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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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For whatever reason--Maybe I pressed a button without realizing it or Maybe Windows 10 is doing something--shaded and wire frame does not look the same. Instead of showing the CPs and splines on the surface, it is showing them throughout the figure, even from the other side of the figure. The view just adds a semitransparent color to regular wire frame. What do I press to get just cps and wire-frame back on the outer surface? Thanks.

Apt Bldg.png

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  • Hash Fellow

First try SHIFT-6 to toggle backfaces ON/OFF


Next try rebooting.


Next try Help>Reset Settings


Thanks for the suggestions. I have rebooted several times. My program is displaying this way on every model--not just this one. I will try shift-F6.


Sorry I did not check back for a while. My regular e-mail used to leave a message whenever anyone replied, but this time it did not. I didn't know that anyone had noticed this, so I did not check back as soon as I should have.

  • 2 weeks later...

I continue to have difficulty. I have returned the program to default values. I have done shift-6. Below is a picture of how a face looks in shaded and wireframe: (Thanks for your help!)



Shaded and wireframe.png

  • Admin

I'd be curious to see what happens when you select everything and then hit the F key (to flip normals).


Also, if you an include the interface with your screen capture that might help to see the bigger picture of what you are seeing on your end.


I have checked all normals. I have flipped normals. They all point out. The model still looks like the picture above. Thanks. I'm wondering if this is a Windows 10 problem or graphics card problem. I will be happy if there is some control in the program that I can change.


I have seen that before (in some other thread or something... I haven't experienced it myself) if I am not totally wrong with graphic cards... I do not think it is a Windows 10 problem.

Go to "Tools > Options > Global > Realtime driver" and see if it changes something if you go from OpenGL 3 to OpenGL or visversa.


See you



I am using v. 18. I think I have 18O. I didn't know there was a version P yet. I didn't know about updating my graphics card driver. I'll have to find out what kind of graphics card I have and where to update its driver. Thanks for the suggestions.


I installed the latest version of A:M (to p from o) and checked my device drivers (which were up-to-date). Everything still looks the same as it did above. Thanks for the suggestions.

  • Admin

I suppose one question to ask would be...


What recently changed?

This is especially true given that you weren't having the problem before and then...


Did you recently install Win10 or a new graphics card?

Is this a new computer?


I've gone through a wide range of things I thought might be wrong but none seems to quite fit your situation.

The difficulty on my end is that I suspect a setting or mode that has you in a view that you normally are not in but it's hard to troubleshoot that without access to your computer.

Barring that potential I'd suspect a graphics card issue but that doesn't quite feel right.


Let us assume for a moment the problem is with your graphics card.

If that is the case then a trip to the website of your graphics card manufacturer would be in order.

Download and install any updates or utilities they provide.


Again, assuming this is a hardware issue (which I resist believing is the case at this point) we would need to know more of your current computer specs and graphics card details.


The effect of the see-through CPs looks like you might be in Decal Editor window (where all CPs show on top of the decal image) but I don't see anything that would indicate you are in that mode. You appear to be in a standard Front view in the modeling window.


In trying to mess up my computer I can't replicate the look. ;)


It'll be well worth your time to rule out the graphics card.

For that I'd first update your driver. (double check that is... I see you've mentioned updating them)

Then look at the specific specs and settings of that card.

I'd be curious to know if this is an Nvidia card.


