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Everything posted by 3DArtZ

  1. I think Will is right about it just being a glitch. seperating the ctrl point and reattaching should do it. But on another note... I don't particularly care for the mesh layout. I think it's over kill for the shape you are creating and will be problematic during animation. Did you build that from scratch or did you pull an existing model? Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  2. Ken, you're no slouch when it comes to splinemanship! Nice and neat, really like it! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  3. Very nice work! What was the patch count?
  4. I'm just excited to have made the list! Dhar, great work! I really enjoyed watching! Looking foward to what's next! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  5. Hey I remember you Mike! I have not seen you aroud since the email list system! I really liked the leather clad, gun wielding character you made a while back! I find that working in A:M can be very thereputic sometimes. Glad to see your back and I like the predator model you made! One crit, seems like his arms a big short, but its just an minor thing and looks great nomatter! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  6. XTAZ, nice! If you keep the surface exactly how it is now, and just add the environment reflection map, it will probably hit the mark. Nice. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  7. Hey thanks for checking the vid out! I don't know if it happens at v11 as I don't have it on the computer anymore. I'm probably just going to rebuild the set at somepoint so I'm not going to pay much mind to the issue unless it pops up in the new scene.... Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  8. Hey Dhar, thanks for checking it out! I'm still mulling out a story line for our superhero character. But time and motivation have been refusing to meet at the same place and time:) Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  9. Hey guys, Dropped an old sneak cycle that I made a long time ago on the model and rendered.... just for fun. There are some wierd things happening on the background, looks like a shadow, even though I have recieve no shadows checked... Maybe because this scene was made a long time ago in v11 and reopened in v13? 1meg http://www.vrcops.com/vids/Sneak1a.mov Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  10. Hey thats nice looking! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  11. 3DArtZ

    2001 rig?

    Nice! Now I'd look into cutting out some of them splines.... looks like you could easily keep the shape and lighten up the model patch cout wise... but that's just my opinion:) Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  12. 3DArtZ

    2001 rig?

    Hey Ungla.... good timing:) Well, I don't see the immediate problem with the setup. Is one of the images you posted the problem image? It's important to have things lined up to some degree from the front view.... that's not tosay that the legs can't slant inward like I think you are doing. That can be done, but keep the legs bones straight relative to one another. Actually, looking at your model, thats not really a natuaral pose at all. If that were a real person than the knees the shins would be bending outward and that would mean an injury to the knee.... Stand up straight and try to stand with your knees together, you can feel your thighs start to turn to compensate for the inability of the knee to bend the shin outwards. At least on me. So what's my take.... straighten the legs out a bit, or just keep the geometry bones and rig bones in a straight line so they don't move when the constraints are turned on. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  13. Dhar! this would have been a great topic in the Rigging and Constraints section.... I think you want to have a "kinematic" constriant here, with the bones of the cord all being in the same bone chain, with thier respective attach to parent option on. the the last bone in the chord should be Kinematic to the hand set of the phone. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  14. that's the thing I hate about critique. they are for the most part opinion, most of the time popular opinion wins out. But people sometimes act like they are factual issues, when sometimes they are preference of the artist. When I first saw the animation, I chalked the eyes up to the fact that the girl was in a high drama situation where she was on full guard. If ones eyes would be darting/teleporting from one side to the other, this would be the scenario. I don't feel like the eye issue is enough to say it was a problem. Heck, every non animator I showed it to thought it was for a real movie. I'd say that's enough of a reaction to know that this was top quality work. Say this was part of a longer movie and in the other scenes her eyes were more well behaved.... I think that would only accentuate the "feelings" that the eyes were conveying during this scene. 2cents provided by Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  15. Hey David, thanks. I'm going to try and post something in the rigging section. Maybe there is something in there that someone could use? Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  16. Hey Guys, I spent part of the last couple days playing/tinkering with the spine. I think I made a zillion changes testing things, and now I'm back to what I had tried initially. I'm going to post something in the rigging section for people to take a look at when I get a chance, but here's what I have thus far. sorry about the camera moving around in this one:) about 1.75megs http://www.vrcops.com/Vids/Spine8a.mov Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  17. Stephen, have you posted your movie anywhere else? Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  18. Wow! just as surprisingly good as the first stuff you posted. Pretty cool! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  19. Stephen, Well I guess we now all know where you've been! Busy animating your butt off! I am so excited about your work, it looked just great! Excellent, excellent & excellent!!!! Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  20. Well certainly impressive stuff! I might say that this is the most impressive decal job I've seen you post..... Is there anyway to make the area around the lips, nostrils and eyes look wet and maybe slobbery(what?). Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  21. I agree, or some sort of detail around the toes/nails? This is very impressive work btw! Will, how long did this take you to do? Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  22. Hey everybody, thanks for checking it out and for the comments. For this particular test, the spine is basically a 3 bone chain, stomach, middle back, upper back(for arguments sake). Then out side of that hierarchy, there is one bone at the base pointing up(like the spine bones) There is one bone that is at the top of the spine pointing down. These two bones tips stop directly in the middle of the height of the spine where a null sits. These two bones have an aim at with scale to reach Z at the Null. The spine bones are set to orient like these bones. That's as far as I've gotten, but I like the results thus far. Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
  23. Hey One more... a different angle. http://www.vrcops.com/vids/spineqa.mov Mike Fitz www.3dartz.com
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