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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by nixie

  1. I have tried so many times to get him to understand. This is for the best. Wonder what the next alias could be?? Nixie
  2. No one has a problem with serious animation; but you havent produced any! heres a rubbish one of mine, quite old and done in about two weeks. http://www.hash.com/animationcontest/Q0204/07.mov Why not express your oppinion through animation rather than on here? Nixie
  3. Ahhhh! I didnt think about that, then i retract my previous oppinion! If you were to push it further perhaps wider hips. This is entirely up to you however, theres nothing wrong as is. I look forward to seeing the models. Nixie p.s you are one of the giants of AM, and I hope to stand on your shoulders eventually!
  4. Yeh iv been thinking that, I tend to model everything as one object for the sake of it. Il remove it for sure. Nice image there btw - looks like a mark 22 I'm modeling from blueprints of an earlier version which is why the window is smaller. Cheers though
  5. Yeh i guess you are right, its not going to be animated since its mostly one rigid surface. Thanks for the comments and tips. That is looking good by the way! Nixie
  6. Hullo, Started this recently, I dont have alopt of spare time to do it but Its not needed for a few weeks so progress will develop slowly. I aim to make this as photo realistic as is possible. As you will see, splines need smoothing, spline reduction too etc etc! Some images...
  7. I think the big hands and feet is a fairy thing, I like it! Personally I'd go with breasts a bit perkier, more like peanuts and less like baps! But it's a personal thing! Looking forward to your tests Will, Il have to check out these tests... Nixie
  8. Dont see a problem with that, we start animating the scenes on monday, And with a horrible rig! So, It will be a while yet, but il get something for you guys to see when done.
  9. I recall reading some time ago, that displaced could be exported as (ava) and then imported back as (mdl) with the diplacement more or less there. Anyone know if that still applies or was ever a good solution? Nice scene there by the way though. Nixie
  10. nixie

    The Retro

    Mean Paint job! Meaty looking car. I like! Nixie
  11. Looking good, not far to go now. Will you rig it with suspension when finished? Nixie
  12. lol, nice! Seven, Mr MM, Fredfrid, whatever your name is, you have an interesting style. I'd like to see a story driven peice, of finished quality from you one day. Nixie
  13. This is the showcase forum, here we discuss finished works, not animation as a language. Why do we need to discuss what animation is. Animation is many things. Once you have produced some, come back here and showcase it. P.S. The parrots beak is rigged wrong. A parrot will only move its lower beak. Nixie
  14. lol, I noticed that after i posted, was the first thing I thought of when i saw the first appearance of the parrot! although we could yet be surprised... Nixie
  15. Sevens Back! or is it Eight now?! I was going to say that perhaps keep the parrot posts within one topic? Nixie
  16. lol no, sorry matt. Great film though...
  17. Thanks, I exported to one patch pedr poly, so my other team mates were surprised at such lack of polygons! I love AM so much; I honestly don't understand peoples problems with it. Its heaps better than what im being forced to use. Cheers - Nixie
  18. Thanks! Feel free to look for yourself, or use as you please! Nixie [attachmentid=13903] Head.zip
  19. Hi guys, Iv been away recently, busy with university work. I began working with a couple of third year students, helping with their final year films. Its a two minute short set in medievil times - The plague is rife, Death is visiting everyone in the village and the King is next on his list! Unfortunatly, Its not being produced in AM. If it were up to me it would, since this other package is a pain in the rear end most of the time! When It's my turn, I hope to be able to make my film in AM. But - I managed to model the body collector in my favourite proggy though. I exported it as .x thanks to the great obsidion games plugin. Because it was to end up as polys, you will notice no five points or hooks. Nixie [attachmentid=13902]
  20. If i was doing this, I'd have flattened the prop cone in an action and decaled it with a spiral pattern flat on. Not saying your method wouldn't work but It just seems the easier way ! Nixie
  21. Chers man, Very helpful. Give me a week or two though, got alot of uni work due in very soon! Nixie
  22. Looks great, what plans do you have for it? I start on a Supermarine Spitfire soon, want a dogfight?! In fact, would you be able to post a wire? Might save me a little time. Nixie
  23. Love it Shaun, very nicely done. So much inspiration around here; It's time to pull my finger out! Appriciate being shown, the forum seems to have died down recently. Regards - Nixie
  24. Do it! I recieved my 2006 cd yesterday, will have to play with this A O thingy. Looks real nice, but i agree that you could push it further if you so wanted. Nixie
  25. Nice model! Simple and well put together, good luck with rigging all those dials! Aaver, thanks for the expressio. Might try it out on my spitfire's prop when i'm done If that's ok? Nixie
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