In August, my computer had a virus (although I do have an Internet Security program). I took my computer to the Geek Squad. They agreed to get the data from my computer and take out everything else, and reinstall Windows 7 which I was using at the time, and then reinstall the data. The person who checked in my computer specifically noticed that my product key for Windows 7 was on the bottom of my computer. I told them that I needed my computer back as soon as possible. They kept my computer for about 8 days, and when I got it back, they had installed Windows 10. I noticed also that they had not saved a huge portion of my data. I took it back and told them that I wanted Windows 7. They tried to tell me they could not install Windows 7 because there was no product key. I reminded them that the person who checked the computer in specifically noticed that it was on the back of my computer. It had been removed. They agreed to install Windows 7 and kept my computer another 4 or 5 days. They then told me that they were unable to download the updates for Windows 7 from Microsoft and that without them, my computer would never function correctly. They said they could only install Windows 10. I told them to install Windows 10, because I wanted my computer back in working order. I took detailed notes during every step of the repair process with the Geek Squad. I prepared a long letter to the CEO of Best Buy in the USA and sent it to him. A person from his Group Executive responded and sent a copy of my letter to the Regional Manager, the District Manager, and the Store Manager. When I got my computer back, Windows 10 was not working properly. It also did not have most if not all of the default programs needed to open files. Programs on the taskbar would disappear. Programs in the Start Menu would disappear. Files for my data were listed, but none would open, and I got error messages telling me the files were corrupted. Luckily I had most of the files backed up.I spent two or three days identifying problems and going on the Internet to determine how to repair them. I installed the third party programs that I normally use on my computer. I had to purchase an upgrade for one program because it was not compatible with Windows 10. One program needed an activation code, but it was impossible to get a new one, because the process they had required certain steps that were logically inconsistent and impossible. (It was a bad day when Pinnacle Studio was purchased by Corel!) By then, I had resolved never to let the Geek Squad touch my computer again. I took my computer to Office Depot to have them make an image that I could use if my computer ever needed it again. By the time I heard back from the Group Executive person from Best Buy, my main concern was to get a product key for Windows 7 because it annoyed me that it had "disappeared" during the repair process. I was angry about many things that happened during the repair process, but I was determined not to have my product key "ripped off" even though I now had Windows 10 whether I wanted it or not and since I had installed my third party programs, I would not reinstall Windows 7. Best Buy provided me with a free replacement copy of Windows 7 on disc, and I have not bought anything from Best Buy again. That is what happened between the time when Animation:Master worked properly and now when it doesn't. I really could not say for sure whether it is even the same graphics card that was there before I sent my computer there for repair. I would like to think that there is a control in the program somewhere that I accidentally pushed, but that is looking less and less likely. I have been working on animation project with this display difficulty for several months, because I was reluctant to bring the problem to the Forum and because I hoped to solve it myself. Finally, I had had enough and decided to see if someone would recognize the problem. I really appreciate the help that all of you have given. I don't know that the Geek Squad did anything to cause the problem either, but since you asked what was different, I answered.


I checked on drivers for NVIDEA GeForce 555M and Intel® HD Graphics 3000. I hope these are the right ones.


Again, I want to thank everyone who has tried to help with this problem.

  • Admin

I was not anticipating everything had changed but that certainly adds a lot of variables.


I checked on drivers for NVIDEA GeForce 555M and Intel® HD Graphics 3000




It'd be good to know which one your monitor is connected to (if you have both).

I'll guess Nvidea but Intel graphics tend to come standard in many off the shelf systems.

Because I buy off the shelf, most of my graphics cards over the years have been Intel graphics and they tend to have basic but good driver support.


I believe you should try the Nvidia card if possible and roll back to the older lower numbered open gl. Intel video may give you issues with backface culling especially with the older intel video chipsets.


I would be more inclined that the Geek Squad cleaned your computer and probably washed off the old number. In either case with Win 7 (that I prefer) and Win 10 it shouldn't make a difference to AM provided the proper video requirements are met. AM in general is pretty forgiving.


As far as antivirus programs go I use Win Defender here. I noticed the Win10 version seems better designed than the Win7 version but both are pretty adept to blocking most naughty bits. I do run Malwarebytes Free few times a month to make sure.


Hm... I do not have a intel system which could have that problem but sometimes you need to deactivate the intwl internal gpu in the bios before the nvidia one is useable... Not sure about it, but sounds like the intel one took over.


See you



I disabled the Intel graphics card, and A:M would not come up. It came on the monitor without any guts. It only had the frames but no information, and I could not load any model. It kept saying "Not Responding". I then enabled it and disabled the NVIDEA card, and I could not see any difference in performance at all. Thanks for the suggestions.


