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Laptop's About to Die :(


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Well I knew this day was coming, but my laptop is on its last legs. I'm guessing it'll be within the next couple of days when it'll pretty much be non-functional anymore, in fact it could be as early as tomorrow. The real downer is I don't have the money for another computer anytime soon. If I did, I'd definitely take this time to custom build something but alas, no money, no computer. I could potentially be without a computer for some time once this one goes. I have everything backed up.


Also Rodney, I started picking away at a physical copy for the Documentation. Mostly adding in the forum entries. I did come up with what I think will be a good workflow once I get a new computer (someday).



So yeah, if I drop off the face of the earth after the next few days, it's cause I'm computerless :P On the plus side, I'll finally be able to take my frustrations on this laptop out with a hammer.......... :P

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I do. It's stuff that could get repaired mostly, but the cost and age of the laptop isn't worth it (nor can I afford it). The main thing is my monitor is basically shot. I have to use some magical trickery and a lot of patience to get it to stay on. I've read that if I sent it off, it would cost about 200+ dollars to fix. Similarly, the battery is pretty much done for (another 150+ dollars). Also (this isn't such a big deal) it's one of the older macbooks, so it's before they started using the unibody design, so the plastic has peeled off all around the edges and the sides of the casing are starting to crack vertically. And it's had just general 4 years of wear and tear (and a lot of heat, this model of Macbook was never very good about the heat) so I can tell the internal mechanics are starting to degrade. I mean this thing is pathetically slow for the type of work I do with it (I don't think it was ever designed for that really) in the first place. It's only a 2GB ram 2.13 GHZ processor dual core 32bit system. I've had it 4 years (which I've read is about the lifespan for this model) so it's pretty much seen it's day. But yeah, the monitor is the main thing (I don't have any spare monitors to connect to) that's going and by tomorrow or the day after, I don't think it's going to function at all.

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Haha nah, we don't have anything like that around here. It doesn't help that I'm also in a very rural place in Canada as well. If I was in like Toronto it might be different, or even Halifax, but no.

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It goes without saying, that this is the time to backup any info you don't want to lose.


A slowdown (especially where the Finder is concerned) can come in front of a hard drive failure.


I've luckily never had a computer die on me. Except for the one that I gave away, all of my others still work. Even the Quadra 630 I bought in '95!


Maybe your folks will come through and get you a new one.

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Haha nah, we don't have anything like that around here. It doesn't help that I'm also in a very rural place in Canada as well. If I was in like Toronto it might be different, or even Halifax, but no.




Theres a community service over here called "Freecycle" ( although it may have changed its name recently). That in itself is not of interest to you but, its based on something similar from north america. Basically the way it works is that, to avoid sending things to land fill, when people want to get rid of stuff they offer it up for other people to use instead. I had a load of cast iron pans for example that, to my surprise, created a lot of interest from others when I listed them. People send a request to the person making the listing and that person decides who gets it. I got a PC system about five years ago that I still use when rendering out big projects. Might a similar service run in your area or region, it might be worth a look ?



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It goes without saying, that this is the time to backup any info you don't want to lose.


A slowdown (especially where the Finder is concerned) can come in front of a hard drive failure.


I've luckily never had a computer die on me. Except for the one that I gave away, all of my others still work. Even the Quadra 630 I bought in '95!


Maybe your folks will come through and get you a new one.


Yea, I use Time Machine regularly, so the whole computer is backed up. And usually things go the other way around, where I lend money to my parents instead of them lending to me :P


Haha nah, we don't have anything like that around here. It doesn't help that I'm also in a very rural place in Canada as well. If I was in like Toronto it might be different, or even Halifax, but no.




Theres a community service over here called "Freecycle" ( although it may have changed its name recently). That in itself is not of interest to you but, its based on something similar from north america. Basically the way it works is that, to avoid sending things to land fill, when people want to get rid of stuff they offer it up for other people to use instead. I had a load of cast iron pans for example that, to my surprise, created a lot of interest from others when I listed them. People send a request to the person making the listing and that person decides who gets it. I got a PC system about five years ago that I still use when rendering out big projects. Might a similar service run in your area or region, it might be worth a look ?




We have an online service called Kijiji that's similar to that. What I'm thinking, is that this will incentivize me better to finally get a second job. Once I have one and am able to start saving again, I'll take the opportunity to custom build a desktop or something.

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Well, if you are not committed to apple, I'd recommend looking into Dell. There is a refurb service they have off of their website were you can purchase returns or refurbs for pennies on the dollar. When my last laptop died I picked up a monster laptop for $500. That was over 5 years ago, and it is still running strong. Might be worth a look see.

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And if you are committed to wanting another Mac, Apple also offer re-ferbs on their site.

