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This is an open forum for discussing Animation:Master and discussions should relate to A:M in some capacity.
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961 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Rather than add to the other topic that focuses on Phonemes I'll start a new topic where I hope others will feel free to explore A:M's Dopesheet. The Dopesheet has gained a bad name over the years and that is unfortunate because it can be used to do a lot of laborious work quickly. It can be used to block out stories, set up scenes and pose characters rapidly and without much effort. Folks see A:M's Dopesheet as only being good for Lipsync but perhaps it can do more than that...
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 13 replies
So I would like to get some feedback from the animators on this subject. How does one "block" in the animation poses using AM? I ask because doing so causes some issues with AM's auto curve of the timeline. How do you guys do it?
Last reply by Rodney, -
as you know I'll seek a sponsor for my project "Trem do Pantanal 2020", the first step is to concept a good demo reel to be presented to them... well for this I'll need your inestimable help as always. Please .. can you guide me ?? I'm thinking in this intro... does it work ?
Last reply by Simon Edmondson, -
- 8 replies
Is anyone up on the specifics/requirements regarding creating images for Mac Retina Displays? I've read a few articles but lost the one that I thought outlined it best. For those that haven't heard of this before it's related to how Mac displays are now produced with pixels spaced closer together which allow for crisper displaying of shapes and lines. This has ushered in a requirement for higher resolution images because the lower rez (normal pictures found all over the web) now look blurry by comparison. Has anyone seen a definitive guide?
Last reply by thejobe, -
- 4 replies
I just recieved a note from Sherm Cohen that he'll be removing his Storyboard Q&A video to make room for his next online class. So go see it now or you may miss it. Note: I haven't purchased his DVD set (yet) but it's a great deal. Highly recommended.
Last reply by largento, -
Some ideas
by Malo- 3 replies
Hi, I don't know if it can interest somebody, but just in case, I post anyway. It is just some ideas and reflections about imagination's tools to help to model and rigg more quickly in AM. The idea, is to regroups modeling, armature, weigts and fan bones in a few clicks. I write the ideas in a PDF with pictures. PDF
Last reply by Malo, -
- 11 replies
Hello! Importing 3D models from polygons application, 3D scanner, or sculpt application pose many problems in AM. The high-definition models are too dense to be exploited, others require to be re-examined in the topology In reality it was better and faster when it is rethinking the topology in AM as a whole (patches, hooks, UV, joints, etc ....). Hence the usefulness of rotoscope, it is possible to import 3D informations: - By drawings (which requires a good knowledge of perspectiv) - With photos (with some imperfections because of the position shooting) - Or to import 3D models (scanner or other soft 3D) as props to make rotoscope. …
Last reply by Malo, -
- 1 reply
Hello, My ignorance on the subject and my bad english, may explain a topic off-topic. From what I understood, It was not possible to use Visual C + + express with the SDK, because this version does not come with the MFC and don't support it. While surfing, I found a link that explains How to compile MFC code in Visual C++ Express :. I do not know if it's useful, and if it is sufficient to create plugins for AM ( I do not know Visual Basic C + + express, C++, and neither the SDK), but by ignorance and by any chance, I give the link.
Last reply by pixelplucker, -
- 0 replies
Since XML format, it is possible to read the MDL file by a text editor. Here is some information about the MDL format, that I could understand. Hope this can help someone. The CP: The splines : I have not found meaning the first number. Hooks: Patches : I have not found meaning the first and last number for patches. UV, Stamps:
Last reply by Malo, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi, Some time ago, I tried to find a way to use Roadkill ( ), a free standalone program, to autounwrap mdl model. And there is a way! ... I tried to do it, with help of PHP scripts... But as I am not a programmer, the script is heavy, slow, it has "Undefined offset", problems with big models,and it is not a plugin in AM. But don't be worry, the principle works better than my scripts to download the scripts: the order to use the scripts: step 1: translate the mdl model in a obj model ( by the "MDL 2 OBJ for roadkill" script. ) step 2: import the obj in Roadkiller, and unwrap it. Then export it. step3:…
Last reply by HomeSlice, -
- 0 replies
Found a pretty neat program that creates seamless textures from Spiral Graphics ( ). There is a free program called Wood Workshop that allows you to create seamless wood textures with an almost limitless control over color, texture, pattern, etc. You can create the texture in just about any size you want, then export it to a .jpg, .png, .etc. They also have a program called Genetica 2.5 which allows you to create all sorts of other seamless textures, like brick, marble, cloth, wood, stone, metal and lots of others. The Pro version also allows you to create atmosphere and hair textures. They have a downloadable 30 day demo of Genetica. …
Last reply by Tralfaz,