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Everything posted by Rodney

  1. I see that Open Broadcaster Software was recently updated (as of 23 Sep). https://obsproject.com/ I downloaded and installed and it appears to work as good if not slightly better than the previous release. One of the things that is nice about OBS is how programmable it is and the basic idea of 'scenes' is handy for when you want to invoke a specific type of recording or even switch back and forth between. Disclaimer: As I primarily use Camtasia for screen recording I haven't delved very deeply into OBS and have only used the basic screen recording functions in order to determine how useful the program will be for those without a dedicated screen recording program.
  2. I agree I'm liking the results of the linear workflow.
  3. Very nice. Congratulations! I need to see a projection mapping like this in the real.
  4. My unofficial thoughts... It wouldn't make much sense as a effort for v18. Also keep in mind that with the advent of subscription the concept of versioning is much more fluid. Logically, any change that cleans up code to the extent of removing latency XP code is going to be a major release.
  5. I just watched this again. Wonderful stuff!
  6. If you aren't following the Animated Spirit blog... you might want to add it to your list of resources. There have been quite a few useful and interesting posts there since James Chiang first launched the blog back in June. James is a 17 year veteran of animation. In the latest post James analyses a shot from Pixar's 'Ratatouille' where he delves into how the audience is directed right to the place you want them as well as what that means relative to characters /elements in the shot. There's too much to summarize here so go see for yourself. Amongst other topics James emphasizes that "Forces begin internally" and that "Understanding forces is the key to believable animation". Read more and see examples here: http://www.animatedspirit.com/shot-analysis-lead-follow/ One of the things I like the most about the blog is that by subscribing new posts are sent direct via email which makes for timely reading without even visiting the blog itself.
  7. Sorry for the delay Mark. I've asked my daughter to take a couple shots of me. She's all into photography so I figured I'd put here to work. Well, yes and no. This will technically be my first Largento caricature but... you may recall the last time you recreated my likeness you turned me into a zombie! (I'm told that's a good thing)
  8. If you look at the variety of render styles that have been used before in A:M you'll see that (for most people) external renderers aren't necessary. Perhaps you can point us to an image of the style you want to achieve? If you haven't visited there yet, here's a link to the A:M Stills Gallery.
  9. ...And here I thought that line looked really cool. Question: Does the white line follow a spline ? I wonder if you changed the background color from gray to red or green what might show up on the render. I would tend to make the background color the main color of the majority of surface... just in case some UV assignment picks that up. Also, do you have any other image/stamps applied or is it just the one decal image? In other words, if you are layering images/decals and one is at a percentage... or set to transparency... or cookie cut. Is is possible a spline is peaked there along that line but just not at the ends? If the splines aren't continuous (which is often the case with OBJ models) that might be what you are seeing. I'm leaning a bit toward this one as it sure looks like a peaked/noncontinuous spline. Finally, what is the color of the model itself? Is it possible the color of the model is showing through?
  10. Oh yeah... working great here. Thanks! Edit: I should have explicitly stated that both 64bit and 32bit are working great.
  11. If you hafta ask... It sounds like you downloaded and installed the right thing.
  12. Robert, Did you download and install from the official release or from previous download? (or alternatively from Jason's posted owncloud file) The 32bit is definitely trying to initiate a classroom/network license connection for me. I don't see how that would happen short of using a different installer. As of this moment I appear to be the only one with this classroom licensing issue on v1832bit_N.
  13. Sorry, I think a typo crept in there. M and N or too similar! Yes, both 64bit and 32bit versions of v18M are reportedly working fine (and working fine on my system too). The issue there was that the version M files could not be found on the ftp site, which is now resolved: I reported both releases of M working in the other topic: Ref: https://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=47314 The two outstanding issues appear to be: v1832bit_M Issue: classroom license/network connection dialog v1864bit_M Issue: selection of splines/objects not maintained Report#6629 has been filed by David Simmons that likely relates to this second (64bit) issue but is observed with selection/manipulation of Bones. He states in his report he is operating Win8.1. Tore confirmed that he couldn't use v18M because he couldn't select/move anything. As far as I can tell these issues are observed on Win10 systems and not yet confirmed as occurring on any other. Steffen thinks the selection issue might be due to change in compilers.
