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Finished rigging the 'Buttery Spirit 01' and rendered a final model shot. Should have 'Buttery Spirit 02' done in short order (early next week) then it's onto the cattle, heron, and trout.



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Wonderfull model and pose. If a were to encounter this individual somewhere, I would wonder what he have in mind.

The historic Celts were bloody everywhere and touched a lot of different cultures throughout time. It's why you get a lot of myth-crossovers. They were pushed around a lot during the age of migrations by the Franks and the Romans to eventually settle in Ireland, Scotland and Whales (after being pushed out of Europe). Then again, everyone was pushing everyone else around during that time. Talk about rude neighbors. ;)

Actually, most of Celtic migrations were long before that, petering out about 100 BC or so, around the same time as Roman Republic was becoming the Roman Empire. As a whole, they ended up in the Brittish Isles, France (Gauls), a good chunk of Spain and parts of Germany. Oh, and northern Italy (Cisalpine Gaul).


How related all the groups really were could be debated, but archaeologically they shared the same material culture, and Romans considered them all roughly part of the same culture. Of course, most of the Celtic influences went away on the continent long before the period of stories that Yeates was drawing from. (Thank you, Romans, Goths, Vandals, Allemani, Burgundians, Lombards... and other rude neighbors.)


So now that I've bored everyone, I thought I'd say the most impressive thing about the Buttery Spirit is that he's still reading as blue, instead of the transparency just turning him gray, or the same color as the background.


Thanks for the feed back guys.


I wouldn't be surprised if your seeing popping at the end/beginning of the cycle of the father, turbokitty77. He's set up to cycle within his action, not in a single render, due to heavy use of lag constraints. I'm not really planning to use any of these walk-cycles in the actual film at the moment. They are being done more to a) get a feel of the character and B) (more importantly) testing the rigging. Once I get into the film itself, I'm planning on animating things on a per-shot basis inside the choreography. Looking over my boards, there is very little if any recycled motion.


Blah, blah, blah … I’m talking to myself again, aren’t I … Blah, blah, blah.


Posting a day early, since I finished 'Buttery Spirit 01' and 'Buttery Spirit 02'. Went ahead and did a walk cycle form him to test the rigging. Glad I did because I discovered that I hadn't rigging one of his fingers correctly. DOH! All fixed now.


Very nice walk action. This guy is scary.

Thanks! This guy's suppose to be the little creep-a-zoid of the film. I'm glad to hear that the design and motion of this fellow is coming across to other viewers.


Posting early 'cuse I've got to do web updates anyway...


Got the 'Cattle' done (including a final pose render)!



Got the design for the 'Calf' done!



Got the final pose render of 'Buttery Spirit 02' done!



The rest of this week is gonna be spent tracking down a visibility problem with some older models and php coding on the BackBreaker website. Hopefully, if I get a chance, I can start of the 'Calf' model too, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.


Upward and Onward! :lol:


Thanks, starwarsguy, hypnomike!


Miracles of miracles, I got the calf completed in a day. :o




With this done, my current model list looks like:


Fay -- DONE

Son -- DONE

Father -- DONE

Mother -- DONE

Sprite 1 -- DONE

Sprite 2 -- DONE

Will O Wisp -- DONE <--Start Over

Buttery Spirit 1 -- DONE

Buttery Spirit 2 -- DONE

Grey Herrin -- Not Started

Highlander Cattle -- DONE

Highlander Calf -- DONE

Mouse 1 -- Not Started

Mouse 2 -- Not Started

Trout -- Not Started

Chair -- Not Started

Table -- Not Started

Stine -- Not Started

Dirk -- DONE

Staff -- DONE


Of those, I only need the 'Grey Herrin', 'Trout', and 'Will 'O Wisp' done so I can start animating on the First Act.


So close....

I just realized how far you've come on your checklist since I first saw this thread.


Yeah, posting the list really emphasize where I'm at. Kind of scary. But, it also reminds me how much work goes into a project like this. It also reminds me on how slow I really am when it comes to modeling and rigging... :(


This week, I get to report that I've accomplished.... ABOSULTY NOTHING! <_<


Between preparing for Thanksgiving and php web-coding I've had no time to work on the film.


