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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

CD Question


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  • Hash Fellow

The answer is "do not break your CD". Treat it carefully.


I don't think I've ever broken a CD. I still have my 2004 CD and it still runs.


If your PC is a desktop add a really cheap second CD drive and leave AM in there.

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It limits too much freedom for use the program. I think it isn't a good policy. Nobody is exempt. Accidents happens and really you have purchased the license, not the physical medium. I can understand that software companys worry about piratery, but I think that they penalize to legal users with that policy. Another way I can't understand it. Is there another reasons? Thank's

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  • Admin

There is also the option to purchase the websubscription which does not require the CD at all.

Yes its nice to have the CD, the books and the data on disk but I'm finding the websubscription a great way to go.


For what its worth my plan is to use both methods. Websubscription for primary and A:M CD as backup.

So far this year I've been happy enough with two websubscriptions ($49 x 2) and haven't purchased the CD yet. Still plan to.

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If I have a websubscription for one computer, will I be still able

to open two instances of AM on this same computer, lets say one for working and one for rendering in the background?


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I'm curious about something. I have a terrible time with mice and key boards. They keep going bad on me. Nothing I can do but buy a new one. The manufacturer has no obligation to replace a physical object that I "abuse" beyond the warranty or even during it if I spill coffee on it or put it in the dishwasher ;). Why would a "CD" with software be any different from the purchase of a very expensive physical mechanical device? If you step on your iPod and aren't under warranty or don't have a protection plan you are SOL... the same thing in my mind applies to all the AM CDs I've had over the years. (All of my CDs still work too. I am VERY careful with them).


How many times does a CD "go bad"? In ALL the many years of using computers I can count on 3 fingers the number of CDs that have broken or "gone bad". We are talking 10+ years. In all cases it was my fault for being stupid and careless (running over a disk on the floor with my chair) I think this is a fear that many people think of long before it actually happens. If you treat the CD the same as any other VERY EXPENSIVE PURCHASE and are careful with it it should never get damaged.


I am not making light of the concern, accidents do happen. that is why they are called accidents, but they don't happen every day to bunches of people. I've never really been that concerned about my AM disk. It takes SEVERE breakage to disable a CD. I've done horrible things to CDs and they still work. All of my old AM disks are "scratched" but still work perfectly fine.


I think this concern about a "broken disk" is a result of the larger point of not being able to "back it up". Just think of your AM CD in different terms. think of it as your cell phone or iPod or P.S.P, don't drop it in the toilet, if you drop it on the floor, DO NOT roll your chair until you know where it landed. Keep it in a CD case at all times, DO NOT leave it in the front seat of your car on a really really hot day... unless you are trying to create "Modern Art" (that is fun but use a disk you won't need).


Just some thoughts I've had over the years when I read these discussions.



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  • Admin

I made the unfortunate decision to sleep on my A:M CD while deployed in Iraq.

Hash Inc was quick to replace it. :)


The biggest problem with this scenario was that I could no longer use the CD while waiting for the replacement. For the rest of the tour I used an older version of A:M and requested a replacement when I got home. Needless to say, when Hash Inc announced a websubscription not tied to the CD I immediately jumped at the chance. A day when I can't open the current version of A:M is one day too many.


My advice: If you are overly concerned about losing or breaking the CD... purchase a websubscription. Its $49 and will resolve the issue.

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I think the anxiety is justified :


The Cd shattering phenomena


The funny thing is I had my cds shattered at speeds lower than 48x.


To manually lower the speed of you r cd/dvd drive you can use this freeware:




If you are having problems with the freeware not sticking to the speed that you have set at the main tab, you can go to the automation tab and set the drive to use the speed that you want.


For my DVD drive I set the speed down to 1x at the advanced tab (1385 (kb/s)) and for a CD-rom drive you can set it to 600 kb/s.

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"Expoding disks" aside, if your computer breaks and you have to take it in for repairs... you don't have your computer for the time it takes to fix. If your iPod malfunctions you can't use it until it's fixed. The concept of "software" seems to hold some intrinsic expectations over and above other consumer goods. I just don't understand why. When I buy $300 software and KNOW the disk is all I have... I treat it very carefully... very carefully. I treat it like my laptop, or my mp3 player.


The exploding disk... AM CD? I don't think that CD would ever reach full speed in normal use. You aren't reading data from it continuously. According to the article link the breakage occurs at MAX speeds which aren't reached in most cases and if they are only for short times.


