1 This month's topic is revealed and we get started. PRJ of example in video ICBD_2_2014_02_line_test.prj The photograph shown in the video is used with the permission of the artist, Rob Walker. Part 2 ... With comparative analysis we learn to cook our own A:M files. I recommend you Fullscreen it and use the "Settings" button at the lower right of the Youtube player to choose 480p or 720p. If anyone can't view Youtube, let me know. Error: at 7:45 I say "I added three splines to the model" when I should have said "I added three CPs to the model" PSPad.com, for the freeware text editor for PC used in the video. MarkW informs me that TextWrangler can do on the Mac what PSPad does on PC. Part 3 ... We magically create 90 Cps in an instant! Open Office, seen in the video, is available free for both PC and Mac Spreadsheet in .xls format can be loaded in both Open Office and MS Excel Light_Painting_03_Create_Cps.zip Part 4 ... We finish text editing and test it and... it works! Current version of spreadsheet for CPs, bones and constraints Light_Painting_06.zip PRJ shown in video with working spline animation 90CPs_90Bones_90Attached_89ConstrainedC.prj Part 5 ... See the wondwous wuminous wabbit of wight! Current version of spreadsheet adds Groups: Light_Painting_10_groups.zip Animation PRJ used as test scene: RabbitPRJ.zip Part 6 ... the painted light emits light of its own! Light_on_Spline_PRJ.zip ICBDEpisode_2014_02_01_H.mov
  10. That indicates you have OpenGL2. So setting A:M to OpenGL3 won't work.
  11. that error message literally says OpenGL less than 3 not supported. Could that be what it means?
  12. I have AM 18.0 SSE3 64 bit an I've been able to import images to the images folder. There must more to it than that action. But if you could post a sample image that always crashes A:M that would be useful to test.
  13. Is that cloth hair or hair hair?
  14. Wishing you a happy power-up soon!
  15. AFAIK, locations of windows on the screen are stored in the registry and not otherwise savable,
  16. They make you "share" it on Facebook or Twitter to download it but I found that sharing it to my Facebook feed to only myself worked fine.
  17. I will close this topic now to consider the nominated topics and I will announce the chosen topic in new Thread. Thanks for all the suggestions... stay tuned!
  18. Look s like a Mac-only bug to be reported. Try switching from OpenGL3 to OpenGl in the options tab.
  19. Make sure you are in a Model window when you are trying he copy/paste and not the Chor or a Pose or Action or any other view window. And make sure you are in Model mode (F5)
  20. Let us know what happens after you try those things
  21. Crazy! Do a Reset All Settings. just to try it, and when that doesn't work we can say you tried it.
  22. That's a very angry Michelin Man.
  23. Add "Addendum to Rendering Video" to my to-do list.
  24. Until the problem is solved I'll note that you can still use v17. Copy your master0.lic file from the v18 folder to the v17 folder and it will run under your current license.
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