sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by KenH

  1. It's most unlikely a bug. There looks to be some splinage issues causing creases that's causing it.
  2. Can you post an image of the problem?
  3. Is it rendered out of the model window? Or the chor? It's obviously a scale in the x axis somewhere....maybe a pose? Try it in a new project. If it still happens, you know it's the model that's the problem. If you can't find it after that, post it here if possible.
  4. I think I got a crit.....the windows appear to be too frosty. It's like the specular size is too large and the light is equal around the car. I'm clutching at straws I know and maybe there are windows that look like this. Also, was AO used to render it?
  5. Brilliant! Is it particle dust?
  6. I wonder if the AM mascot has to be a character....if not, I'm off home to cry.
  7. BTW I just tried that ArtRage program you mention on your site. It's pretty incredible...very original/intuative interface.
  8. I don't know what needs modeling. Alain is away for a week or so, so give it a while. There'll be a thread set up soon for it.
  9. Make them shine......stand out from the crowd.
  10. He's not bad at all. There are several things though: 1) His face seems overly splined. There are many splines down the mouth that wouldn't be missed if deleted. It also might eliminate the lumpy feel. 2) Lips seem very thin. 3) Hands are boxy looking. The palms seem small. 4) The arm placement is strange, but obviously stylised. I'm not sure how well it will rig and animate. 5) The particle hair is rather thin looking. I think the profile of each hair should be thickened in the middle. 6) Other style issues that are a matter of preference. I hope that ego is still intact! Most of them are preference critiques.....your splinage skill level is good. So, you're over the worst of it. It's just a matter of making your models shine now.
  11. Ideally, you should have internet access. However, if need be, I'm sure you could be accomodated if you post models to a thread on the forum. Someone will update the svn.
  12. Wow. How did I miss this thread? Very nice characters. I like the second animation....the fly seems almost drunk. The only thing I don't like is the hand going up on frames 294-297. I preferred the fist take on that bit. In fact the whole hand move before it was better in the first.....more nonchalant. Keep it up and us posted!
  13. Nice work! It looks a little "claylike" in places.....so it might benefit from filleting.
  14. Yes. The intensity defines the brightness of the bright spot while the size defines the area it covers.
  15. Sooo.....what's going to happen to the SW models? Surely they'll get rigged at some stage.
  16. Looks cool. It looks under water almost. How would you use it? If you put a character into it, you would have to match the camera to the movement of the background....right?
  17. Damn that's cool....and fast! Imagine a pose slider to curl him up!
  18. Would deleting the bicep bone in the action work....it'd mean you'd have to rekey it, but it might be less work than what you have in the last save.
  19. The potential center spline needs to be exactly on the y axis.
  20. In the model window it's just the "invisible model light" reflecting in the high specularity surface. But in the chor, the light isn't at the right angle to do that. So, you haven't really got a light.....just the reflection of one. You need to go into bones mode and right click>New>light. Then position the light inside the model of the light and set it's properties.
  21. So, these messages that pop up are inside the community window? This is probably someone private chatting with you and asking you for help because they see your name in the chat list. Just hit ALT 6 to open the community window and log out.
  22. Do a search for the OBJ plugin. The imports won't be pretty though.
  23. It's great. I would have liked the teeth to have more detail. But I still voted for it!
  24. Well hell has actually frozen over! Things look a little uneven for a robot....such as the body. Maybe that could use another spline ring. Also, did you use cfa? Finally, I'm not sure with the new cloth, but the skirt might need more splines. Keep it up!
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