Can anyone of the thousands of members on this forum give first hand experience with an AM CD shattering in this way? Any CD shattering for that matter? I know it does happen, it's a proven phenomenon, but I have yet to ever meet anyone it really happened to. I don't know anyone who was struck by lightening but that happens a 100 times a year at least.


I plan to keep my CD spinning as fast as it wants to. I have absolute certainty that no CD will ever shatter in my computer... knock on wood. ;) If it does I hope I buy a lottery ticket on the same day.


Buy the web subscription.



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  • 2 years later...
  • Admin

I've decided not to touch this with a 50 foot pole. (Legal issues and all)

Having broken my A:M CD while accidentally sleeping on it in Iraq I can sympthize though.*

Sorry to hear of your loss.


This is one of the reasons I simply adore the websubscription.

I haven't found a way to break that thing yet.




*This would be a much better story if I could say it saved my life by stopping a bullet. ;)

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  • Hash Fellow
Anyone want to touch this one with a 10 foot pole?


I have a yeti disk but don't want to part with it yet. Occasionally you find someone on ebay selling their particular disk but no guarantee that Yeti will turn up in any convenient time frame.


I, too, recommend upgrading. I know you probably have many internal arguments against either the CD or subscription version, but I have two for it: it's better and it's easily obtainable.

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I would do the e-upgrade in a heartbeat if it wasn't limited to a single computer. 90% of what I do is done while on break at work. And they do NOT allow unauthorized software to be installed. With the disc, I can do AM off a USB memory stick. I am watching EBAY also. I know it's a sensitive subject and I'm not trying to rip off Martin - I think he's a great guy - but with my medical bills from my Muscular Dystrophy - a $299 disc is officially out of my league.


If I could limit it to an external hard drive that would be a solution but i'm thinking the software is locked to the computers registry - which a USB hard drive doesn't have.

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  • Admin

I keep telling myself I'm going to get out of this business but I'm drawn to it like a moth to flame.

I sympathize with you.



Here's what I would do and (more or less) in the order I would do it.


Don't ask other A:M Users to violate their licenses with Hash Inc by transferring CDs. They'll lose. You'll lose. We'll lose. Hash Inc loses. Nothing good will come of it.


- Contact Hash Inc. Ask if there is anything they can do. Have a plan to get back where you need to be. Present that to them. Pursue licensed/supported products versus unsupported Ebay goods. (If Hash Inc cannot help don't hold it against them. They didn't break your CD and support for that version ended many years ago)


- Contact your employer. See if there is anything they can do for you. I suspect they don't want you to use a USB program either but... perhaps they will allow activation (but not installation) for you. (Caution: The way most companies are these days they may direct you to stop USB usage. At least you'd know.)


- Get a laptop. See if there is someone that willing to donate/loan their laptop to you.

Post a Want Ad on the bulletin board at work. "Wanted cheap laptop" That guy over there has ten of those.


- Consider pencil and paper. While saving up money for a new copy of A:M join another forum such as the Don Bluth forum where you can study hand drawn animation. You'll be a better animator for it and pencil and paper work extremely well in the break room. (Note: You'd get a lot more by being a paid subscriber at the Bluth forum which I understand isn't an option for you but a lot can be learned just by hanging out and through osmosis)


- You are trying your best. Hang in there. Just don't make the situation worse.



Note: I recommend the pencil and paper thing regardless. :)

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  • 1 year later...
Good times! :)

I have a version 10.5 Orangutan CD which I treasure. Every few years, I take a stab at mastering AM but so far have failed each time. I've slogged through some basic tutorials in the past, but could not sustain momentum due to time constraints and so I start from scratch again another day like Sisyphus.


I originally fell in love with the pictures in the manual of photorealisitic mermaids, heros, and dragons and felt that anything less would be a disappointment. At my rate of learning, that goal lay on a distant hazy horizon. After each failed episode of attempted learning, I would tell myself to move on to other interests. But optimism and weak memory bring me back.


Recently I happened to see a little of the "Rescue Heros" animation on TV. It is 2-D cartooning with quite limited character articulation and lighting, but the stories make totally compelling watching. It rekindled my interest in animation, and I remembered that A:M had some 2-D modes of rendering. Suddenly I see excitement at the other end of the spectrum; instead of detailed modeling, lighting and frame-by-frame posing, there may be life in super-efficient models and backgrounds, as simple as you can get away with, and concentrating on storytelling with fun, captivating animation.


I don't know how well A:M will support that mode of production, but I'm inspired to go another round with A:M with much more relaxed objectives in terms of modeling and realism. I'll see if I can record some episodes of "Rescue Heroes" and study frame-by-frame to try to see how to make efficient animation.