=Bleh!= Next week should be better. I'm still aiming for the end of January being the completion date of the first act.


Shows what a great system you've got, a glance through the modeling list tells me over half of them are now complete.


Checking them off must help spur you on. :D


Weekly Friday posting!


Mostly spent all week modeling the 'Heron'. Next week is rigging the bugger.


Checking my time, I'm starting to panic. It's December now, and I need to have the first act done by the end of January, and I'm still modeling! Arg!


I'm gonna disappear off the board for a bit (except this topic) so I can focus on getting this done instead of surfing the web. I'll still post here on Fridays since it's helping me keep on track.


Panic! Panic!


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Ah... nothing like a deadline to keep us motivated!

Keep at it you are really getting there with outstanding work thus far.


As they say in Japan, "Gambatte Kudasai!" (Please give us your best!)

That seems the appropriate thing to say on this occasion.




ARG! Heron rigging fighting me! :wacko:


Which is really stupid, since he modeled and textured up so nicely... :angry: =grr!=


I'm going to take a break from him and model the 'Trout' and get this guy out of the way. He should be simple enough. Famous last words.... <_<




I've also started animating, but I'm feeling the pressure since the show I was trying to get the first act done for is two weeks earlier than I expected. Don't think I'm going to make it. But I have to do the best I can since the musician who did the music's going to be there and I can finally nail her on the in-sync license. At lest that's my goal.



This is beautifull. That heron is superb. I'm always amazed by the quality of your work. Very nice style.

I hope you make your deadline.

I do too.. :(


Thanks for the encouragement, thou, starwarsguy, ypoissant.


Standard Friday posting today.


Got the Trout done! YEAH! He was easy. Got him built, textured and rigged all in one day.



In order to make a considerable stab at making my deadline, I'm avoiding working on the heron (since it's fighting me and it's only really used in one shot for act. 1), using the old Will 'O Wisp model (which I need to redesign) for blocking and basic animation, and going ahead and animating what I can. I've already got the first two shots basically done, and am in the middle of shot three.


Oh, and I finally heard back from Mr. Crow about the International Rights to the poem. He thinks that there shouldn't be any problems attaining the rights and now it's onto monetary negotiations. Joy and rapture.....


  • Admin

Don't let me distract you from your progress.


When you get this finished I'd like to know more about how you achieve your line/outline quality.


Great stuff! :)


Been a while since I checked in on this thread. It looks fantastic, I really like the characters and the look you've teased out of the toon renderer.

And I empathise with you on the delays. B)

Good luck on the deadline.


That first shot (BG01) is really intriguing. Are you doing a multiplane-composite type thing, where the camera tracks along with the walking characters, or do the black spots represent other background elements?


Nice work. As always!


Thanks for the reply guys!


When you get this finished I'd like to know more about how you achieve your line/outline quality.

The inner lines are part of the texture map (painted at 300 dpi), with the shading being flat-rendered, the outer lines are the toon renderer oversampled to 1440x960. Shadows and backgrounds are rendered separately (at 720x480) then composited in Premiere. I'll change the toonline thickness and bias depending on the shot. Far shots get the default of thickness: 1, Bias: 20; Close ups get thickness: 1.5, Bias: 60, with fudging in-between on a shot by shot basis. That's it in a nutshell, anyway.


And I empathise with you on the delays.

Thank you! I can already tell, I'm not going to make it, but I'm giving it the old collage try. ;)


That first shot (BG01) is really intriguing. Are you doing a multiplane-composite type thing, where the camera tracks along with the walking characters, or do the black spots represent other background elements?

Actually, no. The black it going to turn into parchment that has Celtic knot work around the panels. The idea is to give the impression that your looking/reading an illuminated page. The different panels are going to be fading in and out with two to four panels displayed on-screen at a time. It's very artsy.


Is that output from After Effects or are you compositing in A:M?

