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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I like the contests that we have on here, although I myself have never particapated, I do enjoy seeing what the members around here come up with. Very inspiring!!! So I'm wondering how many people would be interested in having a contest each month? Strictly animation though. No stills or anything like that. In case your wondering I got this idea from the 11 second club, a website that also has a function like this. Its pretty dang great to see the work that comes out of this.

The rules would be simple. Me or another member can choose a small 10 second clip and then members can animate something to go along with the clip. Segments must be rendered out completely. Sets and characters can be as simple or complex as the artist deems necessary to tell there short story but ultimately the only thing that will be judged will be the animation skills. I'm sure some sort of prize could also be established as I myself would be willing to contribute something to help get users interested. Although ultimately users would use this to improve there skills.


So, what do you guys think? Good idea or waste of my time?

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Generally a good idea, but in the past, there have been just too few people being around to do animations.

To try may be one contest every 4 month, would be more realistic, I think.


That's a real shame too. I had considered that when I conceived this idea. Still it would be nice to do something. I mean whats the current size of AM users? But people do have there own projects going on and I suppose they aren't going to waste time on something like this. There is the Scarecrow movie going on. And TWO was alot of fun. Oh well....

  • Admin

Keep in mind there are a lot of contests out there.

The 11 Second Club for instance has one on character animation with dialogue every month.

  • Hash Fellow

Something that doesn't cover the same ground as 11second club might be preferable. It's hard to keep those things going.


11 second club is a good challenge for someone who has a command of body mechanics. There's no reason A:M users can't give it a go.


11 Second club has about 200 entries each month but I estimate that's out of a pool of about 4000 people who have ever entered it and might ever again. In other words, it's not the same 200 each month and exceedingly few people enter that for many months in a row. I'm sure quite a few try it several times then get discouraged and give up.


Thanks for offering to put up some prizes!


Maybe if we let the idea bake a bit we can think of something that won't wear out the forum members.


I done the 11 Second Club quite a few times and always finish in the 75% range (or 150ish out of 200 entries) Even though the judging is quite harsh and some of the comments can be brutal, I recommend it. What would be fun would be to have a topic here in the forum where a bunch of us discuss our ideas for the months audio clip... show WIPs and give constructive criticisms and finally enter the clips to see how we fare... I would 'in' for that!

I like the contests that we have on here, although I myself have never particapated, ...Strictly animation though. No stills or anything like that. ...Although ultimately users would use this to improve there skills.


Maybe if we let the idea bake a bit we can think of something that won't wear out the forum members.


For my own growth, I am feeling like I need to work on more creative keyposes and storylines as well as animation timing, technique, gags. Ok.OK. OK. I need to work on everything.


So for seed idea(s) I am about to start interpreting "acting moments". For interpreting these moments, I want to do a pose or bunch of poses to indicate the moment, perhaps different interpretations of the same moment, or a sequence of poses. If I get jazzed about any of the ideas, I might expand the moment, and animate it, turn it into a short vignette thing. The point of the exercise, besides practicing, is to get the juices going.


Me personally, I prefer informal "contests", not competitive - no prizes, no stress, nothing required from Rodney, Jason...Perhaps there could be just threads devoted to an acting moment challenge, that anyone can post to at anytime, get feedback (or not). It's always interesting for me to see the different interpretations of the same thing. (but not 200+ animations with the same dialog - all in one swoop).


Regardless, I am getting my seed acting moment ideas from things like this

  • Admin

If others are interested in this general idea, by all means, please chime in.

Silence in this case is the equivalent of saying "We don't need no stinking contests!"


Okay then what sort of "contest" are we talking about? Something to do with a particular audio clip, or just random animations? The do-whatever sort of goes on in the WIP forum already I would say. The point of having an audio clip is to give the animator some direction, something to build off of. Much the same as when a director gives an animator a scene to work on. What the animtor does with it should be up to then with feedback given to them from the community here.

I think it'd be nice to do something like this with AM. We could take it a step farther by members of the community offering a base model to use with the animations. I have a few I'd offer. The point is I think this would help alot of people learn the ropes of keyframing and animating through AM. I know I would dive in and do it. We could make it a bi-monthly thing. Two months is more than enough time to do a simple 10 second clip.