  14. I'm closing this topic as the v18m issue (of having it available via FTP) is resolved. For v18N issues see other topic.
  15. Same Classroom License error here for v1832bit_M. I downloaded and installed twice from your owncloud link just to make sure I wasn't messing up the download somehow. I then installed to a clean directory each time. No dice. If anyone else has installed v1832bit_N successfully... without the classroom license dialog popping up... please let us know. If everyone else is operational that would suggest something on my end. In the meantime I must assume those who purchase A:M for their classrooms (network license) should rightly expect to see this dialog.
  16. To further confuse (and possibly help resolve) matters... I note that the file designated N at ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/updates/windows/old/AM_64BIT_n.exe appears to install version M (and from what I can tell actually is M). If that is the case then the file can just be renamed as "AM_64bit_m.exe" and (at least with that file) all will be well.
  17. Don't sweat it Steffen. v18n can wait until you return from your vacation. We primarily just need to make sure folks don't upgrade to a broken v18n without a means to retro back to v18m (which currently is not possible unless they've previously downloaded v18m because it cannot be found on the ftp site). Bottom line: Enjoy your vacation.
  18. Sorry, I forgot we can't upload .exe files. See contents of attached zip file (above).
  19. Here's the 64bit installer. I'll remove this attachment once the ftp is updated. This is a major bug that prevents v18n from being operational. Having no fallback to the previous version is a major problem. Update: v18m files have been named and linked properly so this post's attachment has been removed.
  20. Ouch. Looks like the v18m installers weren't copied into a v18 folder before they were replaced by v18n files. If the fix isn't in soon I can upload a temp file for you to install. I see v18m is also missing from this directory: ftp://ftp.hash.com/pub/updates/windows/old/ Note that the one without the version designation *MAY BE* v18m. I'm checking that out now. Update: No that (unspecified one) isn't v18m... and it doesn't have a designation of which version it is.
  21. In the meantime I'm still exploring v18n,,, things like the ability to apply snapshot/screenshot within a pose will definitely be useful. For those that were experiencing slow renders on certain frames v18n still addresses that issue.
  22. I was going to add my video to your report but I see it relates to Bones/Rigging which isn't what I'm having issues with. I'll post the video here because if everyone else is seeing this it won't need a report... it'll be very obvious what isn't working. I am wondering if this is primarily a Win 10 thing. I'll ferret around and see if it doesn't have something to do with graphics settings. I reset A:M to the defaults after a clean install. I've attached a very rough screen capture of what I'm experiencing. Aside: This makes me glad I installed into a new directory (v18n) and still have v18m running properly. Edit: One thing I haven't yet done.... I should restart my computer to make sure I've cleared out all of the cobwebs. Update: No change after restart. I can confirm that v18m still works though so for now it's back to that. v18n troubleshooting.mp4
  23. This may relate to a problem I'm seeing. When I select anything the focus doesn't stay with the selection. The first instance I ran into (should be repeatable) is to select a group of CPs and try to Right Click to name/rename the group. I can't right click unless very specifically targeting the edges of the selection. I'll post a video here. I'll assume at this point it may relate to WIn10 so folks may want to delay updating until confirmed. I'll post a video of what I'm seeing..
  24. That's very odd. We should troubleshoot that because the 32bit release should work for you. While the primary reason would be so that you can use A:M with features not available via 64bit the real underlying reason is to make sure Steffen's hard work maintaining both releases isn't for naught. At the point where no one is using 32bit there's no reason to keep that going. Don't anyone panic though... there is lots of life still left in 32bit. For my part, I've never had any issues running 32bit and 64bit together on the same computer. Thanks for the confirmation.
  25. Does that mean 32bit installs correctly for you David?
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