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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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  • Admin
by the way am i too late so when is the finnal day?




PS: what is TAoAM


Here is how the deadline shall run:

- At the stroke of midnight somewhere in the world I will lock this topic.

- Those that have posted will be entered into the contest.

- An undetermined amount of time will pass in order to add all the names of TAoAM* alumni into 'the hat'.

- Once I am reasonable sure that no name has been ommited I will draw two names from 'the hat'.

- If qualified, the first name drawn will entitle the winner to his/her 2006 upgrade. (See first post for eligibility rules)

- The second name will only be revealed if the first is ineligible.


*Definition: TAoAM. The Art of Animation:Master; the manual that ships with Animation:Master software containing exercises that help you animate, model and direct your creations.


How's that sound?



*Definition: TAoAM. The Art of Animation:Master; the manual that ships with Animation:Master software containing exercises that help you animate, model and direct your creations.


How's that sound?




Oh darn, you mean that square binded paper thingy. :blink: (V7 book here)


well there you go, i guess it does help somewhere along the line to read the manual :P

  • Admin

Even those of you who have the older manuals can get the new one.

There are links to it in the TAoAM discussion.


v7 eh? Wasn't that A:M '98; the 'Meltdown' CD?




- The second name will only be revealed if the first is ineligible.




How would you feel knowing you were an inch away from getting the upgrade. I'd probably kill myself. (Not Really)

  • Admin
- The second name will only be revealed if the first is ineligible.


How would you feel knowing you were an inch away from getting the upgrade. I'd probably kill myself. (Not Really)


Exactly. That is why it won't be revealed unless its as the good news that you are a winner.

I will do everything within my power to erase the name of the runner up from my aging memory as well... so don't even try to pry it out o' me! ;)


As it is written: 'There can be only one'.



  • Admin
V7 was AM99


Thanks John! For some reason I keep thinking I came on board with v8 when it was actually v6!

Gonna have to chat with Ken Baer (Hash Inc historian and programmer extraordinaire) to see if we can get the subscription CD images posted online for all to reminisce about. Since users of any version of A:M can upgrade to the current version for only $99 there could be a link right there on the page to help everyone get current.



The countdown to New Years and the free upgrade for the 2006 subscription continues.




V7 was AM99



Gonna have to chat with Ken Baer (Hash Inc historian and programmer extraordinaire) to see if we can get the subscription CD images posted online for all to reminisce about.






well i was thinking in the same line.


but the funny thing is that i have also got V3 and that came on 5 3 1/2 inch floppys (win 95/NT version) plus a cd with the tutorials and models and not to forget the dredded doggle (had to attach that to your serial port for AM to run (early copyright protection if i remember) then the last item was a vhs video cassette with randy croucher showing how to use AM and had some animations as well. and that was 1996 if my memory is correct.




Please include me in this raffle! I am a TAoA:M alumni. Thanks! And thanks again for all your help in this forum!



  • Admin
but the funny thing is that i have also got V3 and that came on 5 3 1/2 inch floppys (win 95/NT version) plus a cd with the tutorials and models and not to forget the dredded doggle (had to attach that to your serial port for AM to run (early copyright protection if i remember) then the last item was a vhs video cassette with randy croucher showing how to use AM and had some animations as well. and that was 1996 if my memory is correct.


Very cool. That's A:M history!


While it would probably never happen I think it would be a hoot to have a room full of computers running each version of A:M on the 'average' computer it ran on in its day... a museum of 3D computer animation history and technology if you will. As Hash Inc and 3DCG animation history are basically one and the same it would be a serious look at the technology and innovation that led (and still leads) toward creating animated films on our kitchen table.


Some of you 'old timers' should try to get together either virtually or in person one of these days and compare notes.





3) A:M Users can enter their names in the contest twice*


3a) A:M Users must post in this thread to indicate their desire to be considered.

Note: This all user provision is courtesy of the 'Starving Artist Fund' and is in special honor of A:M User; Genocell. Here's hoping you win! Every artist needs great tools.






well here i am waffling on and havent asked to be added to the list.


Rodney please add my name to the list of wannabie winners :D


Tankz Mate

  • Admin
Rodney please add my name to the list of wannabie winners


I had given you the benefit of the doubt and added you already. :)

Good luck!




*** Two days now remain! ***

  • Admin


Glad to see you've completed TAoA:M! Thanks for soldiering though.

That is two for you.


I was set to close off this topic but I've decided to leave it open while I go back in and double check to make sure all TAoA:M Alumni are accounted for and have at least their one chance at the prize.


I expect verification to take approximately two days... so that gives people a little more breathing space here to post.


Happy New Year everyone (it is where I am at least!)





Very cool. That's A:M history!



Some of you 'old timers' should try to get together either virtually or in person one of these days and compare notes.





being at a friends place with broadband i downloaded all the tutorial movies and "The History of Animation (lecture)" , The Evolution of 3D (lecture).


i would tell every one to download these lectures.

i found them very interesting.


