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I know we don't tend to get personal on this forum and talk usually stays on what we're working on. But we're living in a pretty strange time right now with people panic buying and talks of lock downs. I know I've never met any of you properly but I do view a lot of you as friends and I just wanted to say that I hope everyone in the community is doing okay.


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  • *A:M User*
4 hours ago, robcat2075 said:

This is alarming.

I've been "social distancing" for years but i know a lot of people will be in a bad way if they can't get back to their regular work soon.

This is very worrying.   Waitstaff, for one...even if the restaurant owner covered their hourly pay, they'd make almost nothing because the bulk of their earnings come from tips.

There really aren't any good choices here.  You either have people go about their business as usual and end up with a huge number of infected people, or you try and clamp down on things and end up with the economy taking a hit.   So many people are living paycheck to paycheck that it is nearly impossible for them to weather a 1-3 month downturn or lapse in employment.  Still, I'd rather see a recession than a bunch of casualties from this. 

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1 hour ago, robcat2075 said:

I'm hearing musicians complain.Their gigs are cancelled and they never made enough to have much saved up.

Ha! Sounds like the billionaire airline owners telling their staff to take 8 weeks unpaid leave while simultaneously asking for bailouts. 

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Grand daughter stuck home with me for the next 4 weeks. Wife and daughter both teachers at  different daycares. They are both working, though only part time since  many parents who have kids in daycare are themselves now out of work, so daycares are soon to close since they can't afford to keep the doors open. The ripple effect is already being felt and we are only weeks into this. What we look like 8 weeks  from now is going to be scary.

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  • Hash Fellow

This NYT article says it can linger in the air for half an hour. So maybe we should get the masks back out?

How Long Will Coronavirus Live on Surfaces or in the Air Around You? - The New York Times



When the virus becomes suspended in droplets smaller than 5 micrometers — known as aerosols — it can stay suspended for about a half-hour, researchers said, before drifting down and settling on surfaces where it can linger for hours. The finding on aerosol in particular is inconsistent with the World Health Organization’s position that the virus is not transported by air.

The virus lives longest on plastic and steel, surviving for up to 72 hours. But the amount of viable virus decreases sharply over this time. It also does poorly on copper, surviving four hours. On cardboard, it survives up to 24 hours, which suggests packages that arrive in the mail should have only low levels of the virus — unless the delivery person has coughed or sneezed on it or has handled it with contaminated hands.



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Masks are useless except when worn by health professionals who need them. It's the goofballs who wear masks thinking they're safe but then touch everything around them and not wash their hands regularly that will never ceases to amaze me.

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  • *A:M User*

As we make our way home, I wanted to say to everyone, stay safe.   We are living in strange days.  Tulsa, our home, we heard has been closed down.  Only grocery and convenient stores are open.  All restaurants are forced to curb side service or drive thru only.  All the retail stores are asked to perform monitoring and limit the number of guests, and to go to reduced hours of operations.  


Unfortunately, our 17 year old is being tested for the virus even as I type this.  We have been isolated in our travels and really not sure how or why or even if he has it.  The doctor was very stern with us,  as we thought it was his allergies or asthma.  So we enter a new world of isolation for a few days as the results are generated.  


Be safe everyone!

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  • Hash Fellow

My prime strategy is to not go out in public around other people at all.

But if I have to go to a store, this is my EVA procedure...

  1. Clear the path from the entryway door, to the kitchen, to the washing machine so i don't have to open any other doors or touch anything to get there.
  2. Load the washing machine up with any laundry that needs doing and put in the detergent. Leave the lid open.
  3. Clear a similar path from the washing machine to the shower so nothing needs to be touched to get there. A fresh set of clothes is laid out near the shower
  4. I empty the kitchen sink.
  5. I wear a button-up shirt that I don't have to pull over my head to take off. I wear gloves. I wear shoes that can be sprayed with Lysol later. I have an N95 mask, I will wear that too.
  6. I put just one credit card in my pocket, not my whole wallet. If you are not on a bicycle like I am, i guess you'll need your driver license also.
  7. I go to the store. I avoid getting near people. I've made a list in advance of what i need so i can get in and out fast.
  8. I only buy things that can be hosed off. Plastic containers, canned food, washable fruit, yes. Cardboard boxes, no.
  9. Back home, I put the washable items in the kitchen sink. I put my credit card (which had to get stuck in the same card reader that everyone uses) there too.
  10. I go to the washing machine, take off my shoes and helmet and mask, then put everything else I wore in the washing machine.
  11. Off to the shower. I spray off my face first.
  12. I get dressed and go back to the washing machine, close the lid and start it.
  13. I wash the washable groceries and credit card in the sink and set them aside to dry.
  14. I get a can of Lysol and spray everything else I had to touch in this adventure... door knobs, my bike, my helmet, my mask, my shoes. If you went by car you'd go out and spray everything you touched in the car.
  15. Done!


I have done this twice since March 14. Other than that, I've stayed home

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  • *A:M User*

I haven't been going out for anything but food/sundries, but I'm going to try and see what I can get online instead.   I've been staying clear of my elderly parents and texting/calling them every day to check on them.   Hopefully we get through this before too much longer and nobody on the forum is seriously ill.  

