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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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:P Here is a project I worked on quite a while ago that I have decided to pull off the shelf and remake with my newer technology (faster Mac and Hash for OS X) and a little (not much) more experience. The story line is being revised and I'm going to make an attempt create it as one whole piece. I'm not going for visual superiority here, I just use simple, but nice models, camera tricks (city with only a few buildings filmed from different angles and with layers...), and maybe a lower frame rate. In this presentation everything is done in Hash except for a couple backgrounds and one cut scene, which are done in Bryce. In the new version I'm going to use a combo of Hash and Lightwave. I am doing this purely for simplification. I am doing the space scenes and cityscapes in Lightwave and the character animation and small sets in Hash. It will actually end up being about 70% Hash. :D

Keep in mind while watching that the story line is being altered:




C&C Welcome and encouraged! :unsure::blink:B)

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It's looking good Jess! :D


Soundtrack is amazing, can't wait to see this in higher resolution.


The main characters look good but could maybe use a little more facial expression.


Other than that I can't offer advice to improve on your effort.


Keep posting Jess! :D


That was a pretty descent animation. I do like who you used what you had on hand to do your story. Very good improvising using something like Bryce and putting it together with A:M. I really appreciate your work.


I hope you come out with some more animations. Find out what happens to these 2. Good work. I'd work on a better lighting. Maybe you can use that skylight tool, mixed with even a Bryce background, that could work.


Let us see some more from you soon.


I don't think they had the skylight tool back then. :)


The new version will likely employ Lightwave for backgrounds instead of Bryce. Hash is still the main tool though! I am very excited about starting this project over. As soon as I have something new I will post it. I am working on some of the Lightwave scenes first. The space travel and starships will be done in LW. I guess I shouldn't post that stuff here, of course! :P


The next step will be to tweak the main characters. Work on some better expression poses and clean up the preset actions. I'm going to try using the animation real-time function! I need to re-rig these guys using the newer AM features better! I am going to use the main guy to build a bunch of others of the same race. The new first episode is going to take place in the city, so I need a bunch!


Thanks for the comments!


After doing some research I am going to still do the landscapes in Bryce... then import them into LightWave. The character animations and sets involving characters will be all done using Animation Master. This will be a the bulk of the Project. I am employing members of the band I am in for voices. I have already done some of the Lightwave work since the first scenes are going to be spaceship scenes. ;) Character work will begin very soon, I have a LOT to do. :D

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I like it. A completed story with the basics needed to make it work.

I'd definitely go through and edit shots and/or create new shots to make it work even better.


I do have to ask... maybe it's just expected of me these days ;)


Why not just do it all in Animation:Master?

There was nothing I saw that couldn't be done in A:M.


The big reason I think it would be in your favor to do it that way is the streamlined workflow that you could expect; and essential for episodic film.


Just my view.

Compression was a bit rough looking but you've got me wanting to see more! :)


Posted (edited)

nice job. i was going to pose the same question as rodney... but he beat me to it :P



i just thought of something. try saying fupduck 5 times fast. you'll be surprised what comes out of your mouth on the 4th or 5th :P

Edited by starwarsguy

You know what? Bryce sucks!


It looks so fake, I mean I have turned out some good things in Bryce and it is easy to use, but it still has a sort of fake look to it, no matter what you do with it.


check out Vue D Espirit 4 or 5


www.e-onsoftware.com Looks real and just as easy to use yet looks more professional. I like all the cool camera controls. The redererer is pretty good and fast.


Why not just do it all in Animation:Master?

There was nothing I saw that couldn't be done in A:M.


The big reason I think it would be in your favor to do it that way is the streamlined workflow that you could expect; and essential for episodic film.


I agree with one thing, why are you going back and forth from Lightwave and such. I would use Vue and render backgrounds and such there. Its quicker and more powerful than Bryce.


Now I do understand using a 3rd party program especially for backgrounds. Its just faster. Why model everything from scratch, when you can use wonderful shortcuts to tell your story as fast as possible.