I have a laptop. I'm not sure to which my monitor is attached.

Typically, the integrated Intel graphics is used primarily most of the time to save battery power. The discrete NVIDIA GPU would kick in when an application needed it. On my Mac, the Intel graphics is used to display the desktop most of the time, but if I launch any kind of application that uses OpenGL, it will switch to the NVIDIA GPU. I would assume Windows would do something similar?


I disabled the Intel graphics card, and A:M would not come up. It came on the monitor without any guts. It only had the frames but no information, and I could not load any model. It kept saying "Not Responding". I then enabled it and disabled the NVIDEA card, and I could not see any difference in performance at all. Thanks for the suggestions.

That is more than odd... In general the nvidia card (quite unimportant which one) should be much better than the intel one. Sounds like it is damaged or something like that to me...


Was it the same with opengl and opengl3?


See you



You guys know much more about this than I do. I don't even know what openg1 and openg13 would be. My basic computer training is trial and error for about 30 years. I replaced a hard drive or two myself and plugged in a card or two when someone gave me directions, but that's about it. I've been to many one and two hour workshops on various applications, and I have read about doing various kinds of applications, but I know very little about computer science per se. I've learned about different input devices by starting with IBM cards and going through various disc drives, etc. I might know a little more than I am listing here, but I can't think of what it might be right now. I really appreciate your interest in the problem and suggestions on how I might solve it. Sorry I don't know more than I do and can't help more.

  • *A:M User*

Even though the intel is disabled in windows you may need to to disable in the computers cmos. That way when loads it does not recognize the intel graphics and will not load the drivet at all.


I appreciate the suggestions, but I really don't have the background to know how to disable the Intel card in the CMOS or anything about the consequence of doing that. One thing I really want to avoid is disabling something that ends up with my monitor being dark and my not being able to reverse what I've done in case something turns out to be a wrong guess. I am not very sophisticated in these matters. I usually just monkey around trying things that I know I can reverse until I blindly stumble on the answer. I hope when you suggest an action, you will let me know how to do the action and undo it. Thanks.


Bios changes (=cmos changes) are a little tricky, but maybe we can give u better instructions if u tell us the manufacturer and the exact laptop name...


I have a Lenovo Ideapad Y570 with Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, Windows 10, graphics cards NVIDEA GeForce 555M and Intel® HD Graphics 3000. If you need any further information, let me know. As I mentioned above, the computer came with Windows 7 originally. The views all worked with Windows 7. Thanks.


I believe that system will default to the Intel graphics. My brother has an Alienware that has a similar setup and he disabled the intel so it only uses the discreet video because not all programs would see the discreet card.


When I disabled the Intel card, A:M would not come up properly. There were frames, but nothing filled in. There were no buttons and no information. If NVIDEA was supposed to takeover, it did not. When you say "control panel" that means to me the window that presents options in a Windows program. I am not sure what you are referring to. If you tell me where it is, I'll bring it up and do a screen shot.


If you are asking whether I have disabled the Intel card, I have. A:M would not come up correctly. There were frames but no information or buttons. When I enabled the Intel card and disabled the NVIDEA card, there was no difference in normal operation as it is now. Hope the screenshot below helps. Thanks for your help.



Display adapters.png

  • Hash Fellow

I think the process in the article seems to be a more standard way of making a program use a graphics card.


You have already done the process in the article?


Don't do it yet. I'm just asking first.

Do you have skype?


I have Skype. You can look me up as John Canady, Jr. I have not used the article yet. Somehow, I overlooked the link. I have it now and have looked at the article. I won't use it yet. Thanks.

  • Hash Fellow

While Skyping today with Roger I noticed that his laptop, which also has both Intel and Nvidia graphics, has this same shaded-wireframe problem.


His is definitely set to use Nvidia graphics with A:M

  • Hash Fellow

Well, we've tried everything we could think of. dunno.gif


The problem is peculiar, it is not like the wrong-way normals problem. The patches are being shaded and occluded properly but the wires themselves are not.


All splines are being shown even if the should be hidden by a patch.

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