Happy New Year to you all

  • Admin
i downloaded all the tutorial movies and "The History of Animation (lecture)" , The Evolution of 3D (lecture).


i would tell every one to download these lectures.

i found them very interesting.


I agree! Ken Baer does an outstanding job with his lecture. Watching his lectures really helps to keep things in perspective. We really have it good when it comes to animation tools.


Happy New Year!





I agree! Ken Baer does an outstanding job with his lecture.


Happy New Year!




yes he does indeed.


its not easy talking for 40 minutes into a microphone let alone 5 minute straight, at one point ken did have trouble and choked on his own words.


so yeah, he has given the AM community a great deal to think about when it comes to the history of AM/Animation.


if i ever meet him, ill shout him a beer to sooth his vocals :lol:

  • Admin


I hope my procrastination and illness (I must have ate something bad cause I think I got food poisoned) will pay off for you and you win the prize. You sir/ma'am... are in.



  • Admin

...and the Winner is...


ack... my heart... I don't think it can take the strain of the suspense... the excitement...


Why that would be me Rodney. I'll send you the address to ship the upgrade to me via email. ;)






Oh, ok, I lied----Congratulations Dhar!


Who?...WHO?! :o



Why that would be me Rodney. I'll send you the address to ship the upgrade to you via email. ;)






Oh, ok, I lied----Congratulations Dhar!

:D Congrtulations Dhar!

Rodney,I am a sir.

And thank all for Animation:Master, I am enjoying every minute I get to spend using it.

Sorry about the other reply...you can delete it.

  • Admin

Yes ladies and gents the winner of the New Users Forum grand upgrade giveaway is Dhar Jabouri!


When Dhar's name was selected (hey I didn't pick it!) a big grin came to my face.

I know him well from the TAoAM exercises and at large in the A:M Forum.

I know he'll put v13 to good use.


Heads up to everyone else.

The next contest may be restricted to TAoA:M Alumni as its the wave of the future so get started now! TAoAM Certification is valueable now and it'll be worth even more in the future.


2006 is the year to get animating.


Congrats again to Dhar!

I made Alonso wait entirely too long before he got his upgrade last year. Don't let me do that again!




congrats Dhar


bet youll have many best friends knocking on your door, its like winning the lottery... :lol:


have fun now i know i would, guess ill have to save my pennies and buy my upgrade.




thanks rodney for giving us (me, myself, I) a chance in the raffle.


Yes Dhar is a worthy recipient!


So Rodney,


Did you have a child from the local school pick the winner like they do for visitors to the Newgrange passage-tomb in, Ireland during the winter solstice?


I bet if you held up an AM disk just right, during the winter solstice the sun light would trace a spiraled spline along the wall...


Vernon "!" Zehr

  • Admin
So Rodney,


Did you have a child from the local school pick the winner like they do for visitors to the Newgrange passage-tomb in, Ireland during the winter solstice?


I bet if you held up an AM disk just right, during the winter solstice the sun light would trace a spiraled spline along the wall...


Nothing so dramatic Vern sad to say (I think!).

Just a random troop sitting with her laptop wondering why the heck I was pulling names out of a thermos cup at 3AM in the morning. Please note that I did not have my hat so I had to improvise. We do what we can... ;)


Caution: Do NOT hold the A:M disk up too close to your temple. The voices get entirely too loud.


Rodney :wacko:


So I'm working on my A:M projects all day and into the night on Monday (Jan 2nd 2006) since it's a holiday, and with the bad weather we've been having here in Northern California, Comcast was out of commission most of the day so I couldn't log on to see who won the contest. Now it's Tuesday (Jan 3 2006, 7:30am) and I'm using the computer at work to check e-mails and the A:M Forum..... you guys have no idea what a susrprise it was to see my name as the winner of this contest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't usually win anything - holy moly - my heart is racing at a hundred miles an hour :lol: What a great way to start the new year.


Thank you guys for your well received well-wishes, thank you Hash forum members, thank you Rodney for all your help, you are an inspiration, thank you Hash Fellows for all your valuable help, thank you Hash admin, and thank you Steve & Martin, and thank God for this nice gift.


God bless you all and good health and prosperity to you and yours.

The next contest may be restricted to TAoA:M Alumni as its the wave of the future...

Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive or don't sufficiently understand what this restriction implies but wouldn't this be the first step down a path that would turn those happy few you get satisfaction from using A:M for projects other than character animation into second class citizens of the community?

  • Admin
Perhaps I'm being overly sensitive or don't sufficiently understand what this restriction implies but wouldn't this be the first step down a path that would turn those happy few you get satisfaction from using A:M for projects other than character animation into second class citizens of the community?


I'd be glad to open a dialogue on any concerns. I have concerns myself.

I'm not sure I totally follow you though. This is the part perhaps you could clarify:


but wouldn't this be the first step down a path that would turn those happy few you get satisfaction from using A:M for projects other than character animation into second class citizens of the community?


First and foremost I'm looking for ways to encourage people to follow the path of least resistance... completing TAoAM.


