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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by nixie

  1. Zelda ~ Awesome game! I think I see what you mean, I plan on adding more wrinkles and il add more to his colourmap and try using diffuse and specular maps too. I was trying to use a transparency map for the tips of his digits and his ears, I want light to show through them. I tried but it doesnt look right, I want translucency not transparency but I made his ear groups translucent but no light shon through... Any suggestions? Nixie
  2. Dude! That stingray pic was the only one I could find! jeez! The way you have set up this shot explains to me why it looks like a scale model - the background is a plane with the equivilent of a tank of water in front of it, the camera, because of the tight focus, looks to be using a macro lens or something similar. It looks good, I like it. Was never much of a fan of thunderbirds stingray etc! Nixie
  3. Stingray was (like thunderbirds, captain scarlot) a brittish TV show by Gerry Anderson. Shot in 'super Marrionation' !! basicly string puppets; im sure youv experienced it in some way. I just thought the image you posted looked in a way like the vehicle shots seen in programs like that! Cant wait to see the underwater shots now! Nixie
  4. Luckbat is correct, I think youl find the shadows you are looking for if you change the water plane to a plain material to test. Nice render by the way, looks like an old special effects scale model shot. (see Stingray) Nixie
  5. Cheers M8! Abut the skin colour Iknow what you mean, Im still not happy with it 100% Just to describe how I want him to be percieved by those who see the finished short: On one side I want people to think he's ugly, sinster, thieving But Then see that he is actually misunderstood (in a way!) So I was kind of going the route of a deformed human, an outcast that lives in the woods. But I will darken bits on the maps eventually. Here he is looking more sinister, And yeah Iv got smartskinning to learn! Thanks Gaz Nixie
  6. Ben - Im guessing its due to the lighting but please describe in more detail so i can fix if neccesary. Ken - Thanks man, Yeah the creasing is due to me being not quite so hot on rigging as of yet, Il get there though in the next few days i expect. And wow, yes well over one and a half thousand downloads! Regards - Nixie
  7. nixie


    Shes a Honey! Nice modeling though and er - nice secondary action... Skin shader is good, try it! I too would like to se her perform. - Nixie
  8. TSM rigged Goblin, Used weightmover but haent got it quite right yet, control points are assigned to wrong bones, but I'm slowly learning. I borrowed a cornell box and radiosity setup from Fabrice's keychain project: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16539 ...and rendered The gobelah in it! I love AM! took 9 hrs to render though, Il try cheating a similar look next using skycast ora skylight rig. Thanks for viewing- Nixie
  9. Overall very nice animation. just two things my eyes notice - her run cycle: lifting leg seems to snap upwards too quickly. the landing could be a bit quicker just to keep it looking fluid. Thats it! the leap doesnt need a flip IMO, The jump to reach the pole is beautifully done and so is the spin! Multipass motionblur is alot better, but to be honest the A-buffer still works for simple stuff Iv only had problems with it when used with camera moves. Nice work though - Nixie
  10. Mike, This is looking great, The Lighting is great, the animation is great, the cinematography is great, Stuff like this isn't supposed to be rushed! I'm sure once you get deeper into this you'l begin ticking off the shots a bit speedier though. Keep it up! Nixie
  11. Nice balls!
  12. nixie

    Stolen Child WIP

    I'm a bit late chiming in here but I just wanted to say that I love the style of everything you are doing! Keep it up! Regards - Nixie
  13. It's great! To me he generally looks swollen; but thts not a bad look for a demon - looks like he suffers eternal pain! and that skin texture is Nasty! Have you thought about making the final hair curly? Regards - Nixie
  14. Perhaps if people from diferent countries submitted buildings styled as such, we could have a street for each country or style? this way we'd get allot of variety whilst keeping a 'real' building look. China town, little england, Usa town etc? Its an idea, good luck with the stadium! - Nixie
  15. This is something iv never dealt with but there is a font wizard (makes geometry out of text - you choose the font) But im not sure if its inside am or seperate. Try right clicking and choosing wizards whilst in a modal window. you could place this on top of your sword and give it a glow property Regards - Nixie
  16. Stunning work Patrick, youv got Radiosity down huh! Think its on my to do list. So how do you go about getting 'photorealistic textures' Regards - Nixie
  17. Its a great idea! Like an open source city so If anyone ever needs a generic city for a project, theres one to hand! Its important that with something like this we keep the number of textures to a minimum, perhaps have 5 types of brick 5 types of tarmac (asphalt!) then roadsigns etc (so a country would need to be set) When you think youv got a map, I'd be happy to contribute a building Regards - Nixie
  18. For etched runic symbols, try making a bump map (black and white) just the text (black) and the background (white/grey) and add it as a new decal to the blade, change the type to bump map and see how it looks. Make sure its not harsh edged, blur it a little -depends on what you want. personally id take the roughness off and leave it smooth, and you wont see reflections in it if theres nothing to reflect! Hope it helps - Nixie
  19. Its nice, the texture doesnt suit it though, it needs something soft and smooth like a matte rubber type texture needs a fairy too! Nixie
  20. Yves, Yes I have set up a group which excludes everything except the skin, so click a point on the body press / and It would be similar to that, heres a full screen gif:
  21. Update: He now has teeth and a tounge. Still having problems with the skin shader but At least im starting to conquer rigging! I think Yves himself would be the best to explain whats going on - The Iris's are meant to be bluer the eyes whiter and I only applid the shader to his skin. Hmmm Nixie
  22. Thanks Ben, im changing the textures soon il add more details, been surfing for a week so i havent been near a computer! Here is a demo of Yves Skin shader, on the left its not used, on the right iv used it as standard, If anyone or Yves himself knows how this works id Appreciate knowing how to keep the iris from going green and the whites pink, Its only set up on his skin group. - Nixie
  23. I like these, Whats the background story? I'd like to see what It's about, Short but sweet! The lighting is dramatic and the animation is smooth yet snappy (aka good!) Keep us posted Nixie
  24. Wow, cheers guys! I'm happy now! Yeh i was thinking the shins were too sharp, as for his tan, im changing that, It could be a combination of me not setting up the skin shader right and accidintly leaving ambient on! hold on I'l look see. (he looks like a morticians been at him with the makeup!) Thanks again for the support you three! need any help? just ask me. Regards - Nixie
  25. Update: Coloured and bumped, there are still more details i want to paint in before im through, but as long as the geometry stays the same, I can change this at any point. I'v employed Yves Skin shader also, not sure if i have set it up corectly; am I right in thinking it increased my render times considerably? Critiques more than welcome! Nixie
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