  • Hash Fellow

A revisit of the "sequential art" (comic books, graphic novels) contest might be interesting.


-One or two "page" limit. maybe a standard comic book page format.

-maybe a required theme

-all A:M of course, except you could use a paint program for lettering, word ballons and assembling all the frames into one page


that would emphasize modeling and posing and storytelling and not so much animation.


Interesting...but I'm more keen on the animation aspect, as that is what AM's primary function is. What if we took this concept and used it though? What if we chose a page from a comic and then had people animate it? Justa thought....

  • Hash Fellow

Most of the people on the forum now have just basic animation chops. Something that is skill building would be in order.


Long scenes, dialog, those are advanced topics.


Okay, then we take your comic book idea and roll with it. One page and have the competition about animating the scene from block one to the last block. No sound bites. People would have a start and stopping spot. This would have them build upon character animation as well as camera work. Just an idea mind you. Not sure how well it would work in practice.


I do miss the contests, but will admit that I hardly ever found the time to participate. I just loved seeing what everyone who did came up with.


It was a nice showcase for the software, too.


The group projects that have been popping up (Pass the Ball and the Bus Stop) I think are good replacements. They showcase the talent in the community, but remove the winning/losing stigma.


Mayhap it could be subject related? Someone come up with a situation and people interpet it and animate a short piece on it?


But I am going to particapate. I was speaking in the past tense. Before now I was never very stable. Things in my life have finally settled down and I can pretty much do whatever I want. So yes, I will be participating and will even help provide some of the prizes if it goes that far.


We could do a 'bus stop' type thing... where we upload a project complete with a rigged character(s), setting and sound file. It would be up to the individual participant to download, animate, direct camera angles, lights and render to file.


That sounds fun. I must insist that some sort of prize for best entry. If there is no prize I don't believe there will be many participants. People need to feel a sense of accomplishment for these sort of things. Although I think just for the fun of it should work I don't believe it will lol. I can donate a copy of zign graph mocap software as a prize and a few other things if this thing takes off well enough. I like John's idea. It sounds like fun. We could do a bi-monthly theme.

  • Admin

Just to stir the pot some more... here are the topics of the former Monthly Image contest:

(I agree something focusing on animation would be better)


- Mascot

- Sci Fi/Fantasy

- Anything Goes

- Photoreal

- Mechanical

- Landscapes

- Architectural

- Hairy

- Toys


For what it's worth... the Holiday theme seems to reach it's high point from October (Halloween) through February (Valentines Day) with Christmas being the peak. Toys is the obvious theme.

Themes of Mechanical, Sci Fi/Fantasy, Landscape and Archetectural tend to rule during the summer months.


I wonder if a contest could allow voters to place an entry into one of several categories everyone month.

Some would win in the Sci Fi/Fantasy category

Some would win in the Mascot/Character category

Some would win in the Landscape/Achitectural category

Some would win in the Special Effects/Anything Goes category

Some would win in the Film/Photoreal category

Some would win in the Story/Character Animation category


...and at some strategic time of the year all the winners would congregate and fight for the coveted 'Best Image' and 'Best Animation' Category.


Just crazy thinking at the extreme of the extremes here.

Yes, that would be a real bear to maintain. :blink:


For the record, when it comes to contests we don't have a lack of people creating cool stuff.

We have a lack of people submitting their cool stuff.


Nice Rodney. Well we can toss the idea back and forth for years and never have any sort of closure to it. How about we either put it to a vote or we just try one and see how it goes? I'd be willing to over see it, my job affords me a lot of time off lol, and for a prize I'd throw in the mocap software. Since we're leaving winter and moving into spring why not have a transition theme, something along the lines of I've been stuck inside all winter and now I'm free.

  • Admin
How about we either put it to a vote or we just try one and see how it goes?


If the idea can't go through a few more rounds of discussion I don't think it will have much staying power.

People tend to suggest contests pretty regularly around here.