I'm planning 2 similiar films. The first one will use A:M all the way through. The 2nd one will be modified Poser characters and custom made Poser characters and Vue. Simple reason being is both will be on DVD and both will show how to make a movie on almost no budget aside from a computer and cheap software.


Flogtales has less characters for the first episode

Kalimar on the other hand has a whole village. I'll just quickly modify several characters and make an entire village of folks, plus some custom made figures. I'll have an entire army, none of which look the same.


Shortcuts are great for getting a full film done.


if used right, bryce can do some grt stuff! here's an example:


(the grand jedi corridor that a modeller made for his fanfilm)




But I will admit one thing, I haven't seen anything really good out of Bryce besides this. :P


I think I might give it a try Rodney. ;) I want a unique look to it and AM has so much more to offer since I first tried this sucker!


As for poor old Bryce... simplicity is the key.... :P:P

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I was going to just edit my last post but I want to clarify just a bit and hopefully encourage you to press on with your project... it really has a lot of potential.


It should be noted that I would never suggest you do things harder... just smarter. If using other apps is smarter than go to it!


I think areas you think are easier in other applications may be good for backgrounds and the like. Editing is a good example too. You can edit an entire film in A:M, but if it takes a lot longer to produce the same results that needs to be factored into the equation.


I think more and more people are realizing that they can harness the power of A:M in ways they never thought possible. It may look harder at the beginning but the end result and knowledge you gain sets you up for even more success in the future.


When producing episode after episode that may mean something.




I know the best way would be to do it all in Hash. i am a big supporter of Hash. :D My plan is to do it kind of like an old 40's movie. I make the sets in Lightwave where I am already skilled at mechanical modeling and render them as a background image for Hash. Then I can place the guys in the scene and render it out much quicker. Unfortunately on my Mac I can't get a very good render speed on Hash. I think it renders much faster on PCs. :( I heard they are working on render speed in the next update of Hash for Macs. :)


Here is my method... tell me what you think: (not in any particular order)


1. Space scenes in Lightwave with simple spaceships mostly 'beveled' from a box. These can render while I am working on Hash on the other computer. :)

2. Make mountains in Bryce, export them as Lightwave files, tweak from there. (That's all Bryce does)

3. Render backgrounds in Lightwave using big time radiosity and high res so they look real nice.

4. Small sets like the cockpit for the guy's spaceship, interiors of buildings, etc. done in Hash to directly interact with characters. But there will be an opening scene in a government chamber in the city. The chamber room will be made in Hash with transparent windows. A flat plane will be outside the window with a rendering of the city made in Lightwave.



One more thing to note.


My next project I have planned is all Hash! It's going to be a musical venture...being that I am a composer. I want to do a short (10-15 min) piece, kind of a virtual ballet. It's going to be real abstract. I want to promote Hash, they let people like me get into 3d with no money. The only way I got LW is through an academic discount and I can't even use it for commercial reasons. :(


The way I am setting up the current project, it will be VERY easy to go back and do it all in Hash when I learn more. So, no worries Hashers I'm not going to give up on learning Hash!


Here is an image of Gnosh, the hero of the story. i am retexturing and re-rigging him so he is easier to animate. Lot of work left to do for now.


Here also is a sample of a scene on the Artoxian Home World. The main movie will not be Letterbox. This is an older file. All done with AM! It should give you guys an idea of what I'm going for. Not complex, but looks good. No music has been added yet. I will do that dead last. I just want to tell a story, so don't expect very complex models! :D;)

Artoxian Home World Scene - Quicktime 5MB



I am trying to procrastinate until I can get the Garritan Personal Orchestra software. It is such a pain to be judged by the quality of a syntesized performance of my work. I wish I had a 100 piece orchestra at my disposal! :D


I will be posting the music very soon, possibly this afternoon while I sit at the cafe.


Thanks for the comments everyone, keep it coming I need all the encouragement I can get. I outlined the scenes last night and this sucker is going to be a project and a half. I am still working on Gnosh. Once he is done I have to spawn the other Deutreenums like him from his model.


