I created a leaf emitter model with growth and color sliders. Heres how to use it. Open leaf emitter model and import your tree. Create a group for your leaves. Drag the hair material shortcut from the leaf emitter group to your leaf group. Delete leaf emitter group and name. Rename your leaf group leaf emitter (very important). Add a leaf image to hair material. Open pose slider. Drag the model into choreography in shaded mode (color does show in wireframe mode). Move sliders to see the change. Windows v11.0. If your having problems let me know. Works very well with Marcel's treeez plug-in. Just drag onto level0 group and rename. Enjoy.
I figuered out how to do the color change with slider. You can't change the color in the hair emitter. You need to add a new attribute to the material and change the color through that, just like I did with the length and thickness.
I just tried to change color with slider, but it doesn't seem to work. It changes color in the PWS, but not in the choreogrgraphy or action window. Maybe a bug?