I'm not suggesting having a contest by committee but if we want the contest to continue it's probably a good idea to brainstorm some ideas.

I'm not a big fan of Polls (they rarely cover all the important variables) but if you itemize the variables we can poll it for the community.

If you can organize a Poll you may have the makings of a contestanteer!


There is another reason I suggest the polling.

To keep Jason from pulling his hair out it may be possible to grade the contests via polling.

How exactly would you plan, organize and grade these contests anyway?


Since we're leaving winter and moving into spring why not have a transition theme, something along the lines of I've been stuck inside all winter and now I'm free


Hmmm... 'Spring Free'? :)



Edit: In reading back through the topic (I'm trying to pull out all of the suggestions from everyone) I see that you mentioned the origin of your idea as 11 Second Club. In my response... I hadn't seen that but naturally suggested that venue. If we are primarily looking for a contest like 'The 11 Second Club' I still think we should encourage people to compete there.


Fair enough Rodney :) So at this point it's safe to say this isn't really a bad idea, in theory. But participation is probably the biggest factor at this point. I would hate to do this and have the same handful of people doing the contest. So we need something simple that everyone can do and gives everyone a chance. This of course is why Rodney's idea for using pre-made characters and sets makes sense. This would allow the people to concentrate on animation and not modeling or rigging. And we could have a community vote for the theme or we could just make some default themes and provide them here on the forums for everyone to use.

As for grading I think we could have a small panel of judges, mainly the most experienced from the forums, grade them and crit them. Or we could let the community grade them like the good ol days. Organising could be as simple as having a forum for the contest where people could get the files and give us WIP posts. I can always get online once a day and look at whats being posted and leave comments. And of course put my own animation up. Although at this point I'd say I'm still a beginner lol.


Edit: Ya I guess we could encourage people to go there. But from what I've read the majority of people are using Maya and other such programs. The reason I'd like one here is to encourage the use of AM and help people learn the software.

  • Admin
This of course is why Rodney's idea for using pre-made characters and sets makes sense.


Hey now... don't be blaming me for Matt's lame-o idea!!!

It's a good idea (it would however take some pre-contest setup and most likely require intermediate level experience to create).


It would be nice to shake a few of the talented folks around here out from their hidey holes.

We've got a lot of talent here in the community. As I mentioned, some create really awesome stuff but apparently don't care to enter contests.


Hmmm... I wonder if the Hash Fellows would be up to grading (or critiquing) entries.




Let's think big here.

What would it take to create a contest where EVERYONE couldn't wait to enter?


Well of course a prize would definitly be in order. Then of course there has to be feedback on the WIP that they will be doing. This always motivates me to work harder. And yes there is a lot of talent in this community, we just need to shake the bushes a bit. I don't mind building some props and sets for this, heck I'll do what I can to help out.

  • Admin

Let me tell you a funny (tragic?) story about folks who champion image/animation contests.


About five years ago someone suggested we have a really big contest (the monthly contests had been slacking off and they didn't focus on animation).

Said individual(s) pledged a considerable sum of money for the prize (several thousand dollars).

The deadline was set somewhere beyond six months.


Time passed and the deadline loomed large.

Tensions rose until... finally the day came to announce the winner of the animation contest!

The prize was split between the two entrants.


Disclaimer: I'm recalling facts from my poor memory.. there may have been three or four entrants.

  • Admin
Wow! That is pretty sad. That kind of takes the wind outta the sails...


It is a reality check.


A contest is a good idea.

But... contests are also a recurring theme around these parts.


It's also something of a lesson to be learned. Namely, if there is a freakin' A:M Contest with a prize of several thousand dollars you had best enter your stupid animation in that contest!!! (um... yeah... something like that)


For what it's worth, I think the majority here thought they didn't stand a chance of winning those dollars. After all there were tons of people more talented who were sure to win it. Lost opportunity is a price we tend to pay for what we lack in (self) confidence. Gaining confidence is one of the reasons we should enter contests.


Well and here I thought I had a good idea LOL....as a side thought what's up with So? Are there any plans to do another film after that one? Me personally didn't like doing another Oz film and it'd be nice to do something original after that is finished.

