sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by NancyGormezano

  1. I believe you will have to contact jason at hash dot com
  2. Thanks Sebastian! I probably should have put a paintbrush in the leopard/lion hand, with spots dripping on the ground as well Thanks David - that warms my heart!
  3. Yes yes - Happy Birthday!
  4. Thanks Doug! One more...(same day)
  5. I second that 100%. Bitmap Plus will make seams - but in the case of real life sewing - there are always seams! here's a post/discussion with how to make a bitmap plus material You would use your denim image instead of those images shown in the examples. Scale the bitmap plus material to fit your model by changing the size values in the material
  6. Again with the birthday? Whatever you're doing, it must be working! Happy day!
  7. Thanks Will! Another hot day in the bay area, so natchallly all old people head to the coast - start at Sharp Park State Beach (near Pacifica), out & back hike to Rockaway beach - 7.04 miles RT.
  8. huh? I don't see anything different.
  9. terrific character!
  10. wonderful! makes me smile. And yes, makes me want to follow the story more.
  11. And it looks very good to me also. I must say without seeing them side by side, I can't see much difference.
  12. I used a different image in each one: the same background image/photo that is used for the camera roto. That's what unifies the colors to fit the photo (to start with). And I like that the tones are more mottled with Image Based Lighting type than if one just used the average of the "photo" color (bluish, orangish, etc) for Global Ambiance Type = Global color. For Global Ambiance Type (IBL), I start with 100% Ambiance Intensity (AI), lat-long mapping type, 0% Ambiant Occlusion (AO). The Key light, and Fill light are OFF. Only Klieg is On to start at default settings (20% intensity, color orange, with 6.25% soft shadows, 80% black color). Ground plane options: front projected, and flat shaded (so that the roto projection doesn't get illuminated or shaded by any of the lights) Then for each render: I play with Klieg aim direction to get the shadows sorta going in the right direction, and may up the intensity (up it to 100%). I might stay with the orange color, if I want the colors to "warm up" or else I change it to white, or some other tone. I play with the shadows settings (softness and darkness). I usually leave the color of shadows at black (since my images have black shadows, not blue). I may change the cone angle & falloff, for different shadow look. I may or may not turn on the Fill light (45 % blue default, no shadows), and/or Key light (85% white default, no shadows) depending on what I want. I might change their angles, colors, intensity if the fill isn't what I want. I usually only need the klieg (Rim light) to supplement the IBL. In general, however I usually end up with a more "blown out look" due to lighting, as I know I will be using FakeAOCPU post effect. FakeAO will add nice darkening in the detail of the characters to get rid of blown out highlights, and I will also play with the amount of FakeAO that gets added as well. I will note that that there is a bug in A:M: if you want to play and change the image used for IBL (to see how it would look), you must do a toggle dance. If you want the change to take effect then (progressive render or even final render), I have found you MUST toggle the Ambiance Occlusion (from 0% to 1% to back to 0%), for it to take effect. There is probably some other toggle one could do, but I know that one works.
  13. Can you point to where that problem was discussed? What was that problem? How did you convert from tga to jpg? (using what software? what settings?). Why are you converting? If just for posting here, then upload the original tga anyway and we can look at it, if that is the file format you want (before assembling the stills into QT movie) How are you doing the cloud model that is giving you trouble? (eg: is it a 1 flat patch with a cookie cut decal?) How is it different from the other cloud model that isn't giving you problems? Is it only on certain frames that it is rendering funny? Is your lighting and or some settings changing on those frames(accidently?) What are your toon rendering settings?
  14. Thanks people ! (I've been away for last week, eastern side of Yosemite for more hiking in more fabulous places) These aren't technically composites - I'm just using the background photos as camera rotoscopes (ground is front projected, flatshaded), with image based lighting, where the photo is used as a lat-long light source, 100% AI, 0% AO. Augmented with 1 klieg with z buff shadows (20% soft, maybe 50% dark shadows), and maybe sometimes some minor fill with sun light types (no shadows, varying percentages). And also some FakeAOCPU, for more shadows.
  15. free 7 day trial http://www.investintech.com/prod_downloadsa2e_pro.htm yeah, yeah, I know...I haven't tried it ... So you are free to ignore however it looks good, but what from what I have been reading from googling "convert pdf to html", that others have found that there is NO perfect solution. This program looks pretty good, and there were some who said they've been using "Able2Extract" for 2 years. There are free converters as well, but my guess, from comments, is that they loose a lot of the formatting. I assume it will be used on the tech ref?
  16. I had same problem, even with setting the checkbox in global tab. I think the problem (and perhaps Simon's) is that I have "use settings from the camera" set in the render options, rather than "use settings from this dialog". If I save my chor with particles off in the chor's camera data, then when I reopen it or A:M, the particles/hair will be off.
  17. I've joined a rabid bunch of hikers ... not just any rabid bunch ... but a rabid bunch of OLD hikers, who go every week to some park, preserve, etc usually within an hours drive of the San Francisco Bay area. We usually go 5-8 miles, with varying degrees of elevation change. The oldest member is 85, and finishes the fastest and goes the longest! He also has quite the harem of ladies trying to keep up with him. Cracks me up. So, I've been getting into taking photos of these wonderful areas, and of course, ...uh...doing some major manipulation. Somehow, the colors are just never what I remember, nor want to have seen, so of course they needed tweaking! These (last hike) were taken on a foggy day at the beach (we stayed cool, the rest of bay area fried). I decided to render some of my characters with A:M using some of the more uninteresting photos as backgrounds. It was good to play some in A:M again. The last photo (no A:M) shows the area (McNee Ranch State Park), south of Pacifica, viewing the town of Montara. AND To be even more obnoxious, I've also purchased a GPS wrist device, so that I can record my every twist & turn, lunch & bathroom breaks, then upload the data to google earth. A data junkies work is never done.
  18. Maybe the paradox was explained more with the tortoise and hare reaching a finish line - I don't believe anyone was falling outta the sky and combating gravity, which adds another force (easily computed)
  19. On windows: just Close the Community window (view/community or Alt+6). Or on windows just click on the "x". Then shut down A:M. A:M should startup without the community window active from now on
  20. 3D painter allows that. Not using psd files of course, but on "layers" since A:M has "layers" of decals IE, a stamp can be considered a layer, and multiple stamps/decals on the same patch acts like layers on a patch. 3D painter also allows simultaneously painting on multiple "layers" (stamps, decals), or isolating only one layer ( 1 stamp or decal). It's a mahrvalus thing.
  21. lol...YES it's clear. He also looks a bit worried as well as surprised...and yes the cat wants food. This is such inspiring, fun work!
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