To the point about CDs: I worry about the longevity of my Orangutan CD. I wish there were some way to get a backup copy. I like to take it on vacation with a laptop, but the chances of damaging/losing it are increased. A subscription just doesn't make sense for me with my track record, my focus on 2-D animation, and tight finances.


If it is true that some replacement version could be had that can import the old projects and can be used the same way, that would be a great comfort. I feel that I represent the kind of market that A:M was originally marketed toward -- hopeful enthusiasts. Subscriptions seem oriented toward professionals who have a greater commitment.


I think it would be a great gesture if Hash would commit to supporting those early adopters with their standalone CDs who believed in those convention demos that made it look so easy. Those users might even finally get enough traction to contemplate the subscription versions.


Any update on the status of replacement CDs would be appreciated.



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  • Hash Fellow
Any update on the status of replacement CDs would be appreciated.




Welcome back!


The replacement CD situation hasn't changed, they don't stock them. So take care of that Orangutan disk!


I'm sure you're already aware that A:M has greatly improved since v10.5 so i won't belabor that point.


However, if you have v10.5 questions go ahead and ask them here on the forum, most of our answers will still be good. :)

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Any update on the status of replacement CDs would be appreciated.




Welcome back!


The replacement CD situation hasn't changed, they don't stock them. So take care of that Orangutan disk!


I'm sure you're already aware that A:M has greatly improved since v10.5 so i won't belabor that point.


However, if you have v10.5 questions go ahead and ask them here on the forum, most of our answers will still be good. :)


Thank you, it would be extra daunting without all the help from others.



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  • *A:M User*
Good times! :)

I have a version 10.5 Orangutan CD which I treasure. Every few years, I take a stab at mastering AM but so far have failed each time. I've slogged through some basic tutorials in the past, but could not sustain momentum due to time constraints and so I start from scratch again another day like Sisyphus.


I originally fell in love with the pictures in the manual of photorealisitic mermaids, heros, and dragons and felt that anything less would be a disappointment. At my rate of learning, that goal lay on a distant hazy horizon. After each failed episode of attempted learning, I would tell myself to move on to other interests. But optimism and weak memory bring me back.


Recently I happened to see a little of the "Rescue Heros" animation on TV. It is 2-D cartooning with quite limited character articulation and lighting, but the stories make totally compelling watching. It rekindled my interest in animation, and I remembered that A:M had some 2-D modes of rendering. Suddenly I see excitement at the other end of the spectrum; instead of detailed modeling, lighting and frame-by-frame posing, there may be life in super-efficient models and backgrounds, as simple as you can get away with, and concentrating on storytelling with fun, captivating animation.


I don't know how well A:M will support that mode of production, but I'm inspired to go another round with A:M with much more relaxed objectives in terms of modeling and realism. I'll see if I can record some episodes of "Rescue Heroes" and study frame-by-frame to try to see how to make efficient animation.


To the point about CDs: I worry about the longevity of my Orangutan CD. I wish there were some way to get a backup copy. I like to take it on vacation with a laptop, but the chances of damaging/losing it are increased. A subscription just doesn't make sense for me with my track record, my focus on 2-D animation, and tight finances.


If it is true that some replacement version could be had that can import the old projects and can be used the same way, that would be a great comfort. I feel that I represent the kind of market that A:M was originally marketed toward -- hopeful enthusiasts. Subscriptions seem oriented toward professionals who have a greater commitment.


I think it would be a great gesture if Hash would commit to supporting those early adopters with their standalone CDs who believed in those convention demos that made it look so easy. Those users might even finally get enough traction to contemplate the subscription versions.


Any update on the status of replacement CDs would be appreciated.




To address some of your concerns:


I used to be in the camp of upgrade every other year with a physical disk to save money, so I understand trying to stretch a buck if money is tight (and money may be very tight again for me soon, possibly).


I've switched to the yearly sub model, and I'm hardly a pro (hope to be). I'd say I'm lucky to clock 10 hrs a week with the program, but I'm looking to change that.


I look at the subscription model this way: there is nothing to lose or break, it is a little cheaper than the physical copy, you can transfer it to another PC if you need to, and most importantly you're supporting further development of the software.


As far as the time-consuming task of learning animation, unfortunately there are no shortcuts. We all have different aptitudes, some are good at modeling, some lighting, some rigging and others animation. It is a rare individual that is good at everything. And if they are, they put some serious time in. I guess all I can offer you, is try to hang in there and try do something every day, even if it is only an hour. Eventually you'll get where you want to be.


And if you have questions, ask. There are plenty of people on the forum that will help you with what you're stuck on.

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