sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. In bones mode (bone icon), they have colors. But not in an action/chor in skeletal mode.....they should be gray there.
  2. Nice models. I'm sure they'll be gratefully received on the extras disc.
  3. KenH


    Very first page of the manual.
  4. What do you mean the cursor does nothing? Just click on your name at the top of the chat room tab and sign out. Then to close the window, either click on the X in the corner of the window or press ALT 6.
  5. I thought you were going to enter the contest with this. You should definitely see if you can get onto the front page of "another forum" with it. The textured version would surely blow them out of the water! Then all we'd need is some particle fluid for her to set sail in. EDIT: I found this site with some nice images of the Bismarck on it: http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=21529& I think the railings on the side will really add to it.
  6. Was Perk available on the cd? I'll have to root it out. Dusan has indeed got help......he got more emails than he expected. Keep an eye out for progress on this short!
  7. Correct Ilidrake. Not sure Mage.
  8. Incidentally, are you modelling the characters into the poses in the pictures? It will be alot easier to rig them if you model in the T pose.
  9. Looks great. I'd like to see a spline image.
  10. Flatness is determined by the bow option. Making that 100% (and variation 0%) should get rid of the flatness. You aren't varying the thickness by time there. See the % values in the timeline....they represent the length of the hair. So, 0% is the base of the hair while 100% represents the tip. So, you are effectively drawing the side profile (think of a lathing a spline) in that window.
  11. It's a fine rig. Qute simple. You may want to consider the Anzovin rig too.
  12. Great work Matt. I hope eventually this will become part of the popular Wikipedia stie.
  13. Straight is fine. Just make sure it's quite dense in splines. Not too dense though.
  14. I think the way you have it is fine. It should straighten itself out when you do the cloth sim.
  15. That was quick. I guess he's Scotish! Nice work.
  16. I speeds reads through the forum and so misssess most of them. It doesn't bother me as long as I get the gist. Back to all things Star Wars....
  17. This puts the engine model in the AM demo to shame....as good as that model is. Some fine work there Stian. Now you have to texture it all!
  18. That's got to be the one of the best AM (I assume) characters I've ever seen.
  19. I'll certainly be looking forward to seeing more AM WIPs from you.
  20. Let's see a picture of your model.
  21. I don't believe so. Maybe there's a free plugin. But really that tool is meant for the poly way of thinking. With splines, there are so few that it's just as easy to "weld" them by hand. While such a tool would be nice to have, it would be used so little as to not make it worthwhile.
  22. Well, it's excellent work. But is there any AM work in it? If so, which parts?
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