This of course is why Rodney's idea for using pre-made characters and sets makes sense.


Hey now... don't be blaming me for Matt's lame-o idea!!! <K I D D I N G !>

It's a good idea (it would however take some pre-contest setup and most likely require intermediate level experience to create).


It would be nice to shake a few of the talented folks around here out from their hidey holes.

We've got a lot of talent here in the community. As I mentioned, some create really awesome stuff but apparently don't care to enter contests.


Hmmm... I wonder if the Hash Fellows would be up to grading (or critiquing) entries.




Let's think big here.

What would it take to create a contest where EVERYONE couldn't wait to enter?


First, on something you posted a bit further back, about the categories, could almost be like our own Oscars of sorts. Maybe an actual judging panel? I dunno. As to answer your question about a contest where everyone couldn't wait to enter, I hate to say it, but I've been saying this for years....the potential that anyone can win. For instance, the moment I see somebody like Marcos or Stian or any of them are going to enter a contest, I don't bother. I can't compete against them, no matter how hard I tried or wanted to, unless I got real, real lucky, there's no point. So either winning is meaningless in our contest and it's more of a showcase type thing (then what's the point, we could just use AM stills or whatever) or we have multiple tiers (ie, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced). The catch-22 about this is if we offer some ridiculously fantastic prize, well that attracts the super skilled users, so when less skilled people see the prize and drool, but then see that the more skilled people are entering, you immediately think "if I'm not going to win, why bother putting in the time and effort and false hope?"


So basically what I'm saying is the prize isn't exactly a good incentive because the competition will only truly be among a select few people, even if like 50+ people entered.

What would it take to create a contest where EVERYONE couldn't wait to enter?


Everyone who enters wins a prize.


Many decades ago (sept '06), Hash had an active TWO recruitment effort going on, and at the time, there was a sci-fi? image contest where anyone who entered (with a reasonable entry, no bogus crap) got a free copy of Cristin McKees Animating CD series (forget the name).


I'm not a spacey, sci-fyey type o' enthusiast, had never thought of entering that type of image contest, but being a greedy little devil, I sure entered that one. AND, as a side effect, it got me interested in participating in TWO. Much to the chagrin of others I'm sure.


I really like the idea of pre-made sets and characters. I think it would be neat to have the same script and/or audio recording for everyone; then the focus of the competition would be on staging, acting choices and animation quality. ETA: This way, once the contest is done, even if you don't win any prize, you can compare your choices with the choices others made, and study the ones you think will help you most.


I'd love to see the person that wins write up a post describing what they were focusing on, what they were proud of, and what they had troubles with and wish they could have done better. That post could then be pinned to that forum. This would both establish them as one of the best around, and share their experiences and lessons learned with everyone else.


I think the best possible prize would be a critique, similar to the 11secondclub eCritiques or the occasional critique video that robcat does. It should go through and highlight what worked, make suggestions for plussing the work, and encourage them on their future path. However, I don't think that the critique should necessarily go to the best entry. Maybe one somewhere in the middle. The reasoning is that if the critique is geared towards the median of our collective skill sets, then it will have the most benefit for all the members. I think the goal is to lift as many of us up by the bootstraps as possible.


Now that's what I'm talking about. We're not discussing modeling, which Marcos and Stian are really, really good at. We're talking about animating. Its a chance to learn what works and what doesn't work. Heck I started doing some of the basic exercises like bouncing a ball and what-not.


"For the record, when it comes to contests we don't have a lack of people creating cool stuff.

We have a lack of people submitting their cool stuff."


I agree!


The old contests were always fun. Why not start with one and keep it simple. For instance:


1. Animations can be any length, on any subject, in any video format, resolution, and frame rate


2. All animations must be created using primarily Animation Master (any version)


3. All animations must meet Hash forum posting guidelines


4. All models may be used


5. Animations must be posted in this thread by Saturday, June 4 either uploaded to Hash or linked so it may be viewed by all. Animations should be marked as an entry with a short introductory description of the piece.


