sprockets Commercial modeled and animated by serg2 Modeling demo by Michael Brennan Short film by Svetlik Making and Using Drop-On Poses TinkeringGnome's Atomic Rings PRJ 2001 Star Gate effect in A:M with PRJ Comparison of AO and Radiosity Renders
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Usually the plus indicator designates the end of a run.


The good news for 12 month subscribers of course is that subscriptions continue on regardless of version. So whatever time remains on our subscription will carry right on through to v19. In the far flung past a subscription to A:M was linked to the release active at purchase time.

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    [bug]6687[/bug] SDK missing method for joining splines?

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    [bug]6685[/bug] Decal placement tools do not work correctly in Camera view


I'm running OSX 10.85 on an I5, quad core, mini

which Mac version should I go for ?



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Intel Mac SSE4.2


Should work on your machine.


Thank you for your help. Pardon my delayed redponse, a bit tied up working out a render setting.





Haha, You do not have to apologize for delayed responses. I think you can find about 10+ posts about me getting behind on forums/emails/orders and well everything else.

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