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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by mtpeak2

  1. Here's an update. Added a force for the hair, repositioned spear and took Rodney's suggestion for the knees.
  2. Thanks guys. The background is a photo and the horse is from the extra cd. Though I would like to try replicating the landscape, if I can find the time. I think I did something similar for SO.
  3. Here's my newest project. Still alot to do.
  4. Looks great, Matt.
  5. Ok, just having some more fun in my limited free tme. Longing for getting the right settings for straight hair. Getting closer, but not quite there yet.
  6. I've had issues with weighting with mirror mode ON. I've also had issue using the mirror bones plugin multiple times on the same model. I usually hand weight once I have already ran the mirror bones plugin once.
  7. Yes, the 1 is added automaticly, it's only seen when viewed in a text editor.
  8. HiResWilliam_KhakiUniform1011 is correct. The extra 1 tells A:M it's the first instance of that model in the chor. If you had 2 instances of that model, the second would be HiResWilliam_KhakiUniform1012. At least that's how I see it.
  9. Well Rusty, the first thing I noticed, in the image you posted above, is that there are no targets selected in the constraints for the head proxy. The second thing is, in the project there are targets selected in the constraints, but you selected the control bones (torso and head control) you should have these constrained to the spine5 and head bones (both geometry bones). Control bones will pull away from the intended positions. If you need help setting things up, I could give you a hand.
  10. Thanks everyone!
  11. Thanks Steve!
  12. Boo Hoo! Robert, you have nothing but your own poor leadership to blame for the 2011 project derailing. I suspect even Alfred Hitchcock would have been replaced had he allowed a 90 day schedule (Your rule 13) to slip to fourteen months, with no end in sight. In May, when you moved the end date to September, you were still soliciting new recruits rather that looking to wrap things up. Even at the end of November 2012, nearly eight months past the 90 day schedule, you were soliciting new participants. In May it became clear to me that there was no plan to finish and so I stepped to finish off my own work myself. If you consider it thoughtless, let me assure you it was well thought out because you weren't making anything happen. You still aren't. It is unfortunate that those folks that bought in to your leading this project to completion are now still in limbo while you have a pity party because of your "deflated interest". My sympathy is for them being duped, not your bruised ego. I am proud I was able to recycle my own work from your failed project and make a complete piece. Hitchcock's movie was an interesting study. If at some point you decide to quit pouting and complete your compilation, I'm sure the two pieces will compliment each other. Hey now Bruce! I spent alot of time on that set, remodeling and texturing, and I feel the same way as Robert (I didn't work on it for one person to use). Robert was not the leader in this project, fae_alba was, it just fell into Robert's lap. I also did the set for "Bus stop" and I loved how it came out. It was exciting to see how it all came together in the end, but now with "Rear Window", it's not as exciting anymore because you posted your animation first. I just hope the COMMUNITY project gets finished, despite of all of this. I just feel bad for all the people who submitted their work the right way and may not ever see it, the the way it was suppose to be seen (as a group project).
  13. I have no problem entering those values. Are you trying to do this on a pc or mac?
  14. There is a small bone at the base of the thumb, when rotated on the Z axis, will curl the thumb. There are also 2 nulls that will also curl the thumb. They will curl the thumb at the different knuckle locations. These nulls can be translated and rotated on the Z axis.
  15. Happy Birthday, Robert!
  16. Well, that's not it. Is the armor part of that goliath model? Are you sure the cp's are still assigned to the bones? If you create a new action, is the problem still there? If you post the project, I'll take a look.
  17. Did you hit the modeling mode or bones mode button in the chor or action, thinking it was muscle or skeletal mode?
  18. Happy Birthday, Kat!
  19. Oops, I had "Is Rod" turned off. But, depending on how stiff you set it, it will lose some of the grooming. The hair guides are just that, a guide, it tries to hold the shape.
  20. ........
  21. The offsets are created to align the bone/geometry to the geometry of the surface. On another note, the reason you were unable to select the left eye as an aim target is, there are pose sliders in the user properties that need to be deleted, even though the relationships were deleted in the user property folder (model properties>user properties). Once I deleted the pose sliders, I was able to select the left eye as a target, without changing the hierarchy.
  22. If I'm understanding your issue correctly, this is not a bug. The base AND the end of the bone are being constained to the surface. This allows, for example, a model bone to contour the surface of another model. Translate only, only constrains the base of the bone to the surface. Having this turned off will constrain both the base and the end of the bone to the surface, and the roll handle will point in the direction of the normals. If you post a project, I'll take a look at it.
  23. Here's a version that should work with the mirrorbone plugin. steves_hand_gizmo__mirrorbones_fix.mdl
  24. You need to set the rotation of "WFingersXCalc Left" bone to 179.998 in the X rotation (bone position). This bone should not be a mirror of the right side. It may be possible to change the expressions so it works with a mirrored setup.
  25. There is a way to get into a normal looking windows view. I just don't remember how (I don't have win8 yet). I saw it on YT.
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