Other items made in AM:


All characters be it bad guys (Artoxian), robots, aliens

Sets occupied by characters

Props used by characters


Some items are already made, the cockpit and the interior of the spaceship, for instance.

  • 2 weeks later...
I am testing a kick action.


Hmmm....animated punch ups always work for me. ;)


You may want to rotate his hips and upper body as he kicks, also speed up the kick out as this will give it more snap and power.


Looking good so far, keep those posts coming. :D

  • 3 weeks later...

Here in all of its soundless, 15 fps, Quicktime Sorensen codec grandeur is the OPENING SEQUENCE. There will be some minor tweaks to this, like adding sound, music and titles, but for the most part, what you see is what you get. There are a couple of obvious errors, Gnosh's hands meld into each other and the Traveler clips its wing on a obelisk.


The Character scenes are made with our favorite software, but the space and cityscape scenes are made in Lightwave. There will be more Hash scenes coming soon, I am just ahead on the Lightwave side because I was rendering LW scenes while I was rigging Gnosh. But now he's ready and so is his buddy, Flin. So it is time to start working on the scenes involving them. It will be a character driven stroy, so Hash will take center stage over LW. By the end of the story, Most of the action will take place in Hash. I am just better at mechanical modeling on LW.... a LOT better.


C&C welcome as always....

Opening Sequence Quicktime


After I re-rig Gnosh for animation and get my phone lines at home fixed I will have more updates to post. All I have left to do is his fingers. I really wish TSM2 would come out for OS X, but it looks like that won't happen til spring. Until then I have decided to post a synopsis of the story and characters so far. Later I will post stills of characters, ships, and sets. I am so excited that my project is slowly coming together. Almost time to do voices!




DEUTREENUMS: A race of ancient, wise, people that live in peace on their beautiful, mountainous homeworld. They were warlike in their early days, but now the only time they resort to combat is in self defense. Their military is now too small to stop the onslaught of the Artoxians who are interested in the mineral Trenium, which is abundant on Deutreenum.


Gnosh....... Main character, he is an explorer, scientist, and an engineer. He has a good heart, and would gladly give his life for his friends.

Flin............ Gnosh's best friend, he is the quintessential warrior. Flin is a master of all weaponry and considers himself the greatest warrior since Jarek of Deutreenumian legend.

Chancellor Oglish....... Oglish is the head of the Council of Three Elders, which rules over the planet, he is very wise, but also very stubborn. He is very naive, especially when it comes to the intentions of the Artoxians and the weakness of Deutreenum's military.

Glix........... A very old (1,215 years to be exact) robot that Gnosh and Flin discovered during their explorations. They know nothing of it's origans because it's early memory is corrupt. Occasionally it will remember things from long before like it was yesterday. Gnosh finds Glix to be intriguing, but Flin thinks his rambling is annoying and likes only his ability to move large cargo boxes with ease.



ARTOXIANS: Race of greedy, evil cybernetic beings. Little is known of their history or their motives. They are, however constantly seeking the mineral Trenium, possibly as a power source. They are led by a large Artoxian simply referred to as the Supreme Chancellor. It is apparently very old and as been around since the beginning of written history in the Galaxy.


THE TRAVELER is Gnosh's starship. it is small for an interstellar vehicle and works fabulously with a crew of one, but best with one to fly and navigate, and another to run tactical and weapons systems. It has accommodations for no more than four (and one robot!)


DEUTREENUM CRUISER ARGONA: One of the fastest ships in the galaxy and the pride and joy (as well as Flagship) of the tiny Deutreenum Space Navy. It will play a VERY important part in this story.



......More information to come. That was a lot! (whew!)


Hey this project is pretty good. I like the characters alot. I think you could use a starfield in the Opening Sequence though.


Believe it or not there is a starfield. Sorenson pretty much makes it so dim it's invisible. but I can see it on the TV when i test it there, so hopefully it'll be ok!


Thanks for your comments.


Great opening shots Jess!


I like the way that everytime I think the last ship has appeared another comes on screen.


