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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Fuchur

  1. See the Alpha-forum for that. The links are pinned. See you *Fuchur*
  2. I did know about premultiplied alphas (had to struggle with that when composing particles in AfterEffects) but I neve knew there was an option in Photoshop to get rid of that! Thanks Robert... very helpful! See you *Fuchur*
  3. We are up. Please discuss this in the appropiated forum. See you *Fuchur*
  4. ...and here we go again. I like it much better this way with the shaggier hair... So I think I may have to render more passes or increase the thickness again to get rid of some alias-effects where hair lies on other hair. Or I have decrease the variation again to get less contrast between the hair. Anyone know how to change the background-color when using an Alpha-Channel? I think the blending to black is getting the hair wrong when I compose it with the background-image using the alpha-channel (I do that in photoshop) I would need a white color to blend at the transparent-hair there so I can get that less noticeable so I am not sure how that can be done. See you *Fuchur*
  5. ...or set it using the properties of the model > user properties. See you *Fuchur*
  6. Hi William, the best way to get in touch with me is using my website's contact-form: Visit My Website I will answer with my normal email-address, but I don't like to give my mail-address out on a forum because of spam-problems. See you *Fuchur*
  7. I am working on it. I am doing variation of length and the master variation-value is increased too. The thing that most like takes an effect however is, that I copy the emitter and change the more important settings there too. Interestingly enough, the rendertimes are now smaller than before. ( I am not sure why, since one emitter is at 1 density, the other is at 3 and before copying I used 4 as density...) See you *Fuchur*
  8. Jep, thought about that too. I think I am ready to go on with him now. It looks like a good combination between shagginess and softness of the hair. What do you think? I got the rendertimes per pass down to less than 5 mins at 720p-resolution. Thats okay for me for now. See you *Fuchur*
  9. Very nice looking guys and fine looking comic-style . Keep on rocking! *Fuchur*
  10. It looks backward (sideways?) to me. If it is just the angle we are seeing it from then I would suggest sticking that 'arm' straight out and then bending the bear's left elbow backward. This would serve several purposes one of which is to place a little weight down on the left front leg. Right now it doesn't seem to me that any of his weight is bearing down on his legs. (pun intended!) (I'll be glad to draw it if I'm not being clear) Right now it seems there is a hint of this polar bear being a toy and I can only guess that it's the leg that is creating that perception. Impressive hair Robert. I made a few updates and used Robert's method for hair rendering and got rid of the muhair-shader. Quite nice looking. And yes it was the wrong way looking. Changed that too. I had to increase the density again and got rid of shadow-throwing for the hair which brought me down to about 6:45 per pass. Otherwise it was close to twice that render time, I know the Golden Compass and liked it, so I am not yet sure if I am after that kind of look... I will however have a look at it again. Thanks for the advise See you and thanks for the input... helped a lot! *Fuchur*
  11. Since you had a subscription before, you need to get rid of your current master0.lic to get the activition-window. It is placed in your Animation:Master install-folder. Don't just delete it so, but rename it to "master0.bak". After that you need to start A:M and you should be asked to enter your activation-code again. Enter it and wait. Since it worked once with your system, it should work now again. You need to be online for the activation, so make sure you are and the Animation:Master-install folder needs to be writeable for A:M. See you *Fuchur*
  12. Fuchur

    Fixing stuff

    Very cool . Was a lot of meassuring involved? See you *Fuchur*
  13. I will ask Jason if he got your mail. See you *Fuchur*
  14. I worked a little more on it and gave him a (very basic) landscape around him. He is now (at least) basicly rigged. See you *Fuchur*
  15. Just to show you guys what RectErect is: Link See you *Fuchur*
  16. You may want to use a falloff on the material effector... other than that: Great! *Fuchur*
  17. Here is a tutorial on the subject: Material Effectors See you *Fuchur*
  18. You need to delete them at the Models-Properties. Go to Model-Properties > "User Properties" and right-click on the once you want to get rid of and choose "Delete". See you *Fuchur*
  19. Click on it and you can still activate it very likely (otherwise it would be a bug). This is something else and depends on one or more of these: - Default-Behaviour has not been changed at the model itself. - State is inherited by the model but CAN be change in the chor so that you can overwrite the properties-value of the instance (not the model-element itself but only for the reference / instance used). These are the states available for a propery: - default > not changed in the model or the instance of the model. (in general grey) - inherited > changed by the model and inherited to the instance. (in general grey) - overwritten, but static > changed for the shortcut and saved in a so called "driver" in the chor or an action. (black) - overwritten, not static and keyed > changed for the shortcut and saved in "driver" in the chor AND keyframed in the chor with a keyframe at the time you are currently at (blue). I think I will do a tutorial on that in future... See you *Fuchur* PS: This is all written from my memory... maybe I confused some of the colors...
  20. That are the two ways which make sense... (as easy as it'll get... Copy&Paste...), so that will not bring bones etc. over... than you need to import one into the other). What do you want to do? These are really easy actions... you want to have them in the same modelling-window, right? Or do you just want to animate them together? Than you just have to create a choreography and drag and drop them on the new chor... See you *Fuchur*
  21. Jep, cool stuff! Well done! See you *Fuchur*
  22. I asked Steffen for such a feature (it is in A:M Reports) but this is not possible till now. But it may be possible in future. See you *Fuchur*
  23. I would highly recommend to watch my video-tutorial on the subject before you do anything else. It really covers all you need. Anyway what you did wrong is, that you are trying to export directly from an Action-file. That is not the way it should be done. First go to your modelling-window and do an export from there. This will create the model-file with the bones, weights and the geometry and textures. After that, go to the action-window and try to export again. It will now ask for a file and this time you search for the previously generated directx-file. It will then append the animation to the file (or create a new one with the animation applied to it. See you *Fuchur*
  24. Have a look at my signature... you will find tutorials on the subject. See you *Fuchur*
  25. Got it worked out... lowering the brightness would lower the whole hair brightness too much... I adjusted the Transulance Deviation (-30) and now it is quite nice. The lightening is the standard-lightening of the Chor, so it should work for many situations (which I aimed for...) I although attached an image with my settings, which worked out okay now. (some settings are changed over length, but not the once of the Shader itself. Density is at 3 and renderingtime is okay too (about 6:15 min per frame with one core). What do you think? See you *Fuchur*
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