6. Credit must be given to all animators, modelers, sound clips, and third party creative software.

Animations will be judged on (maybe a winner for each)


1. Basic animation skills as defined in TAOAM

2. Artistic merit and originality

3. Best Picture


My reasoning for simplicity is that dictating the subjects and models narrows the number of people who will be enthusiastic to participate. Those who regularly animate with AM may not have the time or inclination to create an all new piece with no relevance to their artistic interests but they can certainly submit their best sequences and experiments made for other purposes. It will be great to see it all.

To those who are worried about their competitiveness, nothing hones your skills like finishing a piece to show. You will for sure get constructive feedback. When I started, nothing was harder than working out as many animation problems as possible and completing a piece. (particularly to a deadline) If nothing else, do a great TAOAM exercise and state in your intro blurb what animation skill you wish to be judged on. This forum is generally a generous crowd. No matter where you place, you will be glad you completed the piece and participated in the contest.



Why not start with one and keep it simple. For instance:


1. Animations can be any length, on any subject, in any video format, resolution, and frame rate


2. All animations must be created using primarily Animation Master (any version)


3. All animations must meet Hash forum posting guidelines


4. All models may be used


5. Animations must be posted in this thread by Saturday, June 4 either uploaded to Hash or linked so it may be viewed by all. Animations should be marked as an entry with a short introductory description of the piece.


6. Credit must be given to all animators, modelers, sound clips, and third party creative software.

Animations will be judged on (maybe a winner for each)


1. Basic animation skills as defined in TAOAM

2. Artistic merit and originality

3. Best Picture


...state in your intro blurb what animation skill you wish to be judged on...


I like! Sounds like a "enter anything you want animation festival by a due date".


And for fun, perhaps add some unique, not-so-serious, honorable or dishonorable awards (to be suggested at close of contest):


For example only:


1) Most creative violations of every animation rule ever invented

2) Least or Most likely to get approval from anyone's mother

3) Most likely to make the most puppies cry

4) Best use of Zombies doing Zumba since the dawn of time

5) etc

  • Admin

Keep the discussion going. More interest and ideas are flowing. :)


If the contest is open themed couldn't it be a monthly contest?

My thought here is that interest sure dies off quickly when it's not a current topic.

If you don't get finished with your project by the deadline... just submit it in the next contest.

"For the record, when it comes to contests we don't have a lack of people creating cool stuff.

We have a lack of people submitting their cool stuff."


I agree!


The old contests were always fun. Why not start with one and keep it simple. For instance:


1. Animations can be any length, on any subject, in any video format, resolution, and frame rate


2. All animations must be created using primarily Animation Master (any version)


3. All animations must meet Hash forum posting guidelines


4. All models may be used


5. Animations must be posted in this thread by Saturday, June 4 either uploaded to Hash or linked so it may be viewed by all. Animations should be marked as an entry with a short introductory description of the piece.


6. Credit must be given to all animators, modelers, sound clips, and third party creative software.

Animations will be judged on (maybe a winner for each)


1. Basic animation skills as defined in TAOAM

2. Artistic merit and originality

3. Best Picture


My reasoning for simplicity is that dictating the subjects and models narrows the number of people who will be enthusiastic to participate. Those who regularly animate with AM may not have the time or inclination to create an all new piece with no relevance to their artistic interests but they can certainly submit their best sequences and experiments made for other purposes. It will be great to see it all.

To those who are worried about their competitiveness, nothing hones your skills like finishing a piece to show. You will for sure get constructive feedback. When I started, nothing was harder than working out as many animation problems as possible and completing a piece. (particularly to a deadline) If nothing else, do a great TAOAM exercise and state in your intro blurb what animation skill you wish to be judged on. This forum is generally a generous crowd. No matter where you place, you will be glad you completed the piece and participated in the contest.




Bruce...I'm going to have to nominate you for a genius award! Great idea.

  • Admin

Just another random thought to roll into the mix...


One theme that could be used to good effect is 'Advertisement'.

It's a rather broad topic that can be approached with considerable variety.

