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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Fuchur

  1. Just to make sure: There are no internal patches somewhere in there, right? See you *Fuchur*
  2. Hi Douglas, find it here: Link See you *Fuchur*
  3. As far as I now: Not possible... A:M only supports up to 32bit-output per channel with OpenEXR. Actually I hear for the first time of 48 bit images. What do you need that for? 32bit is already a very large color-space / dynamic-range... See you *Fuchur*
  4. Very cool looking character! NIce setup and good lightening... all you need for a great short See you *Fuchur*
  5. There is so much, I can't remember of what is all new in A:M v16 compared to v12. Be aware, that since v13 A:M is using a new structure in its model-files (and others too, including the Plugin-files, if I am not wrong), so that you can import v12 files to v16 (never had any problems with that), but you can't import v16-files to v12. FastAO is a new and very useful plugin available from v15 on. It simulates Ambient Occlusion very fast. But since you not even got AO in v12 (I think it was introduced in v13, so I am not sure)... Was 3dPainter available for v12? I am not sure... it is a nice programm that can be bought additional to A:M which gives you 3d-painting-possibilities... Facial Motion Capture is possible by using A:M Track, another nice programm. Beside the pluginsThere is SSS, AO, IBL, Multicore-support (to a certain amount), a new 64bit-version, Netrenderer, Fluid-Particles, Newton Dynamics, an NLE, OpenEXR-support, A:M Composite, STL-Export, DirectX-Export, countless bugfixes, better hair-particle-shaders (you've got the hair-system, right? think it was introduced in A:M v11), some very useful new shaders, support for 3dconnexions 3d-controllers, and so much more, I cant really remember all of the new features. v12 > v16? You will never ever regrad that. See you *Fuchur*
  6. I think this has been addressed by Steffen... at least it is in the change log... *Fuchur*
  7. It should not be created in a model but as an own object. After that drag and drop the material on it and drag the material effector from the object-folder to your chor. In there they will appear looking a bit like a bulb-light. bring them near another object so that the influence-area of it will touch the other object (ie. the ground). Now use the blue rendering-button (final-rendering) to get an output. Hope it helps... The biggest drawback of material effectors (they would be wonderful it they wouldnt have that) is, that they will effect anything they touch... you cant specify something like a "material effector list" (> lightlist) which will tell them which models should be effected... See you *Fuchur*
  8. It can be created like a new model or light. Rightclick on the object-folder and go to new > material effector. After that drag a material on it and put it in a chor... *Fuchur*
  9. Do I want to know how many patches that has or would I only be depressed? See you *Fuchur*
  10. Yes, he is one of the coolest guys Best wishes Arthur! Have a nice day and a cool party! *Fuchur*
  11. Cool stuff DarkWing! I like it very much... See you *Fuchur*
  12. Best wishes... We all do Rodney... See you *Fuchur*
  13. Cool, that one is new to me . Thanks Nancy! *Fuchur*
  14. Normals are facing in the right direction right? In general not. A problem but just to be sure... *Fuchur*
  15. I'd say there is no standard too... it depends where the image needs to be used (for example for reading, for advertisement, video, etc.) or if the model looks better from one side than the other... (Show yourself from "the best side"). Anyway: I like the look of your 5 point-lightening quite much. Even without AO it still looks very nice and the rendertimes will be down for those with slower computers... (of course AO does give another nice touch to the image so). Thanks for the default-chor! Together with the camera-rig (I think you developed that one a few month ago, right?) it makes a nice startingpoint, so it is of course much more complicated for beginners. See you *Fuchur*
  16. Had that too, but could not see why and when it happend... if it is related to moving UVs, you may want to create a bug report for it. Have seen those for quite a time so (maybe since v13 or 14) The model is good looking! Keep up the cool work! See you *Fuchur*
  17. Sorry for being late... Best wishes from me too . See you *Fuchur*
  18. A sidenode, because it will not really help you at first, but: You may want to consider to upgrade to Windows 7... it is just the MUCH better Operation System and should give you much less headache (and I am not talking only about A:M) See you *Fuchur*
  19. A model using Newton Dynamics, combined with the plugin "Multiple Copies / Multiple Imports" should help you very much... See you *Fuhcur*
  20. do u have global space activated? see u *Fuchur*
  21. Has.To do with changing bias and then trying to do a cfa. I reported this. You can select the part of the model, put in standard bias values (0.0.100) and the problem should be gone so you would have to set the bias values again manually. See u *Fuchur*
  22. Do you have write-access for the folder A:M is installed in? And does A:M have write access to it? See you *Fuchur*
  23. I'd say give him an image in which he is swinging next to a mirroring building and the real spidey (red one) is reflected as blackone (or visversa). See you *Fuchur*
  24. Are we talking about creating a transparent background for video-footage which does not have the needed background (green or blue) to be keyed (not possible in A:M) or are we talking about a rotoscope for an animation to get the movement right? See you *Fuchur*
  25. Do you think she thought something like "Damn I will look so stupid..."? 5% blur and speed of maybe 120-180° per second should be enough for such a thing... Render it with about 9 passes (you can try even less) and dont look too much on the single-images but on the animation that will come out... that would be my startingpoint... See you *Fuchur*
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