I don't have (or know how to use) After Effects. I'm mostly doing my compositing in Premiere since it's really simple brain dead stuff. Can't really use A:M for what I'm doing since I'm really playing around with different resolutions to get my line weights. But except for that, it's all 'drag shot into scene, set transparency to Alpha channel, then render shot'. Like I said, brain dead....


I love the style and the way you're doing the shots! Keep it up!

Thanks, starwarsguy. I've always seen this film as an art-film with a story, so setting an art style to achieve is really important. After all, I'm setting this film up to be my real "festival bait". It seems you need to have a film fall into one of three categories to get past the judges for film festivals;

  • Sick and Twisted (ala Spike & Mike's)
  • Extremely Political
  • or Artsy

Since I'm not much into the sick and twisted category, and I don't feel like shoving my views down other people's throats, I'd figured my best bet was to go artsy. So far I think it's going to work out just fine. :lol:


Onto my weekly posting!


Got the shot for BG05 done. Yeah! For some reason this one wanted to fight me, but it worked out all right in the end. I'm going to go ahead and get most of the 'Son's' shots done first, since action wise they all link together.



Thanks Flog! Hope your own projects doing well.


Weekly Update! --


Didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Did finish animating BG09, threw the partially rigged Heron into BG07 and rendered it out so I had a placeholder until I can get the Heron fully rigged. Setup BG10, but didn't actually get around to animating it since I got busy with other Convention preps (ie lot's 'O matting and framing) then got sick (Baron brought it home, it's all his fault. :P ).


Taking the weekend off to party and then it's back to the grindstone! Weeee!


  • Admin

I sure am looking forward to seeing how you cut these shots together.

Your WIP is most education. It really has the feel of all those great "Behind the Scenes" documentaries.


Great stuff. :)


Thanks guys!


'Fraid I didn't get much work done this week, due to Frank and Will deaths. For some reason they hit harder than they really had any right too.


I did, however, get some organization done for the film. Found a really cool animation production html (TOONTRACK) that, while a bit overkill for 'the Stolen Child', would do wonders for the next project I want to do when this one's over. So I'm testing it on 'the Stolen Child'.


Here's the blocked heron shot (as it were).



And following is what I've currently got done on BG10 for animation. It's still got a long way to go.


I'll be posting early next week (probably Wednesday) since I'm going to be gone from Thursday till Tuesday for the convention. Cross your fingers!



Posting early 'cause I'm goanna be gone this weekend to the convention, leaving in the next hour or so.


Was hoping to farther along on this short than I am, but that's the way things go. I went ahead and compiled everything I got so far so I something to show the musician this weekend. Hopefully I can finally get a signed contract out’ a her. Still no word for Mr. Crow in England about the EU rights. I figured if I haven't heard anything by the end of the month, I'll send a letter.


Anyway, this is what I got for a rough edit. The last two shorts of Fay are really old models and test animation that's going to be completely re-done. All other animation while in place, has not been finalized. There are a lot of holes that need to be plugged, but, here you go.


the Stolen Child, act. 1

5.3 mg, Quicktime MPEG4


Hope you enjoy, what there is, anyway.

(Smudge exits, stage left, like a stealthy ninja. :ph34r: )


great work!! I really love the style.


The animation is rough but the style is just superb!!!


You may want to tighten the animation a little. The father at the beginning is walking a little stiff, and when he touches the boys head the boys head pops like he was hit hard.


Everything else is so awesome!! I love your style and your work. Your attention to detail. Just love it.


Love the storybook look and the transitions!!! You really went for style and you nailed it right on the head!!!


I applaud you. I cannot wait to see more.


I will be sad when you finish cause I always look forward to your updates.

  • Admin



I caught a lot more in the imagery and flow as I watched it again and again. I finally started going frame by frame and can definitely see the hard work you've been putting into it. It's paying off. Nice work. :)


I really love the narrative approach and the flow from panel to panel.

I knew you wouldn't disappoint in how you cut your story together. You always manage to surprise me. It's also great to see approaches that break the standard film and animation approach and the straight on 'you are looking through a camera' approach. You've hit on something nice here.


