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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by dborruso

  1. Hey V If you want more free models try my store at www.3dfrogstore.com There are ones for sale too but everyone likes to get the free ones Hopefully they will all work with 15, i am still on v 14 and they all work with that. You might like the free model a:m smiley I made. It is just an emoticon with hands. It has lip poses and squash and stretch poses, you might like it to try basic exercises with.
  2. I bow to your splinemanship.
  3. Very nice theatre. And they are showing my favorite movie
  4. Looking great Gerry. Will look awesome textured!
  5. Looks fantastic Agep. Just checked out your website, great stuff!
  6. I love this character. Great work tot.
  7. I downloaded zign track. It is a nice interface and easy to understand. I didnt use regular round markers for my first test, lust some cut up little mailing labels, I'll have to go to the store to get some regular ones. But I found my webcam only records 10 fps I didn't get very good results. I tried making it 30 fps in quicktime pro, I guess it just adds more frames, does that help? I still got bad results. Is that because the video or because my markers were bad? I'll have to try with better equipment.
  8. Wow, great work. Good luck on the contest!
  9. These are looking great. I just saw beowulf and it was back and forth with the motion capture between being believable and stiff and unlively so I didn't know what to make of it. But seeing these tests I am very encouraged about this product. Paul, I know there was no music, but it looked like you did a great job singing along with that song
  10. I havent looked at the squetch rig for a very long time. I just downloaded squetchy sam and wow! wow! wow! This is amazing stuff. Is squetchy sam free to use like say we wanted to use him for an 11 second club animation? I don't know if I'm ready for 11 second club yet but this would be a fantastic character to work with for it.
  11. Polygon models do not generally import well for animation. If you must import one, you will get better results if you subdivide the mesh first, as far as keeping the patch continuity. Of course this will create much more patches and make it more difficult to animate. I have had luck taking low poly models, subdividing then importing to a:m and able to rig them. These were very low poly models to begin with though. If you start with a high poly model, not a good idea.
  12. Sorry Elliot, between the new gig I got and my own work I won't have time to rig it. I am not the best rigger in the world anyway. I believe the david rogers book has a good tutorial on rigging if you can get your hands on that one. Or maybe try to learn to apply the squetch rig, maybe someone here will be kind enough to help you with that. I don't know anything about the squetch rig myself though, I haven't used it. Or you can take the rig out of the thom model and apply it to your artist dummy, that might be a lot easier, then you can use the actions on the dvd with it too. Best of luck.
  13. Damn Tralfaz. I thought my expenses were bad. I feel for ya man. I would gladly pay 150 for this tool though. I would need to understand about syncing the movements to audio though. It.s tough to speak exactly at the same time and movement of your wav file for voice. Maybe there's a trick to it or its just an art that needs practice.
  14. I am interested in this motion tracking software package. I hope it can work ok with my webcam. But can we edit the facial animation after we apply it? If it is a keyframe per frame I assume that you cant realy edit it much. And what are the requirements for the markers? Where do you even get something like that?
  15. Nice artist dummy Elliot. Just need to get rid of that crease in the chest and he will be perfect. A good model for doing animation exercises. You may want to upload this as a jpg, quicker download.
  16. Ah cool, you went with the snail. That was my favorite. Looking forward to seeing it.
  17. Very nicely done. Happy halloween to you too
  18. This looks very cool. How complex is the facial rig needed? Will the facial rig be supplied with it?
  19. Really nice. I think it's hilarious he's in scuba gear.
  20. I can see from the wireframe that your modeling is very good. The render with all black though you can't see any geometry of the body. Maybe just imply that he is hiding with a dark background and the dark clothes, but set up your lighting to leave a little definition in the figure, like a highlighted silhouette. Just my 2 cents.
  21. I like your beans. Can't wait to see them back.
  22. Animation Master bombing the nazis! love it! Seriously, it is really hard to find any criticisms for this. Your wireframe geometry is impecable (sp?) and your render is easily mistaken for a photo. It is hard to find any give away except I've never seen the a:m logo on a plane.
  23. Is there a way to have an object not recieve the ao color or alter the color it recieves? That would be handy.
  24. Hi This is one of the first projects I did in 2000 with animation master. I am trying to get a reel together for my website and thought it would make a good intro. I did a new render of it with ao. You can see here the improvement in me and a:m over the years. I atached the old and new one. 3dfroglogoold.mov 3dfroglogonew.mov
  25. Looking nice will. Did you use any special light settings for that render? it looks nice. I like seeing him in an environment.
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