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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

John Bigboote

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by John Bigboote

  1. Thats looking really good Paul. WHY?
  2. Not all of us automatically know what 'the sentinel from the matrix' looks like... I had to Google it, it ALWAYS helps to show a picture. A picture is worth 650 words. (It used to be worth 1000 words, but then the recession hit.) LOOKS like you are trying to rig tentacles... there is an infamous tutorial out there called 'Old Bendy Legs' (I'll search for it's link...)
  3. Cool! I did not know the Squetch handled quadrupeds! That 11 second club is really gaining momentum... up to 180 entries last month. What would really be cool would be to have some well modeled and rigged (body and face) generic A:M characters up there available for download to get more A:M entries into the mix...maybe even help sell A:M more amongst established animators.
  4. Or you could 'select ALL' (control-A)
  5. What a great 'read' it has been to reread this thread...from the humble beginnings, and 2 years later to see your film in full bloom. Congratulations Dusan! I look forward to seeing it in full myself. EDIT: It sure would be nice to get our hands on that 'environment' shader... How do we contact Yves now-a-days? Update: For more information about Yves Poissant Environment Shader follow this link.
  6. Yup, thats FUN! I'd LOVE to see what would happen if you made a 'stomach' bone and weighted some of his gut CPs to it and gave it a 'dynamic constraint'. Right now, it's looking a little rigid- and a little recoil may do it some good.
  7. Yup...odd. You could try the copy/flip operation again...OR- try grabbing the glitched CPs and moving them around a little bit...sometimes they SNAP back into place.
  8. Thanks Spleen! I grabbed it for my model repository, as everyone should. Is it in tune?
  9. I always thought you had to push ALT/PrntScr at the same time.
  10. Save often, and stay current. There have been a LOT of improvements since V13...features and stability and stuff. I think you will benefit from V15.E's improved stability over V13X. And if you can't afford the $79 for the upgrade, at LEAST try using the latest version of 13...I think 13 ended up at q.r.s or t...
  11. I don't know how complex the 'Chewie' model is...but if hair is off and you are still looking for a more tactile response you can lower the realtime subdivision 'draw' amount with the Page UP (smoother/slower) and Page Down (rougher/faster) keys.
  12. On a character like that, you don't really need to turn the hair's dynamics on... leave it off and give it a try. If you REALLY want to see some 2ndary action from the hair, turn it's MASS seetings lower.
  13. Very cool! Does it work on artificial trees? DUH! Just use artificial water!
  14. Martin would NEVER do anything like that...he has 'people' to do that.
  15. Yup---Rodney and Holmes are right-on...if you need further assistance post an image from your scene and we'll be happy to advise!
  16. This is a very cool and powerful aspect of the program, and needs to be exploited... BELOW movie is a recent example of sort of what you are talking about... I have a character, I made a new pose and named it FAT and went about 'thickening-up' everything in the pose using distortion boxes, scaling (CPs and bones) and I even tried the 'sphereize.hxt' utility, but it didn't work (all the distortions made with sphereize in the pose also effected the main model---which defeats the purpose.) I PLAN to eventually use a pose like this to generate 2nd-3rd-4th variations of the same character. ALSO OF NOTE: This animation also demonstrates V15.0E's particle baking feature, and the benefit being that none of the hair passes thru the geometry of anything it touches... which has been a 'pet-peeve' of mine for some time! fat.mov
  17. Some of us have had problems with our subscription coming-up-due before the years is up... the solution was (after hash had allocated us a new number) to delete a .reg file (I think that's what it was...) in your V15 folder... crossing fingers.
  18. My WMP crashed trying to open that file... BY ALL MEANS upgrade to the latest... version 9 was NOTORIOUS for crashing, and it's life was very short. You will notice a NIGHT AND DAY difference in the latest (V15.0E) and you will LIKE IT! PLUS, there's a TON more new features and the BEST part... the UI has not changed all that much in all those years so you will not have too bad a time with the changeover. ALSO--- there is a new 3rd party plug-in that you can buy directly thru Hash.com that will expedite the process of taking motion from video (facial motion capture) called Zign Track... you look like a perfect candidate for that utility. NICE WORK- Keep us informed as you go, please.
  19. Theoretically. You must have been one of the early subscribers...please let us know how smoothly it goes as there are a bunch of us right behind you.
  20. There's a book you should make yourself familiar with... it has essential tutorials...'The Art of Animation:Master'.
  21. I'm not sure what you are fishing for here...and it's hard to see what you are doing with your hands as you type... but I too, have noticed there seems to be at least ONE control rotator missing in the thumb controls on TSM rigs...you need to be able to rotate the thumb's axis, and that control has been given over to the thumbs TSM flexor ability. Hope an answer arises for you... I fear the only one would be Mr. Raf Anzovin... who developed TSM/TSM2... and I think the words 'Animation:Master" are not even in his vocabulary these days...
  22. Nice job Rob! Yeah- it's ironic that Adobe would use 3D animation (The authoring of that nifty player was prolly done in Flash) to sell their applications- NONE of which are 3D and can do that kind of work!
  23. -Yeah, that's way good! Show us your reference and some wireframes!
  24. Wow, that's coool Rodney! Some of A:M's biggest strengths lie in it's simplicity, and this is a great reminder. Is there a reason you listed this in the 'fellows' forum? Seems like good info everyone could use to illuminate a potential use of the product...
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