It'd also be practical as it would train artists and animators to focus on services and products which is something that given the skills they will be exercising might pay off for them nicely.


An Ad might used to demonstrate:

- Ads for Animation:Master

- Ads, articles or product demos

- Ads from contracted advertisements

- Ads from a pro-bono or charitable projects

- Ads for imaginary agencies, services or products

- Ads, trailers or spotlights for forthcoming projects


If too broad a theme the subject could be narrowed with a slogan or name for the project:

- Bob's Hotdogs (Make a name for yourself. Pick a store or charity in your local area and help them promote a product)

- Thom: The Movie (Create a short teaser trailer for an imaginary movie that one might hope given the time it take to create a real film will never get done)

- Tinkering Gnome's Workshop (Images for use with a favorite website, person or special topic)



The underlying idea: Build some form of reality based activity into these contests.

The basic theory: Once completed all entries regardless of status or placement can have a life outside the contests.

Direct benefit to A:M Users: Exercise emerging skills and talent while learning to maximize quality and quantity under a deadline.

Side benefit related to Hash Inc and Animation:Master: A:M is used in the planning, production and promotion of real and imagined services and products.

  • Hash Fellow

I'd prefer a contest somewhat more focused than "anything".


It needs some boundary so that there is some possibility of comparing apples to apples when we vote on them.


My thoughts on "anything" verses a theme is that it brings in WIP and half finished abandoned projects, not requiring an all new piece. Academy Members seem to be able to sort out and compare films of a diverse spectrum of genres. I think AM Forum Members are equal to the task.

I'd prefer a contest somewhat more focused than "anything".


It needs some boundary so that there is some possibility of comparing apples to apples when we vote on them.



Why do we need to vote on them? Why does somebody need to win? I'm more inclined to the no winner idea and perhaps the ultimate goal is basically for a critique by experienced members of the community. Almost an American Idol sort of thing, except we're not weeding them out to see which is best, we're weeding out what needs improvement and what works


EDIT: Might be cool to encourage group projects too, have multiple people work together, that was if someone like me is more of a modeler, than I model, someone animates, someone textures etc, groups could be as small as say 2 people and as large as what, 10 people?


The ultimate goal of this would be to build on animation skills, nothing more. Thus the reason that any model or prop can be used as it will be the animation that is judged. As for a winnder, what's the point in having a competition if there can't be some sense of accomplishment. Working on something for 6 moths and saying I'm number 1 is a good feeling and it gives the people involved something to shoot for. Else why have it at all? There's nothing wrong with competition. If we actually have something I'm gonna participate even though my animation skills are -10 at the moment :)


I like a broad spectrum but I also think a theme would help narrow the field and give people a path to follow. Not really limiting choices just making them think outside there comfort zones.


And on that note, working on something for 6 months and saying I'm number 50 isn't a good feeling, plus, if it's animating only, that will turn away people (like me). Let people do what they want, that's what I say, get them to push it in whatever aspect they strive to be better at. Because let's say Robert enters, well he's pretty much an animation pro and if I enter I'm an animation suck and if we're going for winners, again, why should I bother entering because it's pretty clear Robert would win


Well 6 moths was just an example timeline. As for doing what you want, you can use whatever models and props you want. If you focus more on your models and sets than animation simply state in your description that your looking to be judged more on the modeling skills than the animation.

  • Hash Fellow

A contest with longer form works is not the way to develop character animation skills. That needs to be done in small increments.




I'd prefer a contest somewhat more focused than "anything".


It needs some boundary so that there is some possibility of comparing apples to apples when we vote on them.



Why do we need to vote on them? Why does somebody need to win?


That's valid. We're kind of doing that already with all the non-contest projects we're doing here. And more of that would be great.


I just mentioned voting because "contest" was mentioned.

...Why do we need to vote on them? Why does somebody need to win? I'm more inclined to the no winner idea and perhaps the ultimate goal is basically for a critique by experienced members of the community. Almost an American Idol sort of thing, except we're not weeding them out to see which is best, we're weeding out what needs improvement and what works...


You can get critiques on your work from the forum members at any time. There is no need for a contest.

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