I've bought three Macs so fare this way over the years and not regretted it once and only changing up for something faster. They also come with exactly the same warranty as their regular ones!

I also got a re-ferb Intuos4 tablet from Wacom 2 years back for half price. Again still going strong!

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maybe i can help. i fix PCs for a living. whats the make an model? list all the stuff wrong with it and ill look though my outlets and see if i can find parts for cheap.

or a new laptop for cheap.

click on my website below to search the store if you want to look yourself.

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Hey Thejobe,


Can you PM me? I checked out your store's site and it looks pretty neat. Wanted to ask if you own a franchise or are working for someone else.

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It seems that if I shut my laptop off for a while, I can get the monitor to stay on a little bit easier so that might have bought me a little time.


Someone mentioned Dell computers? Are they really that good, cause others have said to use Dell as well (no rhyme intended) except whenever I used Dell in the past, they were less than stellar computers. So what are people's thoughts on Dell? And to take it one step further, what's people thoughts on Alienware? (I'm just surveying multiple options. If/when I get a new PC, I want something powerful this time.)

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Alienware is now owned by either Dell or Gateway (can't remember which)... so you might as well get a Dell or Gateway. My experience with them has been hit or miss. It's kinda like buying a car. Sometimes you get a good one, sometimes you get a lemon.


And of course it depends on the price. The more you spend the better it'll be.


Newegg.com has some really nice deals on laptops. I bought my Asus Republic of Gamers edition for 500 bucks...it retails for 3000!!! Not to shabby I would say...


But it boils down to what you want. Now days even the cheap laptops have some pretty solid hardware that is more than capable of running AM. May not light things on fire but will run it and other software no problem.


As for Apple, I have no idea about them. I've been a PC since I bought my first IBM after my Commodore took a nap oh so many years ago...

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Someone mentioned Dell computers? Are they really that good, cause others have said to use Dell as well (no rhyme intended) except whenever I used Dell in the past, they were less than stellar computers. So what are people's thoughts on Dell?

I do not have any recent experience with Dell, since I am still running on my last system (Dell core 2 duo 3.2 ghz, xp pro, bought in 2007)


I have had 3 Dell computers and my husband has had 2 Dells. All have been desktops, not laptops. Desktops don't break. I'm gathering laptops do, and are more vulnerable.


I, nor my husband have never had any of our desktops fail...ever. Dell and other PC systems (unlike Apple, or laptops, I gather), can have parts easily replaced if they fail.


The only reason I have upgraded was for more computing power, never because I had to because of any failures. My husband is still running his windows 98 system, along with an xp pro system, because he has some old CAD software.


The only things that failed on the win 98 system were peripheral type things, from manufacturers other than Dell, that can be replaced, and are expected to fail eventually. The parts that failed were a harddrive, a monitor and the small system battery had to be replaced. Uh...given that the system is 15 years old...that's pretty good reliability. We also always use power surge protection and a battery backup, but we also live in an area that is not subject to lightning storms.


If a system doesn't fail in the first year (or sooner and under warranty), more than likely it's been "burned in" and you'll upgrade eventually because you want to, not because you have to. We have plenty of money and could afford to buy just about any computer crap we want, but see no reason to overpay for Apple products.

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Out of curiosity, there doesn't happen to be a mobile friendly version of this forum skin, does there? Now that I'm basically relying on my phone or all my web browinsin and typing I'm noticing the forum is a little awkward to use :P

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Out of curiosity, there doesn't happen to be a mobile friendly version of this forum skin, does there? Now that I'm basically relying on my phone or all my web browinsin and typing I'm noticing the forum is a little awkward to use :P


To your question of Dell, I've been using Dell laptops for many many moons now. I did have one die on my (the monitor) and battery, but battery issues are common across all manufacturers. My current Dell laptop I use exclusively, sadly for far too much time each day!


For your comment about the forum not being so mobile friendly, I'd agree with you on that. I simply is not set to scale to mobile resolutions.

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In time I'm sure the forum will be upgraded to the latest and greatest IPB version but for the present, would it be worth implementing if it'll piss off 100 members for every 1 or 2 it helps?


For better or worse, moving to the most current IPB release will change the way everything operates/looks. Jason is certainly welcome to make a move at any time in that direction and I'll adapt as necessary... but... in the short term I'm satisfied with maintaining the current forum until we reach a critical mass to move forward.


If we run the transition similarly to back when the community transitioned from the email listserver over to the forum there might be two forums going simultaneously until the whole transition is resolved.


(Of course where it comes to mobile access I'm sure there is more than just one solution)

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Ah, I was just thinking of a skin that recognizes when a user is using mobile, but yea, I wouldn't go messing things up over it. Phpbb3 has one but its actually terrible so I dunno if forums have really adapted to mobile technology yet

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