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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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hey man, you know my render has improved since your last model....any chance once your done with this i can do it again?


^_^ just ask'in...


sweet car though, looks like fun...to model and drive....man i really need to get my permit...GAH I WOULD HAVE IT NOW IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE REQUIRED 40$ DRUNK DRIVING CLASS!!!!! I WANNA DRIVE T_T....

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hey man, you know my render has improved since your last model....any chance once your done with this i can do it again?


^_^ just ask'in...


shure but its going to take me a long time to make this model im still learning how to make it couse never done such shape before. Mag do you know were i should start from.

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btw, you have made sure all the images are in sync right? if one image is diffrent from another it could cause confusion. you can stretch the images to fit the size which is what i do...


Ya i know lol i always make shure its all the same so everthing match but thx for pointing it out. like i said eny help is great.

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I think i need to go on a control point diet/spline diet. What do yall think.



To save you a bit of a headache.... expect to delete splinage after you've modeled most of the car.

That way you can build to match the shape/rotos without going crazy.


Also, I'm not sure what you ment before, but this car was not constructed of one solid piece.

It was built section by section. So certianly dont try and build this as one mesh.


Mike Fitz


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I don't want to detract from what you are doing, so I am not going to model the NIXUS now. You are doing great and should keep this thread for yourself. If I can be of any help, I will. I will certainly keep checking back in here.


Keep up the good work.



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Smoothing it out comes last. Finish all the rest of the panels and everything else. Patience, patience, patience. Besides, from that angle it looks pretty smooth. Once you are done with all the panels, put a high spec and med intensity value on all the panels and look at it from all sorts of different directions. The spec values will give a clearer indication of where the panels need to be straightened. Then smooth, then post final and wireframe render of trouble spots for us to examine.

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Looks great from the side....

however, I don't like that 3pt patch you have, or at least what looks to be a 3pt patch by

the back wheel area.

Youd be better off running another spline around the wheel fender for avoid any rendering artifacts...


But overall, very nice repro sofar of a pretty sharp car design...


Mike Fitz


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