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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  1. you know.. if you did have the flowers with one image and half with a similar image but different alignment. It might make that doubling go away. right now.. all being the same flower same orientation is making it very repetitive. If you can't get a different flower angle.. try just flipping the one you have and using it in a different emitter with a different seed value. That'll change the placement. C
  2. So I did a few tests on the files and I can see that you are using the bitmap class to display the render (similar to what we do when we do paintable textures for the coke project. How much does the frame rate suffer when you draw a bigger bitmap? say twice the size of the one you are drawing? and how many polygons is that Gorilla? I really like the extra shader functionality though.. thats a big plus! Keep it up and you'll have a strong competitor to papervision C
  3. It almost looks like a depth of field blur or something. The only thing that gives it away is that odd doubling of the flowers as they go back in depth. Maybe you could adjust the angle or rotation or some. Try turning camera facing down just a smidge, not sure what that would do for animation though ;-) Looks awesome! I'm heading to all the parks out west and it reminds me of some of the pics I've seen around yellowstone I'll tell you how real it really seems after I've been Great Job! C
  4. Hi, Its looking great. I'm averaging about 40fps (40-50 before you added the specs) Have you looked into using Papervision 3d? It could give you the ability to do more texture related stuff and might be comparable in speed. Its what we used to do 3d conversions for a project for coke that will launch soon. Its looking awesome. As far as 3d exporters, not sure how much interest or use you'll get. I'd query about the usage of Webhammer, to get a better idea of how much such a tool will get used. C
  5. I model and animate with both AM and Maya.. tried Max.. hated it.. won't touch it with a ten foot pole now. AM is without a doubt the easiest when it comes to making and animating your characters. If you want for examples feel free to IM or email me for some. C
  6. lol.. I was getting that exact same vibe. Way to express yourself John. C
  7. very nice!.. and useful.. I can see tons of 60s control panels in the future ;-) C
  8. looking good.. go man go. I want to see hazy fog and moody blood stained skies though. More like Frazetta maybe? Love the terrain. C
  9. freaking awesome! C
  10. Have a great trip to China! Hope you have an excellent time and congratulations! :)

  11. Awesome! I'll take a poster when you are through ;-) Cant wait to see this one take shape.
  12. Yeah, a nice illustration (lost worlds) would be great (lost worlds). I could see him landing on some unknown planet (lost worlds) or even in the amazon (lost worlds) or Peru (lost worlds). This guy could be stumbling across some ancient (lost worlds) civilization(lost worlds) or even a battle(lost worlds). You might even use him in a contest or something ;-) That could be cool to.
  13. HolyDamnasterification! I had to invent a whole new word for this one. Great Job Lee!
  14. No sweat Lee.. as you can tell, from my seriously late post to this thread and the fact that I'm not burning a new record to start my own lost world thread.. I'm pretty busy to. Besides.. You look like you are having wayyyyy to much fun on this stuff as it is. Its all looking awesome. You seem to have become a modelling machine. C
  15. Happy Birthday!!! :o)

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