On the selfish side of things... It rewards people for making my job easier. For supporting the task that I've been given of helping people through The Art of Animation:Master.


I'd say there is already a second class citizen and it is the New User.

When they leave all that behind however I hope they remember where they came from.


There is more to it than that of course... there always is.

Your opinion is highly valued by me.





** I read this that you can see this heading to a place where artists such as yourself that specialize in mechanical modeling would be left out. If that is what you meant I can understand your concern.

...making my job easier. For supporting the task that I've been given of helping people through The Art of Animation:Master...

My apologies as I was unaware of your task. Motivating potential TWO contributors with a free copy of A:M is perfectly understandable. :D

  • Admin
My apologies as I was unaware of your task. Motivating potential TWO contributors with a free copy of A:M is perfectly understandable.


Whew... you had me sweating. Thanks for letting me off the hook Rodger! :)


I do strive to be incluvise rather than exclusive in my forum activities.

There are some elements that are exceptions of course. Certification is one.

Certification is either valuable or it isn't. I hope to make those that take the time to get certified really be glad they did.


For activities beyond the scope of New Users and TAoAM I'm priviledged to be able to put on a Fellows hat and join in activities benefiting all A:M Users.


Thanks for putting up with me everyone!




Doing TAoAM isn't necessarily just a prelude to working on TWO. Completing it will help every user no matter what their preferred field. The more people know about AM, the less questions Rodney needs to answer in the New User section (as he's moderator). So, anything that encourages that is a good thing IMO. Heck, all new users should be doing the exercises without this carrot!

  • Admin
Heck, all new users should be doing the exercises without this carrot!


I agree! But... its such a tasty carrot. :P


/me puts down the carrot before Dhar realizes there are two bites missing.




I've worked on and posted a few of the excercises in TAO A:M.




(I always capitalize the O too, making it a single word, because I always knew it meant something profound. Today, for grins, I checked it out... One Look Dictionary defines it as:

Tao noun: the ultimate principle of the universe
end digression


I agree that the excercises are a good foundation for many of the features in the software, and that there is a lot of information in TAO A:M that is not evident on first perusal or even completion of the execises, there seems to always be a bit more to glean from each page.


However, I, like many newbies, want to get on with it! I really would like a button that would extrapolate my minds' ideas to a finished animation, instantly! I know that won't happen. After all, it took more than two years to complete Harouwo (sp?). And many many people do not have a vision that drives them to complete such a task alone without helpful support and collaborators.


I think Mr. Reynolds is saying some people like to just model; to try to re-create a certain reality in their PCs, and have little interest in actually making an animation with characters that can talk, interact with each other, etc. Even A:M (paraphrasing the Grand Poo Bah) was geared a little more toward that (stills/photorealism) in previous versions, what with radiosity, etc. Some people enjoy just the challenge of looking at a thing, or drawings of a thing, and making it real-looking on the screen. (after all, we have a stills area as well as a movie area).


Rigging is hard, even for experts... Look at all the convolutions/evolutions of the Simmons squetch rig... a monumental task.


There are so many nuances in animating. Just as an example Animators' Survival Kit is a huge book that spends the largest chunk of itself dissecting walks alone.


Libraries are fantastic, they give you tweakable re-useability in modeling, action, etc. But animation is still daunting.


Now we have compositing giving us more depth (and more work).


Stills can be completed in exponentially less time, providing satisfaction for the modeler and certainly a lot of oohs and ahhhs from the spectators. Animations are fantastic, but "feel" shortlived... once you've seen it a couple of times, unless it is "perfect" (or you created it)... It does not bring you back to it over and over again.


For example, Killer Bean was cute but Alien Song was probably re-visited more often because it is a better, shorter, more acessible, quicker... punch. Now, I know that's subjective... but it's an example of what I mean.


Stills, like Agep's or Reynolds' (not to fault anybody elses, please) make you come back to them to look at details and wonder how they were accomplshed. One can use some of the "tricks" in stills to improve the modeling in a still or an animation. Stills, being more accessible (download time if nothing else) are more accessed, some are used as wallpaper on PCs. Animations (I think) don't get as much constant use.


Even the pros (take for example, Soulcage) don't use all the latest tools to make their inspired animations.


I think Martin is right to refine the program's stability at this point. We already have more tools available to us in one package than anybody else provides. Sometimes (based on observation, not use), the features are a bit 'wonky". But most of those 'wonky' features appear to affect animation more than stills.


Anyway, I've gotten way off the path here. I understand what Roger is saying, though I don't think I've elucidated it well enough, and probably sound like I just like to hear myself talk.



  • Admin
time to devour your soul !


You assume I have one Sandy. See you next year same time same raffle channel?

You may want to have TAoA:M completed by then though. ;)



You've got the names and history mostly down. Now you've just got to channel all that energy.

Take your time... have fun... learn something new (animation related) every day.



  • Admin


I'm sure Hash Inc has your information.

Please send me your information as Hash Inc would have it; Name, Address, Telephone Number so I can make the call and get your upgrade on its way.




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