Some detail was lost on me due to being too dark, is it my monitor or a result of compression?


Have you composed the soundtrack in advance or do you prefer to see the animation for inspiration?


Keep posting Jess, this is a very interesting project.


Best Wishes



  • 4 weeks later...

Here is a new character I modeled for this project yesterday. His name is Glix and he is a droid that Gnosh (the main character) found on a garbage barge. His past is mysterious because of faulty memory, but occasionally he is able to recover lost memory blocks.


Meet Glix:



That's cool..the head reminds me of the robot thing in Flubber...


I have a critique about your opening sequence..your first shot is too long..I know there is constant movement, but it still is a bit too long..what I would do is have about 30 seconds of that and then the camera starts to pan to the side and performs a dolly


The length of the opeing shot is actually for musical purposes. I've got a plan for that which should make it seem better in time. Thanks for the crit!


Here is Gnosh's number 2 guy, Flin. He is the greatest warrior on Deutreenum and considers himself Gnosh's protector:



Nice work on Flyn you've made him sufficiently different to Gnosh for the viewer to know that they are two different characters despite obvious similarities, not an easy task.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

"You suck! You suck!..... You suck!" Funny. :)


Rather crass, but with feeling. Not to say that the show needs lots of ...... potty mouth.... to make it interesting but rather the show has potential for genuine expression of character and emotion. Looking at the second episode, it looks like you're definitely getting better as you go along, the space ships and lighting are starting to look cooler.


Keep up the good work.


Thanks! And when UPS comes Wed ot Thur with my new Power Mac G5 dual 1.8 mhz MAN machine and my render times double from what I have now I will really put this project in overdrive!


I actually have a script for the new version and it actually took a little bit more serious tone. There are also going to be more people than just me as voice talent. I have at least two other people! ;):D

  • 4 weeks later...

Here is an update after some time off. This is the colony walls with a couple watch towers. I will be adding some interior buildings soon and texturing the towers. :)



And now....


I thought I would see how Gnosh and Glix (the robot) look with the Colony in the background. Working on the look I want for this production. :)



Your landscape has a nice feel. Can I suggest a warm blue light to brighten and show detail in at least some of the shadow area (it just looks a little 'dull' on my monitor)



Your landscape has a nice feel. Can I suggest a warm blue light to brighten and show detail in at least some of the shadow area (it just looks a little 'dull' on my monitor)



I see what you mean about the dull appearance... I am trying to get the feeling of an alien atmosphere and I'm not sure if the blue light wouldn't make it look wrong. I will try it when I get home anyhow. :)


More news on this project... I now have my Apple G5 dual processor horse up and running, so it is time to buckle down on the project. I am going to work onn a few random scenes and try to come up with a "Teaser" trailer. I have a couple ideas for it, already. After more work is done a more "theatrical" trailer will be posted. Other than various animation tests (with a green Background) I will probably keep the animation updates to a minimum so too much is not given away.


I will post some stills from time to time. The story has gone through a major revision, and I am aiming for a 25 to 30 minute film. Still a short, but a long short!


Here are my lofty goals to date and how I will accomplish them:


1. 25 - 30 minute film........ Only 4 or 5 speaking parts so there are fewer people involved. Low detail on the models, less procedurals and more image maps so render time is down.


2. Grand music score....... Garritan's Personal Orchestra and Finale notation. (This will be fun)


3. Have it done by Fall........ Model and animate while awake, render while I sleep.



More info to come soon. I have to model a couple things tonight including the dropship for those Artoxian Walkers and some props for the Colony.


looks great, jess, looks great. I looks like some war-flick I saw once, exept it was ships, comming in on Normandy instead. Great work.


Here is the Artoxian Drop-ship that will carry the Walkers in. Only took a couple days to model. I didn't want to spend too much time on something that will only make a brief appearance. ;)



can you post a screenshot of the rig and PWS (so I can see the hiearchy)...I'm rigging a lamp with the "leg" in that shape and don't know the best way to..also, can you tell me what constraints you used?

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