In the 'submitted from the peanut gallery' tradition I will make a few suggestions mainly because I know you've already got things under control but might like to hear them.


If I could offer any suggestion at this point it might be to consider a 'focus' on the main action of the story throughout.


Lightening the background might serve to further direct the viewers eye to the primary window of action by using some method to highlight the action even further. Some ideas just to throw at you...


This might go against what you are looking for but maybe adding just borders on the primary window or a slight blur on everything but the primary window.


As mentioned, perhaps less yellow in the background. A tannish/parchment look might contribute to the feel of storytelling and provide further bridging between (what I percieve as) reading from a book and watching a film at the same time.


Later if you ever decide to bridge (or is that bookend?) your story with the opening and closing of an old book it would be ready for it if the background is more parchment-like. This of course could be done long after you are 'done' but having the thought in mind for further adapting your work 'after' it's finished should be a consideration.


As I say... just words thrown atcha... not really meant to stick. ;)


I'm not watching with a critical eye here just mainly for the enjoyment of it so all suggestions are for the trash bin.


I think I'd much rather see your vision of this than anything I could add.


Keep it up! :)



well done!


nice change of pace from ninjas, swordfights, spacecraft and monsters.


could use a pirate or two (you can never have enough pirates)






Brilliant work! :D


Still no word for Mr. Crow in England about the EU rights.


There's a few of us Hashers in England, do you want us to "send the boys round"? ;)


Good luck and keep up the great work.


Whew! Back from the show! It went very well.


Showed the animation to the musician. She was really happy with it. Yeah! Got her the contract but didn't get it back by the end of the show. I was running around too much. I have her email though, so if I haven't heard anything in a couple weeks, I'll ping her.


Next show on the hit parade... Wondercon! I've got a small table in Artist’s Alley, so if any of you happen to be at the show next month, stop by and say, "Hi."


I will be sad when you finish cause I always look forward to your updates.

Don't worry, that's gonna be a while at this rate....


This might go against what you are looking for but maybe adding just borders on the primary window... A tannish/parchment look might contribute to the feel of storytelling and provide further bridging between (what I percieve as) reading from a book and watching a film at the same time.

Oh, ye of little faith.... ;)

I have yet begun to add the embellishing knotwork. When I said that this was a screen test, I meant it. Yet, late at night, I can since my poor abused hand quiver at the sheer thought of that much knotwork....


There's a few of us Hashers in England, do you want us to "send the boys round"?

Ha, ha! :lol:


More work to post once I recover from the weekend! Thanks all, for your kind words of encouragement and critiques. It's always appreciated!


Standard Friday posting.


Poked mostly at BG01 this week. The Mother was having some transition problems between actions, most notably with her constraints, so I worked on that. It looks much better now. Still need to poke at it some more. Also added in the Will 'O Wisp to the tail end of the shot to help form a bridge with BG04.


More tweaking to come! Still need to get back to rigging the Heron. Also, BG04 looks off balance with BG03... Hum... Instead of trying to tweak with BG04, I think I might actually repaint BG03 (the still Island shot) and stretch it down till its equal to BG04's bottom edge. I was thinking about repainting it anyway 'cause I thinking I have a better way of handling the water that would help in the later shot with the trout. So it looks like my decision’s been made on the matter....


Ah well, back to work for me!



pretty nice, exept for the fact that the camera is a bit... not in place. other than that I was really suprised when I saw the animations, I thought the two fellas to the left would just raise their hands or something, but instead they interacted with the 3rd person. I liked it!


Ugh... No sleep last night... gave up and am posting this early in the morning (for me at least)... might go back to bed once I'm done....


Still poking at BG01. Re-did a bunch of constraints on the 'Father' as well as tweaking with the 'Son', 'Mother', 'Cattle', and 'Calf' to take care of a foot roll problem. All fixed now. Still not happy with the 'Mother's' slam coming out of the kiss to the 'Son'. Don't know if I should poke some more or stick a fork in it and call it done.


Might think better if I had more sleep....


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