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  • Hash Fellow
19 hours ago, Wildsided said:

That's an impressively thorough and efficient strategy right there, Robert. 

Also do you have a bike trailer of some description for bulkier items?

I do!

I have several variations depending what i need to carry











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  • Hash Fellow
39 minutes ago, Wildsided said:

Is the plastic tub bolted on or is it secured separately so you can carry things in all at once?

It is bolted on but that is a cool idea. I might pursue that somehow in the next version.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Hash Fellow

Wednesday was my first trip to a real grocery store in 25 days.

There were about eight people waiting to get into Fiesta Mart and a cop (with no mask) at the door letting one in when someone else exited.

It didn't seem like anything was seriously out of stock but the shelves were usually about a third or less full for most items. I'm guessing that makes it easier to clean.

Maybe 1 out of 4 customers had a mask on. The shelf stockers had masks but weren't wearing them on their face. The cashiers had masks and a modest sneeze guard in front of them.

The checkout queues had six foot markers on the floor but with only limited customers allowed in there wasn't any waiting in line for the cashier.

All-in-all, the fastest grocery shopping run I've done in a long time. If i hadn't needed a box of wine I could have waited but I needed that box of wine.


I don't remember any store music playing this time. For years it was seriously old-school Mexican music, the kind with the wobbly trumpets blasting Mexican Hat Dance. Then about eight years ago that all disappeared and the music was 80s hits, English only... Madonna, A-ha, Journey, Hall & Oates, that sort... But more recently it has begun to include what I might call contemporary Spanish pop. Or maybe they were 80s hits too. I have no idea.


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  • Admin

I started working at Amazon just so you wouldn't have to go out of the house Robert.

Then I realized that our fulfillment center isn't anywhere near Texas. 

Figures.  I could have just stayed home and spent the time drawing/animating.  ;)


P.S.  Impressive bike trailers!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Hash Fellow

Here is a troubling observation from an ICU Nurse

What Are COVID-19’s Long-Term Medical Effects?



...One thing that I feel is really missing from the public discussion about COVID is the surprisingly high rates of (likely) permanent disability among those who become critically ill.

Most non-medical people seem to discuss outcomes as if they were a binary, rather than a spectrum; what percentage live, what percentage die.  That binary is not reflective of the clinical realities we’re facing.

I don’t think it’s terribly well understood why there’s such a high rate of organ damage among COVID patients, though there seems to be a developing consensus that microthrombotic complications play a big role.

But whatever the cause, it’s important to understand this: while most COVID patients don’t need ICU care, a troublingly high number of those who do end up in kidney failure or with profound neurological deficits.  Several patients at work have been off all sedation for almost a week, and show no signs of waking up — I doubt that they ever will.  And people with kidney failure may need dialysis for life.  When the discussion is limited to false binaries of deaths vs recoveries, these cases get left out of the dialogue.



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5 hours ago, robcat2075 said:

No yeast, no whole wheat flour in the grocery store.

Funnily enough the baking section of our local Walmart has been pretty wiped out since this whole thing started. Guess folks are baking more in lock down. 

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  • *A:M User*
On 4/24/2020 at 1:28 PM, robcat2075 said:

Past forum member Dhar Jabouri has posted this video of his drive-by coronavirus test.

Ouch!  :wacko:



Geez that looks painful.    

I've seen varying degrees of masking when I'm out.   Based on what I've read about the size of the virus particles, it's more useful for keeping your sneezes in than keeping anything out.   Plus there is the psychological factor of giving people something they are in control over.   Me, I'm not going to wear one unless I'm actually sick.  Considering the number of people I see wearing them only over their mouths, I"m not sure how much good they are doing anyway, even if they are capable of filtering the virus particles.  

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  • Hash Fellow
5 minutes ago, Roger said:

Based on what I've read about the size of the virus particles, it's more useful for keeping your sneezes in than keeping anything out. 

There is the famous Chinese bus study. One person infected 9 other people but... no one who was wearing a mask got infected.

I will continue to wear my face mask.




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  • Hash Fellow

Call me Daniel Boone. Or Granny Clampett.

I've made an actual loaf of leavened bread with my own grown-out-of-thin-air sourdough starter instead of that store-bought yeast the city slickers use.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Hash Fellow
30 minutes ago, Michael Brennan said:

That's Impressive Robert!   How did you make the bread look porous?

Thanks!  It's a noise combiner on many parallel layers of patches.

There is a discussion thread that leads to it...


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  • 9 months later...
  • Hash Fellow

I got my first vaccine dose today. It really was the slightest needle prick I can recall for a vaccine.

Now I wait for the side effects. I'm hoping for a bad reaction so I'll know I didn't get a placebo.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am pretty sure that nobody has a big interest in you not getting your dose (at least if you are not participating in a blind study). ;)
Let us know how you feel...

It might need some time too. My Dad got Morderna (1. shot) and it took right around 12 days to really kick in for him and he was short breathed and felt less energized then normally for a couple of days. I think between 5-14 days is pretty normal and some just do not feel it at all.

Best regards

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