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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • *A:M User*

Thought I would upload a sss test. The color is not excatly what I want. The darker color in the fingers has me concerned. How do you remove the darker tones such as this?


  • Hash Fellow
Thought I would upload a sss test. The color is not excatly what I want. The darker color in the fingers has me concerned. How do you remove the darker tones such as this?


Would there be a noticeable glitch if the SSS settings were different on the fingers? Less depth or whatever?

  • *A:M User*

Thanks Robert!


I had not even thought of separating the settings from the hands and arms. I will give that a try.



  • *A:M User*

Thanks David!


All of these characters plus a couple of more are going into a short I am doing called Cupid's Sick Day. I have to create two more main characters. I have the basic story down and now working on story boarding the plot.





Got the ears on last night


  • *A:M User*

It took me a while today but got the hands on. I tried a different approach. I shot two pics and used them as rotoscopes. I then simply followed the profile of the hand, then split the splines, pulled the cps, split, pulled etc, until I got a smooth line. Most of the time on the hands I lathe and form


Here is a shot of the super that is all thumbs!




  • *A:M User*

This one will be easy to be clothing on! Gloves and shorts and the rest will be skin tight clothing. The other ones I have been looking at what Jesse did in his forum.



  • *A:M User*

Finished the colors and layout of the character. Here is an update. I will have the hair on tonight along with the glasses. The only thing after that is the inside of the mouth.




  • *A:M User*

Paul you are right. He is a company rep! It took me a minute but when I got what you were saying I was LOL.


Gene thanks. I have to finish him tonight with eyebrows. and interior of the mouth and then it is on to the female character.



  • *A:M User*

Thanks Steve


The flip in the front looks a drop of ice cream. Also I may have to lighten the hair to be able to see it.




Steve did you try particle hair ,its good and not that hard if you don't need dynamics on ,witch you probably wouldn't need with that lenth hair

  • *A:M User*

I have tried but the grooming of the hair has really flustered me. I thought I would give it another go tonight.




Yea it can be a bit time consuming but if you take your time it work's graet,and if you use a scullcap for your hair you can reuse it on other models


Shelton, when you groom the hair make sure that you turn off dynamics and reduce the density as low as you like, raising it when you need to check it's final look. Also use only four point patches on your emitter. That should help make grooming a bit less arduous. When you have hair looking the way you want it you can start playing with the dynamics. :)


Yes. I usually use a skull cap because you can shape it to suit the hair style while using less patches, you can avoid 3 and 5 point patches, which tend to send hair flying in unpredictable directions, and if neccesary you can break it into several pieces to allow for partings. Also, as Steve suggests, you can build a library of hair styles for reuse.

  • *A:M User*

It took me almost all evening to complete the glasses. It was due to the placement of the ears. Here is an update with glasses.


I will start on the skull cap tomorrow.





  • *A:M User*

Ok first go round with the hair on PM. I have to increase the density of the hair to a very large number to get to this thickness. I guess I am doing something wrong.






You can increase the thickness of the hairs without to upping the density,but you probably knew that allready . But I think the hair makes him look better .He looks a lot like Clark Kent ,very good charector

  • *A:M User*

I think what I have found is have a base material with thicker hairs and then apply another material with thinner hair and it seems to look better. Is there a way to turn off one material while you are grooming? I know to hide the rest of the mesh.



I think what I have found is have a base material with thicker hairs and then apply another material with thinner hair and it seems to look better.

If you taper the hairs from .01 at the root to something like .1 for most of the hair's length and then back to .01 at the tip it with give the appearance of denser hair without looking like there are tree trunks growing out of the scalp. You can also add transparency to the ends if neccesary.


Is there a way to turn off one material while you are grooming? I know to hide the rest of the mesh.

Not yet but as I requested this very feature for particles, and hair is a form of particles, it may be available in A:M 15f when it is released. Steffen confirmed that the particle switches have been implemented and this should make working with multiple materials on one emitter much easier. Steffen appears to be keeping A:M afloat single-handedly so let's not put any more pressure on him.


  • *A:M User*

This is great news. I like the hair particles now that I am playing with them. Patience is the key.



  • *A:M User*

Computer issues forced a rebuild (had backups on server and removable), which allowed a great deal of cleanup and grouping. I have changed the logo and color as well. Let me know what you think? I have to redo the skull cap and hair but that is ok as I was not happy in the direction I was going.





I'd buy my drugs from him. Very trustworthy & earnest looking. That's how I like my pharmaceutical men.


The gloves and shorts (and boots) look like they're made of rubber - kinda strange - is that on purpose ?


Perhaps he will be blonde, with a buzz cut ?


I like him.

  • *A:M User*

Nancy, Yep the gloves and shorts and boots are made that way for a reason. :rolleyes: He is going to be the star of the short. His character is parady on all of the Pharmaceutical companies that are using 3d characters as their spokes person. In my short he is an out of work super hero who used to be famous for selling the companies drugs.


The hair has been a thorn in my side. I had blonde hair on him, I have had short hair, long hair, helment hair, etc. I think a like dark hair, short, with a curl on the front. I am working on that now. I am ready to move on to the next character and hardest one for me to model, the female. So I want to resolve my issues with the hair and colors so I can tackle her.



  • *A:M User*

Hi Robert


I decided to do something for once with this software. Sure I have done something simple for others but nothing that I have wanted to do. So this project is my birthday present to myself. I started at the end of February on a character that I doodle on a napkin at dinner (he is one of the secondary characters now in this project). Then last month at my birthday dinner the short came to me. So I decided it was time to start then. I figure it will take me some time to do this as it is just me and the short will be 5 minutes.


I finished the plot and have a basic outline of all the scenes, characters and models. I have laid out a camera list and what I want the shots to look like.


There are lot things not decided - backgrounds, lighting, how much detail in shot, etc


I have a lot of things ready to go - netrender, hardware (render farm still have it from TWO), after effects, premiere, royalty free pics and musics, several friends willing to contribute with the music score and voices, and most important to me is the passion to see it through.


The learning curve is large on this project. For example AM. There is still so much I don't know what you guys are talking about on this forum and some things I have not even tried in AM. But I have a video background and I am hoping this will help in pulling this off. My wife and kid are not sure about this, but I have done most of the stuff so far after hours so I am safe for now.


Sorry to go on and on. But hopefully you can tell I am excited. ;)



  • *A:M User*

Well I had fun today. Sat in on animationmentor webinar and got a chance to put some hair on my character and coached my son's tee ball game. All in all a good day.


Here is an up date with the hair in place and now playing with the colors.


Steve :D




Now that looks good ,it sorta suits him that way ,I was at that webinar aswell ,very good I thought

You seem prety well organized Steve

  • *A:M User*

Thanks Gene


Thanks Steve. I will update with color of hair tonight.


One thing the webinar taught me was the planning. Planining of the model, plan the shot, etc.. I have always worked from a rotoscope on the modeling, but the limited animation I have done was done from my head. So with the project I just started I had already made a list of things I wanted. But after yesterday I started a little more planning.




I think one of the things that I thought was good was when he said the charector should look as though he's moving himself and not being animated and when I watch a good animated film I see what he means

  • *A:M User*

I have to agree. I watched one as well today and I have to agree that the tone set my the character before any animation is critical. Right off you know the character's attitude before he moves. Case in point, Presto, the short from Wall-e.


Here are two more shots and I am now happy with color and placement of the hair and I am starting on the next character.


The darker color is with the MuHair shader





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