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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by 3DArtZ

  1. Its very cool! My experience with watering xmas trees.... we water it once and the water stays in the base for 2 weeks. I'd explore the "need" before going full on production.
  2. Mark, thanks for the props! Hey its about time this popped up. Great little examples uve posted for us to see. I had been using the dboxes to create lipsynch and other facial posed. I was nesting them into 1 pose that would activate the dboxes around the face, then I would create a new pose for say the letter "a". that "a" pose would now would contain the dbox pose and the new coordinates for the control points of the dbox. It was so nice and neat. However, it stopped working and I did pester the powers that be to fix it. I think martin was about to fly out to nyc to kill me.... So, what I do now... I have one bone for lower jaw and one bone for upper mouth, with a nose and eye bones as children of the upper. So when I distort the upper mouth, the distortion carries over to the nose area and eyes. everything stays connected during distortion. Is so EZ but I would prefer the dbox to be nestled into the pose window. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  3. soooo cool! nice work.... again!
  4. Yves, I set .45 in the A:M render window for the gamma settings. My head is spinning after trying to keep track of what to set where??? So, keep the A:M gamma at 2.2.... and then just go on with life?
  5. rendering out to .45 looks like this on one of my cho. files. before... the gamma was set at 1. the main difference is the dark shadows.... would the dark shadows show up lighter on a tv screen?
  6. I suspect you've gone insane!!!! fantastic stuff! Mike Fitzgerald
  7. its easier to catch up with poverty issues and health care than it is to catch up technology and militarily wise. Especially militarily. Being able to defend ones country is by far the most important thing. with out it, it is certainly in mans capabilities to be so aggressive and hateful towards others that whole races could be eliminated. Aftre the threat of attack is minimilzed(spelling?) other issues can be attended to. as far as universal healthcare.... its possible... but eliminating poverty is not. at least not in a world where people HAVE to work for things.
  8. Thats no reason to stop the advance of technology. It will be our saviour from ourselves.... and from whatever "life" will cross our paths. lets face it, the ability to defend ones self is the most important element to peace.
  9. My problem with this race is that its turning into a popularity vote.... most of the young, clueless, I'm for change just for change, P-Diddy-Vote or Die crew, is going to vote for Obama just because he is a minority without really thinking about what he brings to the table as a presidential candidate.... and its not really all that impressive. btw, Obama is not black, he is mulato.
  10. McCain basically just shot himself in the foot....
  11. Looks great. could you make the soil material next to the water look wet/damp, gradually turning dry as you get closer to the grass??? cool.
  12. If obama picked hillary, he definately would not win.... But as you said, it needed a lot of polish. I would say that it would have been good for an animatic... but polishing is needed.... damn deadlines!!!
  13. Maybe we could have a discussion that critiques my critiques. just a thought:)
  14. Right, I should have offered more in my crits. the animation problems are global in this case. so I'm not sure where to begin. But, if I were working on this animation, I would make some actions quicker some slower, with anticipation moves and follow through moves. try doing the desired animation moves in the mirror to get a good reference point. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  15. Obama needs a little more experience before he's ready to run the United States....
  16. dude.... that was bad animation..... the models looked pretty good. did you model them?
  17. this is really the best 3d renderings/style I have ever seen, in my opinion ofcourse.... I'm looking foward to the day that I will be able to see this! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  18. the loops that go from her nose, across the cheek bones, around the eyes and then across the forhead can be reduced. the model still looks great!
  19. Darkwing, I'll model it for $500 thats a pretty good deal:)
  20. she is beautiful! the model you made looks pretty good too.... but it is still too many splines for what the model is. Might be a pain if you plan to animate. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  21. yeah, way too many splines. too early to tell if the modeling looks good. keep us posted and cut down on the splines. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  22. you dont need to boolean this. you're slpines are not laid out properly to form the mouth. you would need to have a couple slpine loops for the mouth. also, when you extrude the mouth inward it will help to solidify the shape. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  23. very nice. I think you could probably do with fewer splines... but very nice work.
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